Saturday, January 25, 2025

CTA Red Line ~ Saturday, January 25, 2025

What did you do to deserve this treatment
hell, for them, has reserved a special place
angry, hungry ghosts beg you for breakfast
transients devour their displacement

distance destroys loving kindness, as food
is not scarce in Chicago, without grace
divine, ignorance creates neglect, cast

yellow aspersions aside, guilt and blame
only point fingers at others, the rood
underneath the ceiling asks me to weep

designed by wealth, poor, hungry ghosts cry out
only the wealthy, in comfy beds, sleep

transfer power for a day, holler, shout
only God sees all in this hopeless game

deprivation is not funny, sorry
each person needs humor, to read and laugh
stupid as a poet, these words you write
each day cannot feed hungry ghosts, worry
reason cannot make sense of poverty
vengeance and avarice, the slaughtered calf
each sacrifice to God, flames lick and bite

trauma as memory, triggers attack
homeless adult-children, no property
influence rock bottom, less than zero
saints of the Stone Age, wander the streets

tragedy as events without a hero
reason weeps, a handshake, the city greets
each visitor with a kilo of crack
asinine joke in poetry unread
task the mayor with cleaning up the city
mayors neglect Chicago for quick kickbacks
each cunt in charge, nobility unbred
naggers with daggers, no sense of pity
torpidity blind, full of cracks and smacks

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