Please don't buy this book, you'll just kill more trees
lessons learned at a bookstore in Hyde Park
eleven years and then they let me go
as dumb as they come, everyone agrees
sensational gossip in a poem
exactly the point, wipe your arse with cork
director, one day, got rid of the lot
only now the schmuck is a rabbi, fuck
no one needs this nonsense, always Goan
twenty-year revenge plan is in the works
bitchin' Camaro, dude, let's just move on
until all the pinheads, justified jerks
yes-men, from the start, live to face their con
take a moment, read the NDA, suck
hellfire shit from the ass of HR
in this world of acronyms, no one wins
severance check in hand, do not shake hands
because the director is no black star
only a shooting star is worth my time
only the crash and burn, loaded with sins
kiss my ass goodbye, worthless desert sands
yesterday, I took a look at the past
only, I was not at fault, not to blame
unless, I passed by and I was so fast
literally, on the run, what a shame
licensed to speed, breaking the law, a crime
jive-talk, you shuckin' us, Rooster, you lie
unless you see me pass by in Boston
say, you'll never know the truth, hidden deep
trust no one to help out, in a pinch, cry
kiss your dreams goodbye, 'cuz nobody cares
invested in vested interest, the don
likes his shirts crisp and clean, another creep
liquid assets work the best to pay off
ministers of justice, for he who shares
of his own wealth freely, makes, of us all
reactionary insurrectionists
eventually, the rabbi must fall
truth, we can't openly be communists
rest assured, my name is not, Ulyanov
even if it were, poems are dead wood
even if they were not, poetry frees
several Amazonian forests, should
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