Monday, November 25, 2019

The Lion's Den ~ Monday, 25 November 2019

Society recognizes rejects, 
organized on the basis of success, 
created by the few to oversee 
individuals strive toward their goals, 
endless in their pursuit of excellence, 
transferring the trappings of their prestige, 
yesterday, I met with the Creator, 

recognition comes with thirty-two marks, 
entrance to the magisterial realm 
coincides with the greatest sacrifice, 
only temptation can destroy the best, 
given stature with magnanimous strength, 
noted by the marks over their body, 
institutes crumble without this person, 
zippers with all their teeth become symbols 
emblematic of the power of truth, 
simple metaphors function in this way, 

rejects do not recognize their value, 
entering privilege and entitlement, 
jingoistic fantasies of nation 
eclipse the energy of usefulness, 
creating a false sense of hate and war, 
the only things keeping society 
sane, this is my final commentary. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

In a Nutshell ~ Saturday, 23 November 2019

HAMLET O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space -- were it not that I have bad dreams. 

~ Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, Folio, (F 2.2.238-2.2.267), lines 16-18. 

The Arden Shakespeare, p. 466, Cengage Learning, London, 2006. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Depression comes with the change of seasons, from summer to autumn, or summer to winter in Chicago. With the change of season, I lose interest in spending time outside. Even taking trash out becomes a chore. My desire to go out and exercise morphs into exorcising my demons inside. Running along the Lakefront Trail becomes running the hamster wheel inside my head. I eat even less than one meal a day and think about dying and growing old. My libido left me decades ago when depression took over my body. My desire for children becomes hopeless as I look back on my best days to procreate with my ex-wife falling in love with a stroke patient her own age. Probably for the best. She thought I was insane because I left a sanatorium in California after I turned twenty-one. That was nearly twenty-nine years ago. At fifty years of age, I completed my fifth Chicago Marathon. Training for six months of the year is hell on earth for the body. Pain is something you get used to, since it's better than depression. But winter envelops my energy with inertia, tending towards full entropy living. Being introverted and reclusive as a hermit crab doesn't help at all. Born under the sign of Cancer, the Crab teaches my brain to think in a lateral direction, to solve kōans like, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Of course, it's a handbell, where the hinged clapper strikes inside the bell. But this brings up my bell clapper deformity that resulted in a torsion of my right testicle after I raced in Sunset League Finals for cross country runners my freshman year at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California, at fourteen. My friends said that I took one for the team, but I came in eighth place, where the top seven placed runners move on to State Championships. Probably for the best. But someone on my team could have run in my place, perhaps. Not really sure about that anymore. Not that it matters much. Only when I look back to my childhood. All my failures, all my unsuccessful efforts. This is why I study Zen Buddhism, to put things into perspective, into context, as a part of practice. After five years, I am a Legacy Runner for the Chicago Marathon, the only thing I have successfully finished five times. Though I graduated from The University of Memphis, I read Philosophy and Foreign Languages, and made little use of either in my short life. This year, I cannot get back to training. To running in the cold, on gloomy days, at night, with so little sunshine, and only forty-four days of summer, when temperatures were above eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit, then came the cool down, and a cold race with little to no real sunshine. I'm not here to complain, nor to argue, nor make excuses, just to comment on experiences, as if reviewing a past life. I have little hope the future has much to offer, to open my horizons with my girlfriend, with opportunities for work, higher education, my family (we don't get along well), but at times I am pleasantly surprised. Out of the blue, something significant goes well. Like getting faster at running. After four years, I dropped an hour racing the marathon. If I could drop an hour again, I could be a competitive racer. But for how long? Who knows? At fifty, I have ten good years if I'm lucky. Depression kicks my ass every winter. It is not seasonal. Running releases endorphins like a corporate endorsement inside my brain. If I don't run, I'm fucked the whole year long. Depression also tells me to relax, to rest, to take time off, to let the body repair its muscles and focus on the pain, to give more attention to injuries. Depression helps, not much, just a little. That's enough now, I've told my tale in a nutshell, and I'm tired of singing. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Perchance ~ Friday, 22 November 2019

Was I asleep, 
as of now, no, 
sleep came, sleep went, 

I fell asleep 

and woke right up, 
slapped, your alarm 
left me wishing, 
enter a pact, 
even Satan 

prays for the day. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Happy Holidays ~ Thursday, 21 November 2019

Merry Christmas, we meet again, Herr Claus, 
exactly when we first met, I forget, 
remind me why you appeared to a child, 
restless with insomnia, I awoke 
yesterday before midnight to sleigh bells, 

Christ, that was over forty years ago, 
how you landed on our rooftop and snow, 
real snow in Huntington Beach fell on me, 
in a flash, I went to take your photo, 
somehow, you had already taken flight, 
took off before I could get a picture, 
mercy me, how no one believed a word, 
ask my older brother who remembers 
sounds in his dreams of our dad on the roof. 

Now, we meet again, here in Chicago, 
on Madison and State Street, at Zumiez, 
winter came early this year, bitter cold. 

Kill the lights, it's too bright to make a deal, 
in the dark, with the ambient city 
lights, we can still see, as if by the stars, 
left helpless and bleeding in the alley. 

Maybe I was wrong about you, killer, 
even the best men need an alibi. 

Please tell me what I did wrong in this life, 
let me know, before I die, how I wronged 
everyone I ever met by being 
a dishonest boy and a crooked man, 
simply tell me when and where I went wrong, 
even the condemned have a right to know. 

Santa, why did you leave me there, bleeding, 
asking anyone who could hear for help, 
nobody came, it was too cold, the ice 
trickles through the veins of Sweet Chicago, 

ask me how I died, Santa Claus stabbed me. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Merry Christmas, Now Kill Me, Please... ~ Wednesday, 20 November 2019

I would have been better off as a late Sixties Roman Catholic abortion, 

woulda, coulda, shoulda never been born, sometimes I wish I were a miscarriage 

of pregnancy, of justice, of concept, not just a Roman Catholic mistake, 

until recently, my soul would have been lost in Purgatory, lost in Limbo, 

lost in a non-existent realm of mind, of a pope's fictive imagination, 

despite the fact I would have never been alive to type these words, would it matter 

had I never been born, I ask you this with tongue in cheek, "It's a Wonderful Life," 

ask hypothetical questions, as if speculation makes any real difference, 

victims of cruel jokes mean nothing to me, I will die laughing at their misery, 

ever since I understood my mistake, "Choose Life" said Frankie Goes to Hollywood, 

burn in Hell, languish in Heaven, bullshit conceived by the Roman Catholic Church, 

even if Portuguese Conquistadors never sailed to Goa to rape women, 

even if my ancestors fell in love with their oppressors, as victims of faith, 

never in my life could I imagine we were brahmins who left the highest caste, 

but my mother says so, her delusion humors me, since it's not from dementia, 

even if I were born a good person, instead of a philosophical fool, 

to believe in and trust all the nonsense, the metaphysical rubbish thought up, 

trapped inside the minds of drunk Trappist monks, liquored up to high heaven on their ale, 

even if I were just slightly dumber, locked inside my body, inside my brain, 

restless as a cripple whose hamster wheel fell apart because of an accident, 

only that would be the worst punishment, the greatest thing to fear, death means nothing, 

for an anarchist and an atheist, an iconoclast and a home wrecker, 

for the only thing that keeps me alive is my wife, plain and simple, Apathy. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Insomnia ~ Monday, 18 November 2019

Sleep came and left. Sleep did not stay for long, 
long being an hour and a half. Not long 
enough to enjoy the day of late fall, 
energy low, too tired to stay awake, 
perhaps sleep will return soon for more rest. 

11.17.13 ~ "Notes on my iPhone"

~ Dedicated to A. D. Jameson 

When I was young, I used to think
I would one day write a novel,
or just a book of poetry,
my ambition was grandiose,
I wrote and wrote, mostly journal
entries without focus or style,
my poems were full of ideas,
without the ground under my feet,
my ideas blew about like leaves
in the fall winds, many colors,
lacking details of description,
the bullshit line of show don't tell
writing teachers went on and on
about writing in the present,
always using the present tense,
as if that brought readers closer
to the moment, to the events
of narrative, like the past tense
couldn't draw you in like a fish
caught on a hook being drawn in
by the author's fishing pole line,
the fish jerking, pulling away, 
as if readers would just get bored
and get unhooked from the poem,
or the story, and they struggle,
as any fish outside water
obviously wriggles and flaps
as its strong tail flails helplessly
on wooden slats atop the pier
lost in the throes of death, as air
and land are not the domain
where fish survive to live long lives,
no, the reader begins to learn
the writer's art, a foreign world
full of techniques, to draw you in
hook, line and sinker, a guitarist
too, knows this art, the medium
is different yet similar,
alike and yet not so alike,
for hooks are hooks, an audience
in a dark club, with stage lighting,
but nothing more, just the ripples
of sound, of notes played to affect
audiophiles in such a way
that like readers, they become fish
and learn to like certain noises, 
chord progressions, effects boxes,
(chorus, wah-wah, fuzz, distortion),
pedals to drive audiophiles
to the metal, not unlike fish
caught on the hooks of electric
guitar players, or bass players,
live in concert send listeners
into rapture, deliverance, 
moksha, release from suffering,
as a Christian, or a Buddhist
learn from sermons why we enjoy
stories and tales, these parables 
teach us lessons experience 
unreflected upon cannot
and now I am much, much older
than when I wrote for the first time
writing lyrics for the singer
of our punk band back in the day,
where I played drums, like Animal 
on the Muppets, wild and crazy
out of control as was my life
as was my mind, I went crazy
bat-shit crazy, guano-wanu,
for my lyrics were just poems
unusable for the singer,
I made mistakes, I lost my mind 
when I lost touch with what I felt
towards others, I got mixed-up,
my consciouness covered over 
with drink and drugs, off the radar,
I lost my friends, my band, my girl,
hospitalized, for a short stint,
two weeks at most, an asylum, 
state-run, the worst, perfunctory,
the minimum necessary
to keep the peace, but lunatics
follow the moon in its progress
from new to full and back to new,
my mother came to get me out,
the only one who gave a shit
in my family, father, brother
just let me rot in piss and shit,
a violent alcoholic
and his first-born son, a sadist,
the second-born younger brother
doesn't matter to patriarchs,
I switched from low to a high gear
after a few years, my ideals shot,
my dream drifted out of my grasp,
a musician, percussionist,
I'd sold my drums, credit card bills 
demanded cash, fucking racket,
a pound of flesh for poor Shylock, 
so I took up pen and paper
and thirty years later, I write
with a clear mind, lucid with light,
touched with spirit, clarity came
after I cleaned the jewel buried
not in the earth, but in the filth, 
the refuse dump, the septic tank,
of illogic, where reason cuts
like a dull blade, old samurai, 
to the blacksmith you must enter
to hone the sword, a deadly sharp
edge to sever mind from body,
so you may act without thinking,
as if you were to play tennis,
the muscles know how the racket
must hit the ball to win the match,
and so I learned to type the words
to clean the dirt off iConscience.

Utilitarianism ~ Monday, 18 November 2019

Mr. Gabriel Gabidar, retired, not as a General from the Armed Forces, not from Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, but from an unknown branch of the service, The Clickety Pen Supply Company, as the late-night design floor dust sweeper, not a prestigious title, not at all, but one that paid the bills for his garden apartment, a studio basement space, not a lot of room for much, not at all, but Mr. Gabidar was a dreamer, a day dreamer at school and an artist, we say 'artist' but he collected junk, junk no one in their right mind ever wants, but he brought junk from work that he swept up to work on as projects, artistic works, did they make sense, did they make him happy, were they ever really finished, never, and they never sold, not for a penny, his neighbors saw his constructions thrown out, sometimes the size of refrigerators, ugly, dense pieces, cumbersome to lift, without balance, grace, lightness, or beauty, his stuff was just junk attached to more junk, how or why nobody was ever sure, but he never seemed to bother no one, so no one bothered to ask him about his art, why he went about as he did, he knew it came to nothing, to garbage, the waste haulers knew Mr. Gabidar and his constructions well enough to leave well alone lest they get hurt pitching them, but that was their job in society, and they were paid well for their services, they didn't live like kings but they lived well, they worked hard, played hard, went out on weekends, enjoyed life as normal city dwellers, they never starved and their children had clothes, Mr. Gabidar had no family, for fifty years he lived all by himself, then one day, they emptied his apartment [...]

Redoubt ~ Monday, 18 November 2019

Frontiers without games, borders without tears, 
resolve the war against immigration, 
on the frontier, the President builds walls, 
not my President, we protest to cheers, 
take a moment to assess the damage, 
in our country, beyond demonstration, 
executive decisions drown out calls, 
remember our march on the first day, shouts 

Protect no one, this unholy marriage, 
of shingles and blisters, red flags, take heed, 
except for Lin Daiyu, without a hill 
to fly her standard against hatred, greed, 
resentment, attachment, desire, the pill, 
yes, Jiang Qing, suffer death without doubts. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

By Jingo: A Satire ~ Friday, 15 November 2019

Acrostic: "I stand for the flag and kneel for the cross." 


I sorry but I burn flags and churches, 

shoot people like turkeys on Thanksgiving, 
target practice with my assault rifle, 
as everyone knows guns don't kill people, 
nope, people kill people, just like yourself, 
damn I know my rights, Second Amendment, 

foreigners and locally born and raised, 
ordinary folk, just gun 'em all down, 
really, don't matter to my militia, 

they take the Bill of Rights serious like, 
however, they don't care for church hokum, 
especially churches with flags inside, 

flags inside a church really mess 'em up, 
let you folk know you can't worship the two, 
a cross and a flag is both Church and State, 
give me a break, keep 'em separated, 

as the guy from Garbage Grove sings along, 
nobody cares nowadays about guns, 
damn, we so overpopulated, son, 

kiss your ass goodbye if we in your town, 
no cop gonna stick his neck out for y'all, 
everybody knows you fight fire with fire, 
ends justify the means, we burn churches, 
lock the whole damn congregation inside, 

fry 'em up like chickens at barbecues, 
on their knees prayin' to whom, I don't know, 
rest of 'em salutin' the flag, standin', 

the fire burns, they don't know to stand or kneel, 
how they try to get out, we gun 'em down, 
especially the ones who break windows, 

crap, we like all those pretty stained windows, 
religious folk don't accept martyrdom, 
only in antiquity, in their Book, 
see, I let y'all know just what makes us mad, 

simple, don't break windows, die as martyrs. 

Porthole ~ Friday, 15 November 2019

The I swings like a restaurant doorway, 
hovering like the breath, inside and out, 
entering and exiting, through each door, 

I appears as an affect of ego, 

sudden changes in temperament eddy 
with the tides, swirl in spiral vortices, 
into a glass from carafe containers, 
not a moment to rest, the water flows, 
glides from cylinder space to cylinder 
space, the motion of a reflective mind, 

lifted from the barrier of the brain, 
in an instant, lighter than air itself, 
kissing the metaphysical beyond, 
exiting and entering, a backflip 

as dolphins play the acrobat at sea, 

resuming their neural composure, break 
each wave effortlessly, silly to think 
species outside our own as dumb creatures, 
treated as lesser animals, each case 
as understood, body informs the brain, 
understand each body, a whole being, 
realize a bird's brain, the perfect fit, 
ask yourself if you want a dolphin's brain, 
not fitting the human body, stupid 
to think humans so dull witted and slow, 

dumb as an ox, a bird brain, stubborn mule, 
open the mind to the doorway of thought, 
opaque, filtered by centuries of blind 
ruminants thinking cows stupid creatures, 
want to see your ego aflame, flambé, 
alcohol burns cool fire blue, the mad chef 
yells out orders to inobservant cooks. 

Bitch Ass Tigger ~ Friday, 15 November 2019

Black art attack, muscles too soft, too weak, 
ignorant of non-acceptance, their fear, 
they see superficial reality, 
chew on this, the legal right of non-black 
humanoid paranoid androids, to speak 

As equals to Frames Stewart, drink your beer, 
suburban black man, too black not to see 
stupidity, to fight a language game, 

Trust me, Bitch Ass Tigger, pussy takes flack 
if your privilege takes precedence, I trust 
gamblers know better than act entitled, 
give me a real Bitch Ass Nigga, no fuss, 
even Frames Stewart knows better, he filed 

real fighting words, he felt I weren't the same. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fidelity ~ Thursday, 14 November 2019

I like people whom I can tell I cannot trust from the outset. If you look like a good person, forget about being my friend. If you go to church on Sunday, act pious the rest of the week, then go back next Sunday for more of the same old conversation with the same old congregation, you ain't no one to me. Leave me alone. If you slap someone on the back, then talk badly about their character, I know I cannot trust a word you say, I like that about you, you are clueless, heinous, evil, in the eyes of others, but I know you won't raise any expectations from anyone not even me. You won't get my hopes up. I like that about you. 

Before I die, come visit me. But be quick about it, I may be gone before you see me alive one last time. No worries. It won't change a thing. 

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pressure ~ Saturday, 9 November 2019

When I was in third grade, my peers told me 
how I could never be The President, 
even if I were not so sensitive, 
not so serious as a child, their tone, 

I learned that I was different, not them, 

was otherwise than an American, 
a native born resident, citizen, 
subject to the British Crown, at the time, 

if, as a child, I were told I could be 
nobody but who I am, important, 

those words could check the imbalance, the tone, 
however true, however factual, 
insolent, entitled, privileged children 
reminiscent of their divorced parents, 
dared to prove their worth of greater value, 

generous in their self-approbation, 
residents from other countries must prove 
additional merit to justify, 
deemed sufficient, their cultural consent, 
even just to reside alongside them, 

my peers were jealous idiots, common, 
yet, ignorant how to exploit others, 

perfect mirrors of their parents, broken, 
each shattered shard, an image of sorrow, 
each sliver, a child neglected, in pain, 
remembering my childhood as I do, 
still, I must spit out the venom of bites, 

the poisonous beliefs of hateful minds, 
only I must extricate my own thoughts, 
lingering, hidden, deep inside my brain, 
despite my desire to crush bigotry, 

my discrimination against myself, 
even now, began as a child with peers.

Executives ~ Saturday, 9 November 2019

Dear America, 
      Reward impatience, 
ever ready to roll through a STOP sign, 
a hit and run, no problem, keep driving, 
realize your mistake the next morning. 

Accountable to no one important, 
masters of apathy and sheer neglect, 
ever quick to remind the foreigner 
renounce all aspirations immigrants 
in our midst, we children of citizens, 
called forth, righteous in our indignation, 
as leaders, ostriches, heads in the sand. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Observations ~ Friday, 8 November 2019

Dear America, 
      Always in a rush, never on time, 
ever ready to shoot first, ask questions later, 
argue because you have a tongue, you speak 
relatively pedestrian bullshit, because to walk 

Away reveals intelligence, you talk 
monkey brain sashimi, bloody ignorant apes, 
even with a little soy sauce, it tastes 
rather stale, like cardboard, your thoughts, banal, 
intrinsic to your cultural hogwash, slaughtered 
carcasses of wild boars, domestic pigs, 
and cage-free chickens, born to die, beyond sunlight. 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Schadenfreude ~ Thursday, 7 November 2019

Dreams of wounded animals, suffering, 
reveals a sense of joy and the malice 
experienced by encountering harm, 
as if the real world were simply a dream 
made to exploit, enjoy and entertain, 
such lack of sympathy for misfortune, 

suffer the little children to enter, 
under the guise of innocence, heaven, 
for the wicked cast deep into the sea, 
for to offend the humble believer 
exacts vengeance for hubris, nemesis 
recovers the crime scene, offers what's due, 

trauma, the double-edged sword of neglect,
reassures each victim, "never again,"
and treats perpetrators as criminals,
under the codes of the justice system,
maybe as psychopaths, sociopaths,
abnormal deviants, or subhumans. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Unholy ~ Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Appears the wall nearly touches the sky, 
perceptions may deceive the watchful eye, 
perceptions may conceive a passerby 
entering the border, an added fee 
at the crossroads, shake hands with Lucifer, 
re-entry to the state comes at a price 
seldom imagined by the emigrants, 

tents beyond the deeply entrenched border 
haunt the landscape with cotton sheets aloft 
entertaining border guards on duty, 

walls grow like mountains along the border, 
ask not to enter via a tunnel, 
lost souls dig underground until they find 
levity, giddiness, heat, confusion, 

no one enters the domain of Orange, 
exit passes reçu avec chaque ange
arguments, complaints, excuses, observed, 
read, heard, ignored, by all politicians, 
little done to effect change, dictators, 
yes, our totalitarian regime 

tosses illegal immigrants aside, 
over the wall via a catapult, 
understand, the government cares for its 
citizens, denizens since before birth, 
habitants in the womb, since conception, 
entry into the kingdom of Barron, 
son of Donald, President of Orange, 

truly becomes nearly impossible, 
human worth is less than even cattle, 
especially since we're not cannibals, 

seen from above, the drones on the border, 
kisses every infant before they fall, 
yes, to reach such heights before death, pity 

privilege comes to so few, the denizens 
empty of emotions conquered by Trump, 
reason does not apply in our country, 
conception without exception, his rhymes 
envision how we govern with Twitter, 
people forgot about democracy, 
to not think, to not feel, just to engage 
in acts of depravity, we are free 
on all counts of accountability, 
no one decides their fate but government, 
simple, when ruled by one, no arguments, 

many complain with destructive protests, 
arson and destruction of property, 
yet, as citizens, they get a long rope, 

deceptive practices helps government 
excuse themselves of wrongdoing, of bad 
conscience, as bad faith overcomes the guilt 
emanating from evasive actions, 
in acts of omission, turn a blind eye, 
visions of gardens of earthly delights 
entrance inhabitants with excuses 

to behave, misbehave, or act freely, 
healthy citizens take part in pogroms, 
ever mindful to never forget war, 

witness violence as participants, 
act as your conscience chooses, with free will 
to punish with impunity, the law 
cancels out criminality for crimes 
hastened by the passions, by emotions 
forcefully imposed upon innocent 
underage victims of abuse, distrust 
lest trust in unworthy people be sane, 

enter the bargain, the pact with Satan, 
yes, the belief in the nonexistent 

evidently thrives in America, [...]