Monday, November 25, 2019

The Lion's Den ~ Monday, 25 November 2019

Society recognizes rejects, 
organized on the basis of success, 
created by the few to oversee 
individuals strive toward their goals, 
endless in their pursuit of excellence, 
transferring the trappings of their prestige, 
yesterday, I met with the Creator, 

recognition comes with thirty-two marks, 
entrance to the magisterial realm 
coincides with the greatest sacrifice, 
only temptation can destroy the best, 
given stature with magnanimous strength, 
noted by the marks over their body, 
institutes crumble without this person, 
zippers with all their teeth become symbols 
emblematic of the power of truth, 
simple metaphors function in this way, 

rejects do not recognize their value, 
entering privilege and entitlement, 
jingoistic fantasies of nation 
eclipse the energy of usefulness, 
creating a false sense of hate and war, 
the only things keeping society 
sane, this is my final commentary. 

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