Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fidelity ~ Thursday, 14 November 2019

I like people whom I can tell I cannot trust from the outset. If you look like a good person, forget about being my friend. If you go to church on Sunday, act pious the rest of the week, then go back next Sunday for more of the same old conversation with the same old congregation, you ain't no one to me. Leave me alone. If you slap someone on the back, then talk badly about their character, I know I cannot trust a word you say, I like that about you, you are clueless, heinous, evil, in the eyes of others, but I know you won't raise any expectations from anyone not even me. You won't get my hopes up. I like that about you. 

Before I die, come visit me. But be quick about it, I may be gone before you see me alive one last time. No worries. It won't change a thing. 

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