Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Unholy ~ Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Appears the wall nearly touches the sky, 
perceptions may deceive the watchful eye, 
perceptions may conceive a passerby 
entering the border, an added fee 
at the crossroads, shake hands with Lucifer, 
re-entry to the state comes at a price 
seldom imagined by the emigrants, 

tents beyond the deeply entrenched border 
haunt the landscape with cotton sheets aloft 
entertaining border guards on duty, 

walls grow like mountains along the border, 
ask not to enter via a tunnel, 
lost souls dig underground until they find 
levity, giddiness, heat, confusion, 

no one enters the domain of Orange, 
exit passes reçu avec chaque ange
arguments, complaints, excuses, observed, 
read, heard, ignored, by all politicians, 
little done to effect change, dictators, 
yes, our totalitarian regime 

tosses illegal immigrants aside, 
over the wall via a catapult, 
understand, the government cares for its 
citizens, denizens since before birth, 
habitants in the womb, since conception, 
entry into the kingdom of Barron, 
son of Donald, President of Orange, 

truly becomes nearly impossible, 
human worth is less than even cattle, 
especially since we're not cannibals, 

seen from above, the drones on the border, 
kisses every infant before they fall, 
yes, to reach such heights before death, pity 

privilege comes to so few, the denizens 
empty of emotions conquered by Trump, 
reason does not apply in our country, 
conception without exception, his rhymes 
envision how we govern with Twitter, 
people forgot about democracy, 
to not think, to not feel, just to engage 
in acts of depravity, we are free 
on all counts of accountability, 
no one decides their fate but government, 
simple, when ruled by one, no arguments, 

many complain with destructive protests, 
arson and destruction of property, 
yet, as citizens, they get a long rope, 

deceptive practices helps government 
excuse themselves of wrongdoing, of bad 
conscience, as bad faith overcomes the guilt 
emanating from evasive actions, 
in acts of omission, turn a blind eye, 
visions of gardens of earthly delights 
entrance inhabitants with excuses 

to behave, misbehave, or act freely, 
healthy citizens take part in pogroms, 
ever mindful to never forget war, 

witness violence as participants, 
act as your conscience chooses, with free will 
to punish with impunity, the law 
cancels out criminality for crimes 
hastened by the passions, by emotions 
forcefully imposed upon innocent 
underage victims of abuse, distrust 
lest trust in unworthy people be sane, 

enter the bargain, the pact with Satan, 
yes, the belief in the nonexistent 

evidently thrives in America, [...] 

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