Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Zhūlián jiǔzú (株連九族) ~ Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Yesterday, I woke up to the handsome demons inside my head naming

Ordinary people as the victims of nine relations to torture

Understanding refers to a type of knowledge that reflects on itself

Rational processes of thought rarely include vengeance as repayment

Mothers, fathers, children all line up as victims for executioners

Other people, other than the perpetrator, end up as the victims

To understand logic is beyond this type of retributive justice

How offenders suffer is by extinguishing all of their relations

Eliminate all points of reference for good relationships to grow

Retributive justice lets the offender know they are now all alone

Success occurs through nine relations of family, friends or business partners

Understanding refers to a type of knowledge that reflects on itself

Consigned to a life of absolute solitude the offender becomes

Killer of his own kind, a pariah of sorts in his community

Success occurs through nine relations of family, friends or business partners

Consider innocence lost as a deterrent for others to do good

Other people, other than the perpetrator, end up as the victims

Consider the harm done to justify the means, the end result is truth

Killing nine relations mortifies the living in light of the offense

Success occurs through nine relations of family, friends or business partners

If this type of sentence is too harsh on others by association

Nothing but compassion, kindness and tolerance is the alternative

Hell is what we offer not as a metaphor but as a brutal fact

Enlist armies to wage war against offenders of the common people

Left alone with demons to reflect on this life becomes repetitive

Left alone with demons to reflect on this life becomes repetitive

Monday, September 27, 2021

Self-fulfilling Prophecies ~ Monday, September 27, 2021

I've an avid affection for failure,
've and the serpent of knowledge, tempter
eternal of the losing hand, poker

as a metaphor for high stakes game play,
nothing up the magician's sleeves but light

and shadow puppetry, storyteller
viewing the spectrum of reality,
insert humanity in silhouette,
darkness provides a depth of character.

Affected since childhood by the effects
foreigners have on a foreign-born child,
foreign everyone appears non-native,
every citizen becomes a stranger
courting ideas of outsiders from home,
trouble with citizens, they see themselves
in a role of self-righteous non-reproach,
of course, citizens are not foreigners,
native-born babies smell the same as hate.

Forget the fact I was born in Bombay,
of course, I'm a foreign-born citizen,
reeking of self-righteous self-deception.

Failure comes from blindness and delusion
as everyday aspects to survival,
in coping as a child with alcohol
leaving my family a contentious mess,
under the weight of drugs, I lost my mind,
really, I never heard the warning shots,
even as I fried my brain on acid.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Success Is Evanescent as Starlight ~ Saturday, September 25, 2021

I am an utter failure in this life.

As a role model, no one follows me.
Maybe if I didn't blame the whole world.

As folks go, it's easy for us to fail.
No one to stop us from the downward slide.

Unless compassion and love rule the day.
Today, I'm at the bottom of a well.
Trying to solve the reason I'm still alive.
Everyone knows good people die, but me.
Really, whatever I did in the past

For fuck's sake must have been something real bad.
As the crow flies, I've never been to jail.
In this world, prison is all in the mind.
Life's easy for the happy-go-lucky
Until they find a chip on their shoulder
Really unnerves the most reasonable
Even if they chill as ice cubes in fire.

In this life, the hard knocks knocked me out cold.
Now I'm over forty and a failure.

The school treats me like a tool for money.
How'm I supposed to make it in this swirl?
In this maelstrom before my death at sea,
Sick from the motion of these emotions.

Life is simple until the dogs maul me.
In the sunset, my blood bleeds to the sky
For the clouds turn a beautiful pink hue.
Evanescent as starlight is success.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Truth Will Out ~ Thursday, September 23, 2021

None of this with the best of intentions:
origins to a problem create more,
needless violence against another,
even if you are an authority.

Obligations to all human beings
forces us to discern good intentions.

The road to perdition, paved with good deeds,
how do actions suspend consequences,
in our political climate, they don't,
suffering bullying, autism hurts.

When you cut my hair, a lovely afro,
instead of dealing with the real problem,
the bullies at school and your attitude
hovering in contempt of innocence.

Teachers and administrators trouble
honest people when they hide behind lies,
evidently, the news sees otherwise.

Bitter mothers attack all falsity,
enter the world of social media,
shift the blame from a son to a teacher,
teach the world administrators don't know

our society crushes all falsehood,
face up to your accountability.

Intentions become excuses to crooks,
not street hoodlums but teachers that teach lies,
teach students the wrong values to uphold,
even to get away telling a lie,
not to save the life of an innocent,
to not face consequences to actions,
informs the world there are no solutions,
only problems when we leave origins,
notwithstanding the truth, alone and still,
secret, behind closed doors, hidden from light.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death ~ Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The glamor of ending it all right now,
how sad for the survivors of your pain,
entering a dark alley of pure shame.

Grief explodes a watermelon on stage,
little to understand the question marks,
absolute horror around the corner,
might sound funny but it's not as the snot
obligingly runs out the nose with tears
reeling in sorrow at the funeral.

Organize your suffering into blame
for others to sort out as a process.

Ending it fast or slow, suicide is
not goodbye, the impact is forever
determined by memories rewritten,
indeed overshadowed by the terror
not of your absence but your intention,
giving weight to darkness, to dark matters.

If we the survivors of grief move on,
this negation without affirmation

affirms only the negation of love,
love lost to death, to absence, to sorrow,
love now unambiguously displaced.

Retrieve all these ephemeral moments
in our joy and sorrow, the suffering
gains momentum as if rolling downhill,
hurtling down a slope, an avalanche
tremendous in itself of emotion.

Nothing exists but emptiness, absurd
orders of golden-winged angels, heaven
wants nothing more of this wanton deathwish.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Remember This, A Kiss Is But A Kiss ~ Monday, September 20, 2021

Keep up the good fight, boys
      boys keep swinging
Leap up at the first chance
      to sing and dance
Eat up what's on your plate,
      bells keep ringing

Pushing up daisies, son
      effects stinging
Taking up a great cause
      carry a lance
Opting up and climbing,
      boys keep swinging

Pushing up on the sails,
      your hands wringing
Helping up the upstart,
      a game of chance
Arching up the staircase,
      bells keep ringing

Rolling up your long sleeves,
      mud keeps slinging
Making up in a fight,
      what a romance
Aiming up the ladder,
      boys keep swinging

Coiling up like a snake,
      beds keep springing
Offing up horizons
      in a deep trance
Passing up your last chance,
      bells keep ringing

Hold up the line, you good,
      angels singing
Act up as a small child,
      Truffaut in France
Give up the ghost in death,
      bells keep ringing
You up for the good fight,
      boys keep swinging

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ignorance, the Folly of Wisdom ~ Saturday, September 18, 2021

I was born in Bombay, at least that's what they say, my alleged parents.

Was I really their child, or born to another mother, maybe my aunt?

As I have no way of proving allegations such as these, I keep mum.

Seriously, crazy people make waves in calm waters as peace bugs them.

But was my aunt crazy with schizophrenia as my mother told me?

One day the truth will out, I may be dead by then, so it matters to none.

Really, I could have been born inside a dumpster in Lower Manhattan.

Nothing makes it better, not growing up at home among my own people.

In questioning the truth, what was given as facts keeps me from knowing truth?

Nothing seems to make sense, am I trying to make waves to get attention?

Bombay is far away, so very far away. I have never been home.

One day I will return to my homeland but home is in California.

Maybe I can accept that I was born abroad but abroad was not then.

Bombay is nothing but a big city to me, a weigh station for souls.

As I was three months old when we left India, I have no memories.

Yet, I do remember living in Kew Gardens and then Huntington Beach.

All time is meaningless within this solitude that I can't share with you.

Though I think you may feel out of sorts as I do but fixed in your domain.

Let me just say I know what it means to feel love and to question that love.

Even if Augustine could not describe what time was inside his own mind

A facet of the truth of being a human is not knowing the truth.

Speaking and describing what is within his mind as he understands time

Treats the matter as facts with no frame of context, no sense of perspective.

Time is a conundrum as we live within time and time creates being.

How everything becomes extended over time is because we create

Aspects of tense and place through our use of language but language can't describe

Time if we don't perceive it as phenomena, as sensations of thought.

Snow is a thought-object we can describe from sense-perceptions of the mind.

What I feel is missing from life is transparent, like time I cannot grasp.

How I thrash in water and make waves mindlessly, a blind man tries to breathe

As if he were being held down under water, struggling from drowning.

The same blind man can't see the future unfolding around the next corner.

They say my mother is who she is, my mother, no one else is my mom.

How and why did I feel so far removed from them, my parents, my brother?

Everybody who drinks alcohol understands it affects consciousness.

Yet, they cannot explain why families fall apart from alcoholism.

Since I was an infant, there has been alcohol and its consequences.

As a child, I could not understand the distance I felt from my parents.

Yet, life in paradise, Southern California, was anything but bliss.

My experiences set me apart from them as I could think and feel

Yet, I could not reflect on what I could not know, the transparent waters.

Allegedly, my mind conceives reality differently than others.

Liquid are the waters of time, we swim as fish in a transparent pool.

Life within a fishbowl or an aquarium is truly limited.

Every child senses time as a flowing upstream, whether we live up to

Given challenges, swim as salmon upstream, we succeed or fail in truth.

Every adult looks back knowing they acted well or failed to act right then.

Deliberately, time and again, I ruined life as a child from the start.

Parents who can't parent, pretend behind closed doors in their authority.

As parents do their best, some children learn to thrive, learn to love all of life.

Relationships tatter into threads of a rope once held together well.

Even if I destroyed my family relations early on as a child

Not knowing the future, feeling too much distress to think clearly, to plan

Time out in installments as in compound interest, not a compound fracture,

Still, I discover truth swimming upstream, salmon spawn but I've come to thrive.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Suffer the Inception of Our Patience ~ Wednesday, September 15, 2021

"Suffer the Inception of Our Patience"

for Keith

Time moves on at any given moment,
inside ourselves, we watch, as sand tumbles
motionless as a hummingbird in flight,
emits radiant light as spokes of wheels;

memory remembers our reflections,
orbits record our return to the start,
venom, in fangs, bites as we lick our wounds,
energy leaps and bounds then disappears,
seldom do we cherish joy and sorrow;

ordinary people believe in time
not as yo-yos on strings, playthings we put

aside as adults searching for meaning,
the days crumble with bittersweet chocolate;

as tears fall, tempers rage, emotions peak,
nothing but emptiness subsides the fears,
yet, a cat dies from a reckless driver;

gifts arrive in a box without a bow,
in this moment we learn about sorrow,
vengeance vindicates not our vindictive
ephemeral nature, the fleeting light,
night and darkness, the stars light years away;

murder of a beating heart is hateful,
only forgiveness heals the terror-filled
madness of loss irremediable,
ecstasy and delight of the devil,
nothing but hell in emotions of pain
to cherish the beautiful and the damned.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Kǒng Fūzǐ: I Got Your Back (with Yāo zhǎn) ~ Monday, September 13, 2021

Is it wrong to want more out of this life?
Sugar is sweet and yet something's missing.

I dream but for my pipedreams to come true
time must bend backwards like a young gymnast.

Wicked time burns both ends of the candle,
read my lips, age will tax my soul with bush
old and grey as a whistle test, doormen
nod off to my poems, never do old
greys whistle after listening to tunes

twice heard, twinkle, twinkle, wish on a star,
on a meteor crashing down to earth.

When I wish upon a star, a cricket
answers with chirping sounds, by Jiminy,
never will I ride a motorcycle,
to own my own house, protect my family.

Maybe I should just be happy, content,
observing the world as I do, watching
reality pass me by, an old man,
expectations stifled while you grow rich.

Only wisdom doesn't pay the house bills,
under the weight of past credit card debts,
the planets have to align perfectly,

or, who do I have to kill to enjoy
fucking over the world with a vengeance?

This life is meaningless without the nine,
how do I know about execution
in the State of Qin of Shang Yang, back when
scholars of Legalism allow death,

liquidation of whole families as truth
in judgment and punishment of others
for acts of treason contrived by rulers,
extermination of nine relations.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Voodoo Economics of an Industrial Capitalist ~ Sunday, September 12, 2021

In this world, we have the haves and the have
nots. The billionaires within a trillion
dollar economy, the poor who live
under viaducts in their tent cities,
sleeping the dream-life of cockroaches, rats,
trilobites, extinct for ages, hidden,
roiling beneath the sea, turbid, murky,
irritated, annoyed, disturbed oceans
arching their backs like cats as giant waves
level the playing field of the workers.

Capital, from the head of the devil,
assumes the position against a wall,
praying to God, deaf as the sea, herself,
in a moment of rapture, disappears,
trail unknown, the suspect from the police,
as the arm of the law, extensive grip
lifts the perpetrator from a top hat
in a magic-show act, the magician
silently bows before the crowd, money
trickles down as cash, a drizzle of rain.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Never Forget This Day ~ Saturday, September 11, 2021

What time I fell asleep, I cannot remember, unwittingly I read

however late at night, past dawn into morning, after my girlfriend left

apparently, I slept until past noon, missing the phone calls of panic

that my girlfriend left me, an accident happened, a slight fender bender

though I slept through it all and woke up much later, got dressed and drove to work

in the car, I listened to a CD, music, totally unaware

maybe I would have felt differently, the full shock hit me once I arrived

even at the bookstore, now eerily quiet except a radio

I knew not what happened that morning as I slept but everyone else knew

feeling so out of place, the bookstore like a dream became a memory

entering the bookstore, my general manager took me aside and spoke

little I understood but I was studying about the Taliban

left to do whatever, to our own devices, we spent the day online

as the rest of the world experienced that day feeling strange emotions

sorrow, anger, terror, the impossible truth of what could not take place

languish in the cauldron of suffering and tears we call this melting pot

even though I was born outside of this country, I was a citizen

even though I was sad and did not understand, my life was in question

partly because I was of South Asian descent and looked like the others

I am an Indian but not a terrorist but my black beard was thick

casting aspersions on my character, my life was put into question

always affirm the truth of the philosophy of the soul in anguish

never had I known then the need to represent the goodness of our lives

never had I witnessed history before me, my eyes and my body

only my mind remains aware of the sorrow of those touched by that day

to say everyone was affected equally is to mistake the facts

remember the living and the departed souls, once flesh and blood and bone

even metaphysics cannot explain these acts of defiance against

memory, eulogy, and the hope to return to embrace the missing

even decades of war cannot bring back the dead but suffer the children

maybe they will not know that day firsthand, too young, or not even born, yet

but feelings transcend time, the absence is still felt, even from a photo

even though the children were not able to meet the absent, missing souls

remember strange feelings of trauma and sorrow create new memories

under the weight of light we observe the absence of what could not take place

never forget this day as we read history overwhelmed by events

witness what in your heart affirms the lives of those absent, missing and lost

in this world, we suffer the consequences of acts of violence, tears

trauma is physical, emotional and burned deeply into spirit

terror feeds violence but the tears of sorrow overcome the anguish

in this life, we do not all experience pain with similar effects

none are impervious to the impossible opening up the sky

granting the souls access but not justice in death, not to be forgotten

little I remember of that day while at work in the bookstore of dreams

yet, I am always there caught on a loop in time like others as a ghost

I'm sorry for your loss, it's not my place to say, but my condolences

remember to practice what is deep in your heart, commemorate this day

even though, I woke up late, later than others, I woke up to this day

after she, my girlfriend, got home, I found trouble not answering my phone

despite this, we married, fell in love, fell apart, divorce is our sorrow

Friday, September 10, 2021

Forget Heraclitus ~ Friday, September 10, 2021

Blue eyes blazing, I stare into the golden sun, my eyes burn cool fire blue

love is ridiculous like a roller coaster, head bobbing up and down

under the sheets at night, on the kitchen table at dawn before breakfast

eternally in love until we grow apart but until then we come

enticingly as flames, as tongues lick a blackhole, we disintegrate time

yellow as a cowherd burnt orange by the sun, squeezed, beaten to a pulp

excessive violence, gratuitous, senseless cinematic judgment

saccharine as sugar yet twice as sweet, tulips open with deep delight

belligerent rivals wage war against tough love, we fight for peace not piss

liquid skies, cool fire blue, turn piss and vinegar into vim and vigor

anxious anxiety chokes us, x marks the spot, buried treasure, black smoke

zones out, zonks out, zooms in for a close-up, the lens ready, Mr. DeMille

in sweet adolescence, we zip open our flies and hang out as couples uncouple

nearly sunset, the games we play remain the same, desire under the elms

generate heat to stay warm in winter, active in summer until fall

I play with a blindfold before I fall asleep, the darkness of my soul

stark, raving mad, naked across the asylum, we stare off into space

tranquility treasures the days of lithium in a haze of stardust

asinine donkey ears, we listen to foolish professionals to lead

raise the roof protesters gassed to tears by police playing at citizens

eager to wear body armor, bulletproof vests, act as Kevlar soldiers

ingratiate my soul with flatterers and thieves, troublemakers and fools

nervous agitation trying to find my way as a lost butterfly

trepidation deters hummingbirds from stealing my psyche with roses

obligations persist even though bridges burn slower than bullet trains

trails of activity alert others to dreams of thriving coral reefs

heat within the oceans cannot cool down the earth, simply burn the barn down

elegant arsonists torch cans of gasoline just to smell the petrol

gorgeous daylight, at dawn, I rest after a night of moving furniture

orders to save the witch and not the sad princess, miscommunication

linger too long feeding stale bread to hungry ducks floating across the lake

despite the decades lost, I can return to dreams, to a relinquished past

egregious spinsters sit together and drink tea waiting for their true love

nobody ever knocks while opportunity withers away with age

socialites always fit into the scheme, the flock horrified by spinsters

ugly bachelors still offend with good manners from the best homes, money

never buys happiness but patriarchy sticks to poor fraternities

my eyes burn cool fire blue when I met you at school in a dark corridor

yesterday, I woke up and fell back to slumber dogmatic axioms

esoteric knowledge of the spirit and breath makes metaphysics seem

yellow as wallpaper, old, stained, dried out, damaged, once hung, now forgotten

even as I enter the world of yesterday, kaleidoscopic snow

shakes off branches of trees where two squirrels quarrel over the size of nuts

bolster my confidence with patience to listen and engage, not dismiss

until the stars align, all consideration is infatuation

recently, an old man told me wisdom is trash recycled on purpose

nobody understands the hidden, dark corners, blind to introspection

consider the lilies beside her grave, so young, cut down before their prime

organic miso soup and fresh sushi, we ate but I could taste nothing

oblique angles, obtuse like dull-witted angels speaking through a donkey

lethargic and listless, souls in the underworld drink from the same river

forget Heraclitus for a moment, water is always just water

in time we become time, we become the river itself within the flux

reincarnation, time becomes rivers of flesh, reified as a thing

eternal Saṃsāra, the wheel of birth and death, of consciousness reborn

bury this flesh in ash in a funeral pyre, rise from ashes, phoenix

lift up your wings firebird, you appear first golden and then blue as the sun

unseen by naked eyes, except by drug addicts and madmen, time stands still

elicit the magic of the kingdom of God within copulation

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Deathfugue ~ Tuesday, September 7, 2021

At twenty, I nearly join the Marines, a life-changing decision drops

the ball through the floorboards, rolls the dice before God, a choice cast years before

Twenty lacks in hindsight, the future wide open, rivers full of regret

whitewater rapids flow downstream with violence, my mind absorbs the past

even if I could see with perfect vision, time grips my consciousness hard

nothing rhymes with orange, an angel with gold wings speaks of daimonion

to meet Czesław Miłosz later on in college, this would not have happened

yet, I made my straw bed, burned down the barn, the ass at the gate spoke wisely

I am not who I am, a manifestation of arbitrary acts

Necessity chooses the shortest path, two points, a straightedge measurement

enter the stream but once not twice, not even once, the stream is within time

after philosophy, I studied languages to keep up my interests

relativity hangs in the balance, the scales tip still misunderstood

light travels within light, the whole universe is neither darkness nor light

yet, the confluence lets me see my mistakes pass as if in a vacuum

Jostle the deck, shuffle the cards, a pack without jokers at fifty-two

obliged to look forwards and backwards like Janus, I appear two-faced, no

in mythology, words create fantastical explanations, the real

nothing besides science clears the path with logic, deductive machete

transcends old growth jungles, cuts away the excess, clears a path to follow

however much I try, no one ever helps me learn how to navigate

even if my full name is Portuguese, the stars gleam without a sextant

Maybe if I had joined the Marines at twenty, things would be so different

at fifty-two, no joke, opportunity dies, the deaf can't hear a knock

reality sets in, retirement a dream, running my only hope

infamous for being famous for nothing, folks find me in emptiness

nope, I did not listen to my father's advice but followed my own goals

emptiness is tranquil, does not murder or maim, does not choose war or death

still, to this day, pivot, I regret decisions shaped by environment

As it goes, I live life not as a casualty, sad but true, of forces

Life goes on until death, the struggle to survive, to find love and meaning

in this world of chaos, of random events, chance plays a role, accidents

forecast a hurricane, a tornado, forest fires, landslides, avalanche

enter this century, dystopia written as a fairytale, yikes

challenges overcome the butterfly beating her wings in Tokyo

how much metaphysics can I swallow before I vomit up the real

arguments I engage with laughter, holding cards, upper hand, four aces

nothing perturbs my mind for long, meditation is not full of regrets

gathering the forces to overcome the drought of my financial life

income is not outcome, is not output, but faith requires brilliant corners

nothing seen, nothing heard, the other side of space, hidden within darkness

granted this gift called life, I take what I'm given and reshape the whole world

Decisive machete cuts away with logic the dross of the jungle

enter into debates with infantile morons, the game is one-sided

change the world, flip the room inside my head, my mind embraces emptiness

in time, people may read these verses for insight, how not to kill the self

still, the mirror reflects the mind in words and deeds, speech acts reflect the mind

in language, games appear, vindictive, sometimes cruel, I regret my childhood

of course, I made mistakes, I hurt people with words, in my actions and deeds

nothing can take away the pain of suffering, this sorrow and regret

Death deals a blow to all who listen to the wind, a change is gonna come

reality reflects humanity as art, a short-lived expression

ontological time exists within being itself, within the mind

pressure to perform well, to succeed, to win gold, ephemeral claptrap

silence within the sun portends the true omens within our own deathfugue