Monday, September 27, 2021

Self-fulfilling Prophecies ~ Monday, September 27, 2021

I've an avid affection for failure,
've and the serpent of knowledge, tempter
eternal of the losing hand, poker

as a metaphor for high stakes game play,
nothing up the magician's sleeves but light

and shadow puppetry, storyteller
viewing the spectrum of reality,
insert humanity in silhouette,
darkness provides a depth of character.

Affected since childhood by the effects
foreigners have on a foreign-born child,
foreign everyone appears non-native,
every citizen becomes a stranger
courting ideas of outsiders from home,
trouble with citizens, they see themselves
in a role of self-righteous non-reproach,
of course, citizens are not foreigners,
native-born babies smell the same as hate.

Forget the fact I was born in Bombay,
of course, I'm a foreign-born citizen,
reeking of self-righteous self-deception.

Failure comes from blindness and delusion
as everyday aspects to survival,
in coping as a child with alcohol
leaving my family a contentious mess,
under the weight of drugs, I lost my mind,
really, I never heard the warning shots,
even as I fried my brain on acid.

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