Saturday, September 25, 2021

Success Is Evanescent as Starlight ~ Saturday, September 25, 2021

I am an utter failure in this life.

As a role model, no one follows me.
Maybe if I didn't blame the whole world.

As folks go, it's easy for us to fail.
No one to stop us from the downward slide.

Unless compassion and love rule the day.
Today, I'm at the bottom of a well.
Trying to solve the reason I'm still alive.
Everyone knows good people die, but me.
Really, whatever I did in the past

For fuck's sake must have been something real bad.
As the crow flies, I've never been to jail.
In this world, prison is all in the mind.
Life's easy for the happy-go-lucky
Until they find a chip on their shoulder
Really unnerves the most reasonable
Even if they chill as ice cubes in fire.

In this life, the hard knocks knocked me out cold.
Now I'm over forty and a failure.

The school treats me like a tool for money.
How'm I supposed to make it in this swirl?
In this maelstrom before my death at sea,
Sick from the motion of these emotions.

Life is simple until the dogs maul me.
In the sunset, my blood bleeds to the sky
For the clouds turn a beautiful pink hue.
Evanescent as starlight is success.

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