Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Imbibe Guzzle Tipple ~ Wednesday, 9 August 2017

If you believe money makes you better than poor undeserving welfare mothers with their babies crying from diaper rash poisoned by lead water bless your hearts beautiful people you are correct it's entirely their fault if you decide to live in poverty you trust government will take care beginning from childhood to make the right choices for you and your family even if government taxes you greedily before they would the rich

Government loves the rich and offers them loopholes to not give their fair share understand it's your fault because you allow them to write off their daughter zombie-loving film school student at NYU sitting inside a vault zither from Salzburg close at hand to play for friends later in Central Park leave her alone the tax write-off she did nothing to hear your homily effectively against both rich and poor watch out we'll burn you as a witch

Take your satire elsewhere we have no need to read your lunatic nightmare intervention for greed and abject poverty while the homeless zombies pretend they cannot work and make America great again we deserve plenty more than the tax service offers our kind hard working privileged dark lords of the underclass our daughter did no harm telling us the stories elegant as film of the homeless as zombies at the Federal Reserve

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