Sunday, August 27, 2017

Master Memory Master ~ Sunday, 27 August 2017

Mr Gabidar was not born a broken man but only became one after years of abuse or his own perceptions of abuse as a child still is it not the same when a child feels neglect feels the latch-key of loss turn his world inside out he loses direction loses his sense of fun engages with his sense of worth feels that values become arbitrary remembers the one time his mother went with him and swung him on the swings

Maybe that one event in his own memories occurred more than just once even if it happened often enough for him to look back at his mild maternal upbringing it could never erase his parents need to boss old Mr Gabidar as an adolescent into vile adulthood remorse over choices not of his own choosing lack of support carry years of needless struggle to earn a good living the need for worldly things

Master Gabidar saw the world differently than his parents and peers since apperception always was perception of self his memories became still-life motion pictures astral projections not unlike a director turning his point-of-view to one for his viewers to distance him for good exiting the battle of wills for what is best for whom and when a game reluctantly he played until he was too old to care who was victor

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