Saturday, August 26, 2017

Modern Savage London ~ Saturday, 26 August 2017

Mr. Gabidar eats kim chi straight from the jar with chop sticks made of steel of little use is he to the economy so he eats at leisure delicacies so small no one would consider them even as trifles even so this cuisine from California was considered the real deal real in the sense of worth the value of each dish cost more than bone china nothingness was the height of his understanding as each plate was empty

save for a slice of beef a sprig of parsley leaf a spoon of horseradish a catastrophe of California cuisine mocking at the pleasure very simple dishes delightfully addressed could grant before rifles after sunset condemned as we all were to eat before our own kaddish granting each prisoner a meal to satisfy not even a diner everyone called The Fly for he weighed less than scales could measure a trendy

look only he could pull off in our small corner of the city center only Gabidar cared for The Fly too much to allow him to flat line not only did that speck of a man get his share of our sumptuous fare despite the pleas of weak undernourished inmates he received our order on demands by the chef that this one prisoner taste each meal to thus dine nonchalantly on meals meant for condemned inmates worse off than rags to wear

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