Sunday, December 31, 2017

☆ Goodbye Cruel World ~ Sunday, 31 December 2017

Just before New Year's Eve 
I flushed a small horse-fly 
down the porcelain drain

Unwittingly I spoiled 
the guest-host relation
with disconcerting pride 

Swift with shock and awe-struck 
I watched the certain death 
of a pest born to lose 

Time runs out with sudden 
unpleasant occasion 
sensations in the brain 

Bewilder my senses 
I cannot flee or run
away or fly past nets 

Ever losing balance 
the tides shifting swirling 
with a maelstrom effect 

Focus if I focus 
my ommatidia 
I may not feel so drunk

Overboard I've fallen 
into the salty sea 
drowned in a whirlpool tide 

Recurrence eternal 
my death the same my life 
exact I cannot choose 

Event A Event B 
or even Event C
it's all the same to me 

Nothing ever changes 
I've seen it all before 
this life full of regrets 

Enter the empty bowl 
only to refill once 
again as I expect 

Wonders never amaze 
or cease to fire synapse 
after synapse once sunk 

Your battleship since caught 
in the crosshairs to shoot 
a torpedo propelled 

Exactly through the hull 
a bullet through my skull 
a horse-fly drunk with death 

Ascertain this fiction 
metaphysics delight 
in knowledge of theory 

Rewards of afterlife 
unseen and uncertain 
the curtain since dispelled 

See my original 
face beyond the veneer 
of false hope my last breath 

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