Saturday, August 18, 2018

Icebox ~ Saturday, 18 August 2018

This is just to say yes no more must we say now
he said all you can say little else to remark
if time allows you may try but this is no game
seek to play in the big gamble I split my hand

if tens to make twenty one all we need are two
single letter symbol number double winner

jokers unreal we toss within a small old bin
unseen inside a house we burn what we need no
simple puzzle to find our way beyond the day
to give others a point you may follow to work

terror from my past to unwind my mind unfurl
orbits orders angels demons devils and god

shaker makers fakers takers border cutter
as wire to snip to pass neatly across in time
yesterday all you saw we kept secret to hide

yesterday for none to find to beat to invade
entrap as cops with no reason no clue for why
silent as mice they go to seek better angles

notice not ice off ice the box office
onward we stay remain if they manage our pay

monies decide if time here is worthy of mind
or fame as lies resist to tell a truth as neat 
rulers need an edge to keep us in line
egg our houses and you will be firmly broken

mine is as past time is lost to the day we find
uglies within inside each of our coy places
severe verses versus salvos for our vassal
travel burden a trunk too big to take on back

we fire whom we care so little for and we keep
ends to meet or bestow a means to each palace

spoken as wise as true as blue as dome covers
ass for to blow up each market we need to mark
your on button as gold and the others in rust

not now or just then do we know to bite the lip
of deep garnet rubies for red cannot impart
wonder upward a light passes purple as dusk

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