Thursday, August 16, 2018

Snail ~ Thursday, 16 August 2018

The tall, black man steps out of the Thai restaurant,
he presses a button and his Chevy Nova
engages to unlock itself in an instant.

Talk is cheap, as they say, the tall, black man walks up
and says, "You're in the way" to Mr. Gabidar,
little brown man who stands too close to the Nova,
leave it to a runner to not pay attention.

"Bullshit," Gabidar stands his ground, looks up to spit,
laughs at the tall, black man, itching for him to do
as he pleases, to land a punch or pick him up,
casual-like, you see, the tall, black man fucks up,
kill or be killed, as war taught this soldier too well.

Mary, let me tell you, the tall, black man talks mean,
as any ignorant high school dropout would talk,
no education leaves little room for manners.

Sheep jump over fences to lull a man to sleep,
take the case of the tall, black man for instance, say
even with twice the weight and a good foot taller,
place your bets carefully, for Mr. Gabidar
still knows the right people to get the job done right.

Out of nowhere, the tall, black man finds himself high
under the green awning hanging over each store,
tremendous strength throws him past the picture window.

Out of nowhere, a snap of his small, brown fingers
finds the Nova in flames, another snap explodes

The closed Thai restaurant while the tall, black man leaps
high up to save his skin, back outside a third snap
engages his bowels loose to stink for blocks around.

The tall, black man finds shame in his bullying ways,
how Mr. Gabidar performs these magic tricks,
as anyone who knows the devil to snap once
introduces the world to the realm of black arts.

Rest assured, this story plays out inside the mind,
engages like a dream to the man who watches
sheep jump over a fence to help him fall asleep,
triggers like basil beef may loosen the bowels good,
ask the tall, black man once he wakes up from his dreams,
under no conditions does anybody meet harm,
rest assured that the tall, black man wins at his game,
and Mr. Gabidar loses as a small man,
no, fiction is his way to save face against thugs,
tell him superheroes exist and he will laugh.

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