Monday, July 1, 2019

Celebrate ~ Monday, 1 July 2019

For a block of ice, the hard part
----- is not losing your cool, 
our interactions lack the chill 
----- not to react to words, 
reactions to heated language 
----- cause us to light a match, 

arguments flare up, to burn down 
----- the forest for the trees, 

burn the world to the ground, I say, 
----- and let nothing remain, 
lightning would do the trick, to watch 
----- the earth turn to desert, 
our emotions get in the way, 
----- the block of ice dissolves, 
call me what you want, I don't care, 
----- I stay cool in the heat, 
killers don't knock at the front door, 
----- they barge right in to drink, 

of course, bullets, without a name, 
----- don't care whom they murder, 
forget the intended target, 
----- the shooter shoots to kill, 

indifferent to aunts and uncles, 
----- to fathers and mothers, 
countless lives lost in the city 
----- to inaccuracy, 
even if you hit your target, 
----- the bullets love to fly, 

today, the first day in July, 
----- how many gonna die, 
heat wakes me up after five hours, 
----- I gotta write this shit, 
even if I don't, bullets fly, 
----- they seek trajectory, 

humble inside the box, they feel 
----- our heat, our touch, our hate, 
answers to problems come with work, 
----- attending to details, 
remaining nonchalant, I take 
----- care of business, my way, 
direct, calm, cool, and collected, 
----- unlike a block of ice, 

pity the criminals who know 
----- not whom they seek to harm, 
ask the hard question, why murder, 
----- the penalty of death, 
remember the bullets seek flight, 
----- they don't care about pain, 
take this, the first day in July, 
----- who is not gonna die, 

if I have bigger fish to fry, 
----- don't get upset with me, 
see me laughing on the inside, 
----- your words won't make me melt, 

no one understands the effort, 
----- it takes to understand, 
only the bullet feels the joy 
----- of flight, a projectile, 
take this, the first day of July, 
----- who will live, who will die, 

little can be done, violence 
----- reigns supreme in summer, 
on this day, we break bread, we eat 
----- together in silence, 
simply a trick to honor peace, 
----- we sit at the table, 
in the heat of summer, we set 
----- the house ablaze with love, 
no one can stop me from loving 
----- in the face of terror, 
given this moment, we must seize 
----- the opportunity, 

yesterday, I woke up in bed 
----- to my awakening, 
only, I still have many miles 
----- to go, to run on earth, 
until I fully awaken, 
----- we all suffer this plight, 
remember my actions of past, 
----- I must resolve the pain 

caused by my harm, my lack of love, 
----- I must account my past, 
only when I am all alone, 
----- running late in the night, 
only then do I remember 
----- the harm I caused others, 
left with little time remaining, 
----- I seek the joy of flight. 

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