Sunday, July 14, 2019

Death... ~ Sunday, 14 July 2019

is not exactly on my bucket list, 
still, I must plan for the unexpected, 

not knowing when or why I taste the grist 
of coffee grounds in my mouth on my bed 
the gist of the matter I must accept, 

even if I cease to exist, I sail 
xebec from Algiers to Quebec, a trip 
as old as the Vikings discovery, 
crossing the Atlantic to the New World, 
this thought has crossed my mind, a restless sea, 
left to rot within our humanity, 
yesterday, I was alive and except 

on the grounds of my dismissal, to fail 
no one except myself, I drip 

mournfully down the drain, recovery 
yesterday of a past like black tea swirled 

blissfully with clouds of cream, I drank tea 
until yesterday, I left the city 
contentedly to dream eternally, 
kiss the mist, this haze from a fog machine, 
ever the drummer on stage tapping beats, 
though no bugle plays taps for me, tally 

lightly a lifetime of regrets, routine 
inquiries to resolve all my defeats, 
sorry I could never achieve success, 
this much I admit and in death, confess. 

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