Friday, July 26, 2019

Murphy ~ Friday, 26 July 2019

If you want my DNA, Detective, 
find the sandal I stubbed my toe bloody, 

yes, blood rarely washes away clearly, 
only as evidence, you need a match, 
under the circumstances of your crime, 

widows die horrible deaths, I am sure, 
although, you'll never find a thing to pin, 
not one shred of evidence to stick me, 
the tail on the donkey, a party game, 

murder is a sad tale, ever since Cain, 
yet, I am not your suspect, Detective. 

Detective Smith, I have an alibi. 
Note the ticket stub for The Lion King. 
As movies go, I preferred the first one. 

Detective Smith, tell me why you believe 
evidently, I was there at the time, 
the murder took place in the afternoon, 
everyone I knew avoided the heat, 
canned up in some alleyway with a corpse, 
the trouble with your theory is Swiss cheese, 
if you see that many holes, leave it be, 
veritably, I'm not the man you seek, 
even if I were, you'd never catch me. 

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