Saturday, April 25, 2020

Eight Stone Flying Squirrel ~ Saturday, 25 April 2020

I cannot be anymore overjoyed, 

cannot see beyond the double rainbow, 
as the clouds part, all I see are blue skies, 
nothing but blue, and pink clouds at sunset, 
nautical splendor and delight, for night 
owls, their dreams of travel to foreign lands, 
to encounter people of strange cultures, 

blessed to grow up in a world of free speech, 
everyone respects The Constitution, 

anyone in a strange land can come here, 
no one will demean their form of worship, 
yes, as long as no one does any harm, 
monsters made of spaghetti who can fly 
of their own accord, along with teapots, 
registered as satellites above Earth, 
even these deities are protected, 

only I sit in bed, undecided, 
vexed by my own feeble mind in childhood, 
energetic and ambitious, but shy, 
reserved, timid, unable to fit in, 
jealous of those born in the USA, 
of whom I was an outsider to them, 
yesterday, I realized I could fly, 
ever so light, the wind blew me away, 
deft, I spread my arms, a flying squirrel. 

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