Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Rattle Submission: La traboule de la cour des voraces ~ Thursday, 19 March 2020

Left alone to play under the traboule, 
armed with boxes of chalk for the pavement 

three girls in pantalons et chemises draw 
round a figure, no longer there, their school, 
as you know has been closed for a whole year,
bask in courtyard sunlight on the cement, 
only for an hour, they ignore the flaw 
undone by civil engineers who built 
la traboule, the tall passageway, to clear 
église et état, out of sight and mind, 

daughters of silk workers centuries old 
enabled their children to hide and find 

les demoiselles squatting above the cold, 
angry sidewalk, rain pools from the slight tilt, 

clutching their chalk to imitate artists, 
on the ground, unwashed blood stains the concrete 
under the flyway of the edifice, 
restless to make art, the girls' palimpsest 

defaces the unnatural beauty 
evident in a scene, beneath their feet, 
startling to see, blood never shifts in space, 

violence leaves a mark, places a crime, 
of the voracious court, its history 
remembers more than its neighbors, girls play
and forget the reason they draw with chalk, 
children rarely are told to speak or say 
exactly how they feel, whether they talk 
silently in secret, ask the dumb mime. 

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