Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Politics of Appearance ~ Thursday, 2 April 2020

This beard, white with intergalactic light, 
how many people get a say in this, 
in this political debate of sorts, 
settling accounts over some old man's face. 

Pretend the beard is not mine, not my beard, 
only it was my beard, everyone leaves 
little comments of appreciation 
in their own subtle way, some as a dig, 
to question and belittle the old man, 
indeed, everyone had their say, in looks, 
cocked eyebrows, compliments, why not say less, 
say no more, the old man can take no more, 

only the questions and calling him names, 
fun, all in good fun, he IS sensitive. 

Answering everyone as politely...
people deserve better, they deserve less, 
politeness, a defense mechanism, 
enters into the fray to protect him from harm, 
as everyone digs their knives in deeper, 
reminding him what's public property, 
astral light, ancient and incandescent, 
no one knows how far this stardust traveled, 
came from the edge of what's observable, 
enters the universe to visit us. 

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