At the end of the universe,
the observable universe,
the invisible universe,
haunted by darkness, cold and death,
emits an inaudible noise,
enter this realm to discover
nothing but darkness, cold and death,
distances immeasurable,
only you run into a wall,
foreign and impenetrable,
there you find a long corridor,
hovering nowhere in the dark,
enter inside to find a door,
upon entering the doorway
nothing impedes your exiting
invisible darkness, cold, death,
vision obscured, sound diminished,
everything you thought real erased,
replaced by light and clarity,
still you have the choice to return,
exit truth, enter whence you came.
The observable universe
has all the answers to questions,
enter clear light, problems dissolve,
only you find the corridor
becomes cold and uninviting,
subtle understanding takes place,
entering this space beyond thought,
resting your mind for once in truth,
vision and language no longer
assess the real with eyes and ears,
before language and awareness
luminous clarity guides you,
enter and exit as you please,
unfolding beyond the light show,
no new images entertain,
information becomes pointless,
venturing in ten directions,
even if you could clear your mind,
rest does not come until you reach
stillness, deep within outer space,
enter the door to see within.
The invisible universe
hovers in darkness, cold and death,
encircling our own universe,
inside the invisible realm,
nothing beyond is visible,
vision requires a source of light,
in our universe, the light show,
stars, constellations, galaxies
in this realm, we observe by sight,
blindness invokes the inner realm,
literally, darkness within,
emitting photons of reason,
until we understand how mind
naturally mimics the known,
intelligible universe,
veritably imagining
exactly how the realm beyond
reason, beyond thought, beyond light,
still, while in motion, visible
even to the blind while in flight.
Haunted by darkness, cold and death,
atherosclerosis hardens
untreated arterial walls,
niggling, worrisome diseases
temper the wayward animal,
every astronaut's worst nightmare,
darkness within the body hides
bigger undiagnosed problems,
yet, until you turn sixty-five...
darkness in the universe builds
arterial walls full of plaque,
remember memories remain,
kings to remorse, regret, and loss,
no one forgets painful mistakes,
except from a head injury,
silence lingers over decades,
still, there is a need to break through,
cold and death await astronauts,
on their journeys to the unknown,
leaving the last supercluster,
drifting deep into outer space
and the last vestiges of light,
nothing beyond this point is known,
dimensions breakdown for the blind,
death by atherosclerosis,
everything becomes relative,
as the body mimics deep space,
the possibility of life
haunted by a universe that...
haunted by a universe that...
...emits an inaudible noise,
measure the distance end to end,
if the universe knows no bounds
then how do you hear the soundless
sirens call beckoning your craft,
as you approach the end of space,
nothing forewarned you of your doom,
inaudible, a dog's whistle
not even a shepherd could hear,
as invisible as the wind,
unseen, unheard, the clarity
deep in your mind, beyond all time
invokes you to travel deep space,
beyond the universe, witness
luminosity within mind,
enter luminous clarity,
noiseless, perfectly still, silent,
outside the universe is light,
inside our minds, light within light,
suddenly you become aware,
endlessly aware, before time.
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