Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Mark the Impenetrable Wall ~ Wednesday, June 10, 2020

At the end of the universe, 
the observable universe, 

the invisible universe,  
haunted by darkness, cold and death, 
emits an inaudible noise, 

enter this realm to discover 
nothing but darkness, cold and death, 
distances immeasurable, 

only you run into a wall, 
foreign and impenetrable, 

there you find a long corridor, 
hovering nowhere in the dark, 
enter inside to find a door, 

upon entering the doorway 
nothing impedes your exiting 
invisible darkness, cold, death, 
vision obscured, sound diminished, 
everything you thought real erased, 
replaced by light and clarity, 
still you have the choice to return, 
exit truth, enter whence you came. 

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