Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Mark the Impenetrable Wall ~ Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Haunted by darkness, cold and death, 
atherosclerosis hardens 
untreated arterial walls, 
niggling, worrisome diseases 
temper the wayward animal, 
every astronaut's worst nightmare, 
darkness within the body hides 

bigger undiagnosed problems, 
yet, until you turn sixty-five...

darkness in the universe builds 
arterial walls full of plaque, 
remember memories remain, 
kings to remorse, regret, and loss, 
no one forgets painful mistakes, 
except from a head injury, 
silence lingers over decades, 
still, there is a need to break through, 

cold and death await astronauts, 
on their journeys to the unknown, 
leaving the last supercluster, 
drifting deep into outer space 

and the last vestiges of light, 
nothing beyond this point is known, 
dimensions breakdown for the blind, 

death by atherosclerosis, 
everything becomes relative, 
as the body mimics deep space, 
the possibility of life 
haunted by a universe that... 

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