The voice of the reader, unvoiced, still in the mind, because of Vladimir
Hubris knows no borders, tanks rumble into town, jets swoop to spray bullets
Evokes silence in thought, the writer resonates or lacks experience
Visceral awareness creates words on the page of universal worth
Objects create context for every character dependent on their past
Introduce backstory as the reader relates to the words on the page
Context and perspective, as in Renaissance art, offer guidelines to thought
Elicit in the mind of the reader those words that force recognition
Oblige the professor his quirks, his genius lies in speaking the unsaid
Forsake intuition, a conceptual game, where vision is abstract
Throw the reader in jail, into a pit of snakes, nailed inside a coffin
Honor nothing that holds the story back, withhold information unknown
Especially, the name of the main character, until ready to burst
Remember the secrets no one dare speak about, the harm done to others
Entrance and charm with guile as if to hunt an hind, silent as a twig snaps
Advertise to no one, except a publisher, the whereabouts of said
Deer for venison meat is unknown in these parts and readers may mistake
Eviscerated guts as a metaphor for a love of violence
Resolve any problems of the plot by direct analysis of scene
Undermine the blind faith of novitiate fools with sadistic torture
Nothing speaks to readers like malice in fiction, even in non-fiction
Voracious wolves and bears in the arctic tundra may devour the entrails
Objections to real life aside, the story rests inside a locked desk drawer
Inventions of madness, remedies and potions inside an asylum
Contrast the wickedness of care with the kindness of strangers in the world
Engage with the reader in a marriage of words, thoughts and deeds, the effects
Defy expectations the reader, influenced by language, has in mind
Shape the future of choice, decide in a moment the irrevocable
Test faith in the reader, make her doubt the mirror, the mind shapes conception
Initiate battle between angels of God and demons of Satan
Leave the reader alone to realize both sides are equal agonists
Leave the reader to see within darkness and light is both light and darkness
Implore with solemn vows never to disregard the needs of the reader
Nuptials require deceit, the honeymoon is bliss if the champagne is French
Tell the reader that love releases prisoners trapped inside the Bastille
Hold investigations of crimes solicited by prostitutes at bay
Entertain the idea that sex work is labor like a construction site
Murder a character as the reader would kill a brother or sister
Insult intelligence whenever possible, common folk are vulgar
Negate affirmations by sinking foundations then blaming sex workers
Diminish the value of criminal justice by questioning ethics
Belittle Vladimir Vladimirovich, czar of butterflies and moths
Edify the class dunce, sitting in the corner, stinking of shit and piss
Cause and effect suspend, as Husserl brackets assumptions and beliefs
Argue not with small minds, the reader needs guidance, this world is delusion
Upload malware online, act unwittingly dull, as if still underage
Stage a riot, pillage, loot and rape the reader while she reads in her bed
Emancipate victims of Holocaust fiction, exploit the publishers
Ordinary people ignore the written word as if illiterate
Forbid with an edict the reading of a book with lips voicing the words
Vladimir approves not of small-minded people with no control or sense
Listen, men of science grow on trees, fall like leaves, become mulch for compost
Androids appear to cry with solemn vows broken, the romance is over
Daimonion mistakes, like smudges in paintings, force the reader to think
Impossible endings involve no one dying, art reflects the real world
Make-believe and fiction the twain shall not fathom, the real world reflects art
Impossible to know the effect of language to change society
Remember, remember the Fifth of November and blow up Parliament
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