Saturday, April 16, 2022

Accountability ~ Saturday, April 16, 2022

Admonish nomads for fellow travelers and rough sleepers in a pinch

compassionate mother holds a butcher's cleaver ready to sever wrists

crying only brought fear to her attention as she proceeded to ask

obliging a small boy to hate the maternal as he began to flinch

under their house, their rules, parents never wonder about consequences

nobody asks themselves if their actions behind closed doors allows for lists

to be written with acts and dates, even timestamps as accountants drink flask

alcohol like fathers hell-bent on pugilist rounds with small boys, their sons

boys lose their sense of fun, acting out of distress, souls crushed, pinned to fences

if dysfunction does not beg the question for some accountability

left for posterity to judge the violence perpetrators forgot

imagine to defend your life, apologize, for lack of clarity

to live with this burden for over fifty years, vicious circles of thought

yet, the clouds never lift, life has no sense of fun, love weighs two hundred tons

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