Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Arbiters of Eloquence ~ Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Ask me later tonight, after midnight before I fall asleep at dawn

Remember, I work late compared to the early birds devouring earthworms

Bite your tongue, the gods hear everything we might say. Turn right, turn left, go back

It's a matter of choice to go this way, it shapes the giant tiger prawn

Take away the structures we use to understand, sequence within order

Reality devolves into arbitrary decisions and strange terms

Answer the Emperor about the alphabet, disarray creates slack

Religion gives guidelines, follow or disobey, you could even defect

Yes, from Communist rule as Putin will send us to defend the border

Arrange the alphabet and the number system however you so choose

Remember to remove letters as you see fit, confuse them all to hell

Reality only makes sense by consensus or an edict, a ruse

Attempts to get the world on the same page Lenin and Stalin strike a bell

Yet the government falls to kleptocrats and thieves, oligarchs, we suspect

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