Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Secure the Sinecure ~ Tuesday, December 20, 2022

How to flip the room
clear the space of all debris
wipe down surfaces

objects such as chairs
tables rearrange as fit
the space must look neat

wash or disinfect
within the public domain
the sphere of action

totally sweep up
the floor and mop as needed
erase all traces

of former events
to move forward with the night
let go of the past

forget useless facts
only what pertains to now
admit no defeat

let go of the past
work to rise above all loss
work against a redaction

inscribe each moment
with an eye to the future
an ear for footsteps

present the present
as a gift to ungrateful
guests as you may cast

tragedy aside
to embrace lighter aspects
of this comedy

how to flip the room
depends on your character
reflects persona

effect every change
with forethought to history
to feel unsteady

remember your place
your position, your status
catch the corona

over the king's head
as it rolls past the basket
don't flex your biceps

of course, there's no time
to lose, seize the fallen crown
throw it in the fire

melt it down to form
a golden skeleton key
open to aspire

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