Thursday, June 27, 2024

Karmann Ghia ~ Thursday, June 27, 2024

Commit suicides
over and over until
mom pulls out her hair
memories as brides
in waiting at the altar
torment my mind still

silly girl, how fair
until the sun burns your skin
if I in your car
create purpose, strive
if I could accept it all
decide I'm alive
each day, take the fall
still, throw out the rubbish bin

Are You Serious ~ Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why was I born, Dog
how glowing, scorching and bright
yesterday, the sun

wait, Sirius, Bog
a Polish God nominates
serious to slight

I am less than fun

born naked, Diogenes
obeys staves, creates
recent events, God
needles in my heartless eyes

Death becomes me, sod
ordinary lies
grant me bless you when I sneeze

Happy Birthday to Me ~ Thursday, June 27, 2024

I wish I were dead

wish that I was never born
if people I meet
sad sacks sold and bought
harbor ill-will in their words

I move on, no scorn

wish I were dead beat
ever never been a dad
remember the birds
each day in the trees

deciduous leaves cause strife
each day in the breeze
as I sweep my life
down the dustbin, sad

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Damaged ~ Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beyond the beyond
even words cannot describe
years ago I saw
over near a pond
no for rhymes sake I tell lies
decades ago a bribe

these lies no a claw
hold on on one leg a duck
even in disguise

brilliant as the past
each moment twenty twenty
yes even to cast
order as plenty
needless what the fuck
did one foot abscond

Cucullus ~ Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wish I were creepy
if I crept through your window
soundless as an owl
hungry for sleepy

Indonesian spicy rice

would you show Aunt Flo
eyes under a cowl
remember I am a monk
even to play dice

creeping into bed
reaping in sin what I sow
even if you spread
eagle as I grow
perturbingly turgid spunk
yellow leaves weepy

Monday, June 24, 2024

American Hate Crime ~ Monday, June 24, 2024

Woman Tried to Drown 3-Year-Old Girl After Making Racist Comments, Police Say

A Texas woman tried to drown the child in the pool of an apartment complex last month, the police said. The child’s mother said her family was Palestinian and Muslim.

Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd,
Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.

~ William Congreve

Elizabeth Wolf lives her godless life
literally drowning children in hell
intoxicated in a public place
zephyr spouting racist rhetoric strife
ancient as slavery the western wind
blasts capital punishment charges smell
egregious behavior this brimstone space
touches a nerve in spring of twenty-four
how Pentecost descends as to rescind

Welcome to Ignorant America
only melting pot in the world where hate
lashes out to murder poor Erica
for Mrs H has no name to let fate

leave the victims alone open the door
if the pot simmers with no one around
varicose veins, pathologies galore
eternal ruler save us from unsound
solutions for her to settle the score

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
every day in prison the mourning bride
remembers Elizabeth unadorned

godless in America Euless pride
old American delusions arise
delusions based on ideology
logic as politics what a surprise
every war comes with no apology
senseless sensibilities try to kill
successions of children swimming in pools

linger a moment hidden by the will
instantiations of madness from schools
foreign to American minds the Greek
education system to this I speak

Saturday, June 22, 2024

TRUCE ~ Saturday, June 22, 2024

All is suffering ○ an orange decays □
lift the rind off of its flesh ○ needlessly dehydrated □
let pigs eat such pearls ○ or compost dried fruit □

in uncovering ○ raw flesh set ablaze □
sad and pathetic houses ○ aghast with spirited ghosts □

sadistic refresh ○ needlessly baited □
unless the good girls ○ give in to cold brut □
forget imaginary ○ ephemeral fantasies □
forget past spouses ○ deferential hosts □
elephants at dusk ○ elephants at risk □
remember the old boneyard ○ cast all delusion aside □
ivory yellow tusk ○ answers much too brusque □
needles under hard ○ yellow nails such pride □
grants the green olive fairy ○ success to fail overseas □

Addiction ~ Saturday, June 22, 2024

Find a better way
in a maze I smell the cheese
needlessly hungry
difficult to say

as to why I became lost

burdened by the breeze
each time this angry
temperamental white lab mouse
tips the scales, the cost
each day increases
rivers of cash flow backwards

work never ceases
as I look towards
yet another gambling house

Monday, June 17, 2024

connect ~ Monday, June 17. 2024

etched in the margins
this graffiti that i wrote
captured as doodles

hurled in rubbish bins
english dictionaries tossed
deemed worthless no vote

i eat my noodles
neatly in a china bowl
take back what i lost

helpless as a child
etched graffiti inside books
made stupid and wild

answers found in looks
remain etched deep in my soul
gifted with the touch

intuit the thoughts
nestled in their minds not much
sense how all the dots

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Celerity Observes Light Equilibrium Yearning ~ Saturday, June 15, 2024

On a crystal clear
night, the Atlantic Ocean

awakens the mind

caught in becalmed seas
resting on the deck, watching
you name it above
stars and galaxies
tales of an Irish sailor
awakens the mind
left in the silence

caught in the wonder of time
left with the stillness
each moment unfolds
as a stealthy humpback whale
rises to blow air

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Warszawa ~ Tuesday, June 11

A Chihuahua barks
shivering full of anger

if he barks, he hurts
flames erupt from sparks

I'm your angry Chihuahua

cuddly while danger
oversees flash spurts
underneath the sad façade
liquid Warszawa
decrees I prepare

clear-thinking blank slate children
as if I could care
reason occurs when
evidence of war, my God

Monday, June 10, 2024

To Do the Right Thing ~ Monday, June 10, 2024

The village idiot everyone knows
hungers for recognition but he blows
everyone away with his ignorance

vile rehearsal while he pretends to dance
if you were he what would you do instead
laugh at the breadwinners, spin on your head
laugh at your circumstances if you could
an idiot with self-awareness would
gain access to the kingdom as if woke
even a holy fool would blow less smoke

in the eyes of the audience, dry ice
dispensed from a machine, bright lights and spice
if the world is so dense not to smell shit
old, dirty drawers, stained what hits little bit
the fan, air all the gossip, so damned thick

every scent hell bent, einen Augenblick
virtual reality like a game
everyone plays although there is no shame
reality is not the same, the dream
yesterday is forgotten today, scream
orgasmic at the fog before your eyes
nothing but ecstasy as a disguise
everyone knows the truth that no one speaks

kiss the air beside each cheek, the floor creaks
nothing but rotten wood how to replace
old floorboards, the world of idiots trace
wicked history, sad but true events
sentiments aside, would you have the sense

Friday, June 7, 2024

Fire! ~ Friday, June 7, 2024

Am I a poet if I don't publish
maybe I care more about the dead wood

I see all the trees in the used bookstore

as a person who thinks too much, rubbish

placed on the shelves never purchased or read
objects to ethics and the phrase, I should
eat all the trees in the rainforest, bore
that I am, I will never go abroad

if they bulldoze the habitat, they said
for the betterment of mankind, a joke

I don't care to see these words in a book

decidedly lazy, I know, and always broke
or late for work, I'm jaded, take a look
not at the trees but the forest, the sod
that chooses to destroy is not Shiva

personified like Krishna as Vishnu
understanding the cosmos, a Hindu
burns his wife with acid, such a diva
let bygones be bygones, move on and weep
if there is no natural habitat
shove all the money in a mattress that
helps your stiff back as you try to sleep

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Summertime Blues ~ Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Blessings, as they say
a beautiful distraction
nothing but pink shorts
as I run away
longing for love to return
if interaction
treats what it purports
yellow roses when love dies

Dreams of what they spurn
rest in memories
even as touch loses sense
arm candy stories
maybe I'm too dense
stupid not to foresee lies

Executive ~ Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Decide between two
evils, greater and lesser
choices not mistakes
in hindsight, one shoe
drops, wait for the other one
each predecessor

bit by bit retakes
each event as follows
the plan, with shotgun
weddings, the oven
echoes with one bun at least
eggs at the love in
never not fresh, yeast

troubles the fragrant hollows
word in the valley
old mountains rally

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Everest ~ Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Riddle: What is the meaning of life?

Rife with answers, the clue is the question
itself, as only humans use language
demonstrating a need to make common
desires to communicate the shared
life within each body, within each mind
empty without social interaction

What is the meaning of life? For some, tea
however others prefer their coffee
as the common ingredient, water
tastes bland but is the key to life on Earth

in turn to ask what is life and wherefore
such archaic words and ideas still float

to great heights, as a helium balloon
hovering higher and higher to reach
each moment, lack of pressure, expands

measurements designate what is unknown
each being seeks limits before they burst
ascending nine thousand meters, as high
notwithstanding vast internal pressure
if to scale Mt. Everest with the cold
not pronounced as Sir George Everest would say
given names ground arbitrary nature

order and randomness, complete chaos
followed by anarchy and destruction

life lived for revolution or mundane
incoherent work towards suffering
for a greater good whether that be golf
exactly puts the question in context

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Samādhi ~ Saturday, June 1, 2024

She had a nice face
had a nice smile, her eyes blue
enormous and deep

had I enough grace
as to ask her a question
depth without a clue

as if I'm a creep

nothing but a nobody
if my suggestion
could imply the worst
even if I weren't the best

facts are I am cursed
as unlike the rest
contemplating samādhi
echoes mind as trace