Saturday, June 22, 2024

TRUCE ~ Saturday, June 22, 2024

All is suffering ○ an orange decays □
lift the rind off of its flesh ○ needlessly dehydrated □
let pigs eat such pearls ○ or compost dried fruit □

in uncovering ○ raw flesh set ablaze □
sad and pathetic houses ○ aghast with spirited ghosts □

sadistic refresh ○ needlessly baited □
unless the good girls ○ give in to cold brut □
forget imaginary ○ ephemeral fantasies □
forget past spouses ○ deferential hosts □
elephants at dusk ○ elephants at risk □
remember the old boneyard ○ cast all delusion aside □
ivory yellow tusk ○ answers much too brusque □
needles under hard ○ yellow nails such pride □
grants the green olive fairy ○ success to fail overseas □

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