Monday, June 24, 2024

American Hate Crime ~ Monday, June 24, 2024

Woman Tried to Drown 3-Year-Old Girl After Making Racist Comments, Police Say

A Texas woman tried to drown the child in the pool of an apartment complex last month, the police said. The child’s mother said her family was Palestinian and Muslim.

Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd,
Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.

~ William Congreve

Elizabeth Wolf lives her godless life
literally drowning children in hell
intoxicated in a public place
zephyr spouting racist rhetoric strife
ancient as slavery the western wind
blasts capital punishment charges smell
egregious behavior this brimstone space
touches a nerve in spring of twenty-four
how Pentecost descends as to rescind

Welcome to Ignorant America
only melting pot in the world where hate
lashes out to murder poor Erica
for Mrs H has no name to let fate

leave the victims alone open the door
if the pot simmers with no one around
varicose veins, pathologies galore
eternal ruler save us from unsound
solutions for her to settle the score

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
every day in prison the mourning bride
remembers Elizabeth unadorned

godless in America Euless pride
old American delusions arise
delusions based on ideology
logic as politics what a surprise
every war comes with no apology
senseless sensibilities try to kill
successions of children swimming in pools

linger a moment hidden by the will
instantiations of madness from schools
foreign to American minds the Greek
education system to this I speak

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