Thursday, December 29, 2022

God Bless America ~ Thursday, December 29, 2022

The disenfranchised, deprived of the right to sleep under their own roof

haunted by the past, decisions, both good or bad, that landed them here

entitled to weep in silence among angels, tears of innocence

denied the relief of a second chance, this life without reason, proof

intelligent life does not exist here on earth or the universe

sentient beings feel their way in the darkness, shadows to the mere

enable the harm, given with authority, hurt with no defense

needless suffering, welcome to humanity, trauma and distress

forget to notice the downtrodden on the streets in Black Star Converse

read the newspaper on the train, line the boxes to keep warm at night

autumn approaches, holidays in the city, Thanksgiving gives nought

nothing but sinkholes into poverty as fate, prescribed as a right

caustic prognostic, the future as a design on a Windsor knot

haute couture meets mere, paint the town, little, black dress, throat slashed, I confess

innocence disrobed, runway model on a train, chase me, catch me shoes

shrug your shoulders, meh, another murder downtown, tell me something new

experience speaks, a fortress of solitude, silence, crimson streams

delight in blood sport, hunt in vain the city hind, whoso list to muse

dirty dumpster dive, the search for half-eaten food, simply to survive

enter the freegans, living on the streets by choice, they prefer the view

privilege to act not from responsibility but adventure, dreams

recounted since youth to pretend to be homeless with a bank account

interest compounds down the sinkhole of charity, no investments thrive

visions of beauty, a city reconstructed to consider care

empty of neglect, possibilities persist to raise big questions

dedicated stars allocate funds to reflect where a billionaire

obtains to refrain, penthouse to pavement, cleft hoof, for suggestions

forbidden to meet the cripple in a wheelchair, five piggies to count

tautologies sound the same argument on truth without certainty

honesty robs banks unimpeded by their work, a true inside job

egocentric hands shake, away from prying eyes, over backroom deals

restless molecules break apart under pressure, your kids, certainly

insolent and rude, socially unattractive bulldogs with long jaws

ghosts of parents past gather together in pairs with corn on the cob

held in grubby hands children enter the world breech, bottoms up, time peals

tinkling golden bells, tintinabulation rings four-bells carillon

twinkle the few stars visible with city lights, pollution weaves gauze

obscured by coal dust, charcoal hides the firmament, constellations sleep

sound asleep each star twinkles through the particles, light shields with a dome

light bends, particles bounce back down in refraction, waves watch the stars weep

energy emits a limit to travel past, beyond the sea foam

endless oceans break on the shores of battlefields, en passant, a pawn

profits unaware the consequences, actions unresolved pursue

unencumbered thoughts while the homeless sleep on vents to stay warm, as heat

naturally rises from pipes beneath the pavement, rough sleepers persist

deprived of privilege, the world ignores basic needs, give justice its due

entitled leaders pay no heed what beggars need, capital unkind

remind the wealthy the health of a nation rests asleep on the street

trust politicians to beautify the city,
the wealth, they insist

held tight in pockets, reserved for infrastructure, potholes in the road

employ construction all year round except winter to face the snowblind

infrastructure quakes, rattles, splits apart, tumbles

rumbles the belly, the mayor always the beast, to upset the peace

officer on call, off-duty defends herself, a man who mumbles

who stumbles downstairs, falls atop the officer, who shoots, cannot cease

no footage to see, off-duty officer, armed, silence of a toad

remember to let the seeds fall where they decide, who controls the past

orders the players to direct their own actions as marginal notes

of the book of life, the disenfranchised, to have their say, requires votes

for politicians to notice sorely deprived people, stones to cast

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Very Funny! ~ Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The funny thing is...
...and it's not even funny
ha-ha, but a strange

humor, peculiar
to this type of odd person,
queer as an oilsheet

even, a touch, say
"My Melancholy Baby"
by Earl "Fatha" Hines

funny, I should say,
or mention such a sad song,
but we could just change

by social constraints, to talk
about the weather

not as common folk
but meteorologists
listening for a [beat]

neato bandito,
little burrito, I miss
your mouth, the fine lines

yet, not quite crow's feet
since you rarely ever smiled
mean little lady

to say the word 'suck'
sounds queer as a transverse wave
crest to trough, leather

hogs, as in pigskin
wallet, or maybe football,
what they play, here, say

in America,
not 'hearsay', as in a court
of law, I object

not within my scope
of practice, something I learned
just the other day

given I sell shoes
now to old ladies, and young
as well, I detect

in your sarcasm
a hint of... je ne sais quoi
it's a bit shady

say, to discuss, taste
or morality, like this
in a poem, no

and let us not speak
badly of the dead, and gone
off to do better

no, maybe, not that
even, not better, as life
is all we know now

decisively not
better to be in the grave
or ashes, on show

inside of an urn,
we learn, we learn, then we are
dead, this short life, spent

turning over soil
digging his own grave, with pen
in hand, a letter

sent via airmail
who does that anymore now
tip the sacred cow

not a 'shibboleth'
an ear of corn, as a test,
or an ear of wheat

or a stream, torrent
no matter, what does matter
political bent

to speak of ethics
in a poem, or of plums
breach of etiquette

ethics entertains
from the icebox to my mouth
so sweet turns so cold

vengeance, oh my God,
no, no, please share your idea
of God, my ticket

enter the movie
theater, to watch Williams
eat plums, what a bold

nature to subvert
poetry as aesthetics
for a better seat

funny, I should ask
for forgiveness, I pardon you
Amon Göth said

under no legal
obligation, in the film,
allegedly, shot

not with a camera
obscura but a rifle,
dark chamber image

not funny, indeed,
but delicious as wet plums
for breakfast in bed

yet, probably not
eaten but to imagine
conduct as a code

ha-ha, amusing,
as a pantomime, even
comical, a squat

as in broad nib pen,
Seamus wrote of his father,
not quite all the rage

ha-ha, not funny
digging for peat in a bog
at this stage, I wait

another dollar,
another day, the salt mines,
they were my abode

but I jest, to work
as others inside a mine
to dig potatoes

underneath the soil
the scent of fresh earth, of hard flesh,
of ripe fruit, of plums

to boil spaghetti
in a stainless steel stock pot
simmer tomatoes

add salt as needed,
oregano, rosemary,
sage, thyme, to add sums

strange as it may sound
don't forget some fresh basil
as on our first date

taste for savory
flavor, pasta al dente,
add some olive oil

rest for a moment
a long trek through the desert
people need water

angels don't exist
except as messengers cloaked
in spirit, voices

no one remembers
verbatim what they once said
I love your daughter

given your blessings
we will get married in May
Mother's Day, choices

eternally rest
in our previous actions
love comes to a boil

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Τιθωνός / Tithonos / Tithonus ~ Sunday, December 25, 2022

Why am I alive, beyond each moment, is there a reason why salt

hovers in my eyes, waiting for pure solitude, to weep in silence

yesterday, I slept until daylight became night, whatever that means

as the hot water splashed my face, nobody knew, sorrow like a bolt

made my face convulse, in private, nobody knew, eyes red with fatigue

I imagine soap or shampoo as my excuse, I have no license

as a man to cry in public but in private, the rain makes no scenes

let flow, unhindered, my tears, fallen but unseen, unheard, unspoken

introverted sun, hidden behind ash gray clouds, lies without intrigue

versions of myself, moment after moment, turn the soil with a spade

even a farmer, with hands, wide as an octave, from back in the day

breaks the chocolate earth, dark, bittersweet, with a hint of terror, stars fade

even the fingers five ward off the evil eye but life is so gray

yesterday, I woke in bed, wishing I were dead, my horse unbroken

only if you knew what I just erased, these words meaningless, mundane

nothing but shadows, the wind blows, the flame flickers, the candle sits still

devotion, a glass votive, a vow as you wish, desire to set fire

every day to wicks, yearn for yarn divine, entwined lovers without stain

an immaculate conception with an angel, the breath of spirit

consider the child, the infant in her cradle, she pants up that hill

how she must struggle against men and boys alike, wood for the pyre

much as I admire a woman of assertion, I affirm no claim

only in union, to join but I am no one, I know not a whit

my self-deception, my self-delusion, myself imaginary

even on the screen, a blip lasts but a moment, the ephemeral

nothing in the sky, not the stars or galaxies, clusters unmerry

turn the universe in eternal emptiness, why this temporal

imaginary, as if I were still alive, this life without aim

search for a purpose to no avail, certainty hides between the cracks

tragedy transcends decades of hopeless torture but when may I die

haunted by the past, by memories that inspire vengeance to be great

except an empty vessel waits like the others to greet what it lacks

remember the past as an elephant knows how the graveyard awaits

even a hunter knows not to kill the harmless except for mince pie

armies of black ants wage war against my sorrow but I embrace fate

remember amor fati, to live this one life, over and over

even the playwright digs beyond the truth, context inscribed on the gates

articles of faith, belief treats hypocrisy to inquisition

set constellations up as orders of systems, enculture the stars

over and over, to eternally return, make a decision

no other choices, to affirm the meaningless or drown behind bars

witness Tithonus, an immortal cicada, no four-leaf clover

how to love the worst and continue to believe in nonsense and lies

yesterday, I died but feed off the gibberish of myths as undead

salt and hot butter, popcorn in the theater, the savory screen

arguments arise inside the lobby, how loud, they distract my dread

left in solitude, in an isolation tank, I start to careen

to list like a ship, seasick, full of helplessness, how I agonize

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Secure the Sinecure ~ Tuesday, December 20, 2022

How to flip the room
clear the space of all debris
wipe down surfaces

objects such as chairs
tables rearrange as fit
the space must look neat

wash or disinfect
within the public domain
the sphere of action

totally sweep up
the floor and mop as needed
erase all traces

of former events
to move forward with the night
let go of the past

forget useless facts
only what pertains to now
admit no defeat

let go of the past
work to rise above all loss
work against a redaction

inscribe each moment
with an eye to the future
an ear for footsteps

present the present
as a gift to ungrateful
guests as you may cast

tragedy aside
to embrace lighter aspects
of this comedy

how to flip the room
depends on your character
reflects persona

effect every change
with forethought to history
to feel unsteady

remember your place
your position, your status
catch the corona

over the king's head
as it rolls past the basket
don't flex your biceps

of course, there's no time
to lose, seize the fallen crown
throw it in the fire

melt it down to form
a golden skeleton key
open to aspire

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Eureka! ~ Thursday, December 15, 2022

When the tumblers


      (a safe, like a slot machine),

                  ...into place.


Monday, November 28, 2022

Hypocrisy Reigns ~ Monday, November 28, 2022

Trauma and distress
can you guess, America
this world you create

Hypocrisy reigns
slavery as capital
values from the start

Endgame as stalemate
fate, manifest destiny
genocide, a name

Declare war, fight for
equal representation
slaves won't deviate

Institute hate crimes
over two centuries late
hypocrisy reigns

Sinister forces
rule the government blindly
consequences hold

Endgame turns again
a civil war of values
skips generations

Nation built on hate
blind to greed based on pure lust
privilege is an art

Foreigners treated
as menial labor force
entitlement shame

Random decisions
perpetuate slavery
captured at stations

Analogs exploit
children, women, for sex work
sex trafficking feigns

Narcissistic love
assaulted, battered, and raped
criminals so bold

Coldness, cruelty
masochism with sadists
locked, behind closed doors

Happiness, a meal
in a box from McDonald's
who gains from these schemes 

Insult, injury
add salt to an open wound
let it bleed, the lies

Salvation nowhere
neither church nor government
trapped under the floors

Endless games of chess
strategy as grand design
the poor lose their dreams

Disenfranchised slums
appear in the big cities
kites share the blue skies

Thursday, November 24, 2022

On the Arbitrary ~ Thursday, November 24, 2022

Orient stellar
patterns as constellations
without relation

Notary ponens
certifies validity
as an argument

Throaty red-headed
singer ties up her larynx
nodus tollens knot

Harbor fugitives
abhorrent aberration
active stagnation

Earthborn alien
stranger from the start to all
humankind, we suck

Arbitrary rules
dictate discretion as choice
strength as discernment

Rebirth lower-class
republican legs stillborn
again sans-culottes

Birthrate eighty-eight
constellations, eighty-eight
piano keys, tribe

Irony feels out
hidden intentions, unites
dissemblers' lies, duck

Throaty red-headed
singer wearing a death mask
during her service

Reborn Bezdushnyi 
an archer with no target
guileless with no goal

Arbiter of Christ
Pilate lonely as a cloud
wandered raw, nervous

Retina, optic
nerve, light-sensitive membrane
back wall, hand balls roll

Yearn for decades lost
friends missing or dead
examine, describe

Monday, November 21, 2022

An Ancient Tale ~ Monday, November 21, 2022

My page wanders blind to the flame she hides inside

Arguments arise deep from the darkness of the sea

Given his nature, she guides him through the unknown

Pretend he knows right from wrong, palm from the backside

Inside, the mirror reflects thoughts into actions

Egocentric flux, a luxury, I agree

To say who I am is to show you the unsown

Yes, my page yawns in front of she who guides him

Montgeron questions my principles, distractions

Yes, magpiety, in a word, universals

Popiel and his wife were eaten alive by rats

Ask my page, he reads history at rehearsals

Given to the stage, he tends to wear different hats

Even Ignacy sees shadows within the grim

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Calculus of Incense ~ Monday, November 14, 2022

The difficulty to bear witness, the silence

How war shapes the mind, in the aftermath, mowed down

Elegant to learn the art, the knowledge of change

Decisions were made, to stay in Europe, sixth sense

Incense furiously burns beneath the surface, sleeps

Forget how things work, how people become, thoughts drown

Forget conditions, how intuitions grow strange

Ideology, the patterns for a platform

Calculus reasons about small pebbles, thought leaps

Understanding hides beneath the service, suffer

Lifelong banishment, the others who know too much

Transcend each moment, encounter a shift, buffer

Yet another mind from the facts of such and such

Touch a small pebble, skims over the lake, bees swarm

Overt acts of war, Chamberlain seeks appeasement

Beneath the surface, dissent grasps complacency

Each moment to bear witness in silence, God knows

As to why people act the way they do, easement

Relaxes the laws, reduces the unpleasant

Windows to the past, shadows in their nascency

Intuitions sleep furiously as time grows

Tranquility shifts, the Buddha in each moment

Notices trauma, sorrow, suffering peasant

Each moment to bear witness, to see the unseen

Sorrow comes with much suffering, the silence burns

Silently, incense wafts sweetly, the truth to glean

Touch the small pebble again, only then time learns

How people survive the worst conditions, foment

Each moment to bear witness, to stir up the pot

Silence divides by experiences untold

In unspoken words, the horror remains hidden

Lest we understand, the terror, witness each shot

Each moment, eyes see, ears hear, noses smell incense

No defense, to know, explain how events unfold

Certainty grows dim with memories forbidden

Each moment, silence, as an end to the suspense

Monday, November 7, 2022

Buffering the Caramelization in Crème brûlée ~ Monday, November 7, 2022

Must we close our eyes, our ears, our lips, no evil

Unenlightenment, the mirror fails to appear

Eclipsed in shadow, sun, earth, and moon all aligned

Into the mystic, we sail in times medieval

No evil, we root out the causes of suffering

Picture the darkness, the cold moon burnt as to sear

In a blue skillet, speckled with stars nonaligned

Zebras of all stripes, the devil in the details

Zebras Election Day results, long-suffering

Activate the Court, their affiliate derails

Zebras on the tracks, ni éléphants, ni ânes

Zebras show pizzazz, jeter un sort dans le zen

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Possibly ~ Sunday, October 30, 2022

"Would anyone buy a novel by an autre?"

Other than other, neither this nor that, unfit

Unfit like others to serve the military

Like the fine, young men in the Marine Corps, sans faute

Discipline enough to run marathons, but time

Asks for ambition to overcome the last hit

No one asks Moses whether to part the Red Sea

Yet again would prove the external world exists

Only Moore would know but he'd lift his hands, a crime

No one committed but an American dies

Even innocence can't make the police just chill

But in Chicago, they know jail is no surprise

Until someone serves a prison sentence, to kill

Yet another man is no problem, it persists

Ask Moses to raise the tablets in vain, God's laws

No one cares about, the commandments we follow

Other than the priest and his flock in the chorus

Volumes to project, preach to the choir, they lack flaws

Every subtlety, each confidence trick he knows

Left to him to teach from the book, he sounds hollow

Billions of stars shine but no one knows where Morris

Yes, Morris the cat, where did he go, his 9Lives

After his 8Deaths, who knows what grows between toes

No one but fetish lovers of feet, well, I'm beat

After being thrown in the labyrinthine cave

Under alcohol, Big Book standard print, defeat

Trains children to play their roles until they can save

Red-headed vixens from the flames, the dragon dives

Each time the black sword swings on the coast of Sintra

Roman à clef ~ Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ana bit my neck hard like a vampire last night

Not that I minded but she left me in stitches

As if Halloween gave her an excuse to act

Vindictive, malign and unkind, we'd had a fight

Recently, it bent her out of shape, as if rape

In itself were wrong, women be like that, bitches

Not that I don't care, she be fine, now that's a fact

Nothing wrong with play-acting during Halloween

In fact, Ana plays harder when she wears a cape

Really, we be like lions who fuck, no consent

Vrin, that's her last name, she's related to Joseph

Ana likes to be all goth like she's heaven sent

Not that she's fallen, blackened, her wings singed, she's deaf

As if that matters, Swiss princess, I vent my spleen

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pacifier Lost ~ Saturday, October 29, 2022

Ask me not to speak but to remain in silence

Communication is key as they say but who

of all people holds the key to unlock the door

murder, if you must, the truth with lies, commonsense

mundane, everyday deception, whom do you fool

understanding burns forests, old growth, the clew

never in my hands, sister, push me to the floor

insane, sinister, hidden in a cave, black box

communication offers solutions, a tool

ask me not to speak, a child remains in silence

tortured by family, by society, unfit

insane, sinister systems of control, defense

orders of angels, fallen, blackened, suck the tit

no defense, mother, waxwing slain, my enflamed fox

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Gaze of the Other in a Surveillance State ~ Saturday, October 22, 2022

Try to flip the screen and show me just what you see

Rio, pave the streets with gold, still rivers run red

Yesterday, I woke up and made a cup of tea

Try to flip the screen to wake me up out of bed

Of course, you can't do the impossible but try

For God's sake to think what it will mean when we can

Lift the seat, the lid is not so heavy to pry

Impossible now but who knows when a new plan

Presents a blueprint, an idea for a patent

Try to flip the screen, just reach in and pull it out

Hand me a spoon, sleep until it falls, discontent

Everyone dreams but God who wakes up with a shout

Silence, the last star burns out, darkness reigns supreme

Cold, the universe contracts, creates a new scheme

Remember Rio, your glasses see with fresh eyes

Each image captured by a photographic lens

Everywhere these eyes offer insight unlike spies

Now to flip the screen, sleep from our eyes we must cleanse

As the universe contracts, all within a quark

No one imagines dark energy sets the spark

Difficult to say but easy to speculate

Speculum mirrors language as sounds oscillate

Hidden within truth, the black box at the bottom

Of the universe, where in God's name might that be

Where the sun don't shine, so far deep under the sea

Manifest in foam, Salut! Here lies God's scrotum

Entertain artists, hobby horses paint surreal

Justifications for science, watch as oils peal

Understanding art, science, technology ... words

Sucker punch knowledge from behind, back of the head

Try to flip the screen, Rio, cameras unlike birds

Work to show the world, multiple views now instead

Hovering above, pigeons lurk in viaducts

As we pass below, sidewalk strewn, does it matter

Try to flip the screen, the information instructs

Yellow to appear as daffodils, yolk, batter

Only imagine Dali, Duchamp, Magritte, play

Until the devil sleeps at dawn, fuck with Old Nick

Send the transmission via live wire, there's no fee

Enter the future, step by step, approach the day

Engage an artist, different vision, that's the trick

Monday, October 3, 2022

Vengeance Is Mine ~ Monday, October 3, 2022

To pretend to need a messenger to inspire

obligatory services bound by a oath

puppets entangled in the mire of their masters

remember people, as adults to stoke desire

energy rebounds under carbon-plated shoes

transformed into bounce, a spring to each step, those loath

every day to wake up to global disasters

nothing lost, nothing gained, to flip the room inside

defined perspectives turned inside out, long queues

train around corners, Depression-era bread lines

obtain memories, survivors remember days

not so long ago, of ruthless men without spines

enter history, before hydrogen decays

exit solar rays, sunbathing beauties outside

distance between points in space-time, to span light years

ask not what others won't fulfill as promises

message A K, Dean of Graduate Studies

enter with a smile, shake hands and leave for good, tears

slither down, serpents with L T, trust

sinister sucker punch servants, hits or misses

exit unworthy of assistance, no buddies

no friends keep in touch, pariah without a drum

give a crooked beat to a constable, entrust

each moment with care, say goodbye to art school lies

remind memory to remember just the good

trust no one again, billionaire fascists, ghost spies

orders of angels, earth, air, water, fire and wood

itch the elements, dogsbody, belly, to strum

not golden harp strings but catgut for violins

sinister sister, T plays in hell

plays for the devil, A K, the conductor

instruments ready, a chamber of violence

remorse for years lost, added suffering, the bell

endlessly ringing, wonderful, life's obstructor

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ragamala Chicago ~ Saturday, October 1, 2022

Under the windows, transients dream until dawn
maybe the music lulls them to sleep with sweet songs

given Indian Classical Music to calm
anxious emotions that choke the air, a tawny
little rooster crows before the sun brightly shines
over the surface to which this facet belongs

society wakes each morning to this alarm
over and over except for Saturday games
zip the unzipped seam, measured steps around landmines
if their heads don't snore, soundly they rest, the homeless
not one rooster weaves a morning, a tapestry
homeless beggars sleep on the filthy carpet, bless
ordinary souls unblemished by luxury

not one rooster weaves a morning, while no one blames
actions but actors commission or omission
ordinary souls meet judges with soulless eyes

the rest of the world looks down on decisions made
each learns their lesson the hard way, with no mission
channel past choices by weaving the morning light
each dumpster diver wakes hungry within the lies

under the windows, they await sunrise, the shade
made by the darkness, as if the underworld paints
aspects of the earth within the umbrage once bright

magically, a switch flips on, the dimmer rises
ask for tomorrow, when does it begin, the sky
nocturnal turns blue, dreams of roosters comprises
how collaborative efforts burn with Scotch whisky
ask for the presence of mind the dawn never taints