Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Human Resources: The Grimsby Report ~ Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The unsayable turns against the tide
how if I were blind to my own actions
each day, if I act the martyr to grief

unless I accept and therefore abide
not in sympathy, caught up in a role
sucker to succor, my own distractions
argue not to strengths but to seek relief
yellow zinnia, I lack all courage
as the unemployed drink beer on the dole
bile, irritable, angry, vexed at heart
lingers complacent, satisfied and smug
each day, I am blind to smell my own fart

turn against others, lash out, pull the rug
underneath us all, distress in storage
reside in trauma, cheetah in a cage
nocturnal raccoons free to sniff and roam
suffer the children as adults little

as the town crier whose opinions rage
grate the ears of maize in a cornfield maze
as if words could burn waves of white sea foam
if I am privileged, am I so brittle
not to withstand hate, I wander, a clue
stirs up the cauldron, the pot to amaze
traumatized infants, shaken, nothing stirs

the newscaster more, a son of the law
how daddy was hurt sounds as a gear whirs
each day, my body hurts under the claw

take a dumb, black cat, pouncer, no one knew
if elder statesmen, entitled and free
decide other's fate, to live in a shoe
each day, I pray that I'm not you, agree

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Red Line ~ Sunday, October 6, 2024

More than poverty, Gertie saw no hope
observe the people in order to help
reach out as you can to assist those lost
experience shows lives destroyed by dope

thanatos is change itself more than death
how we look away while mental health
advocates advise no matter the cost
not to directly intervene but ask

provided the harm done from years on meth
opens the back door to offer a hand
victims of hateful politics resist
every chance to change while each grain of sand
reveals orange peals makes trauma desist
trauma and distress both wear the black mask
yet, Gertie wants more as she has no fear

Gertie cooks dinner in a small kitchen
empty of workers other than herself
resolved to assist to make plainly clear
time returns each day to check in and see
if people accept the past as a den
engaged with vipers like books on a shelf

see what attracts you to make things better
avenues with false opportunity
wind the roads to catch you and yours off guard

nothing but the trees reach toward the sun
opportunity shifts as work is hard

hard as mining rocks for diamonds for fun
opportunity knocks in a sweater
poverty hopes pain without gain is done
empty promises success is hard-won

Saturday, October 5, 2024

La Mauvaise Foi ~ Saturday, October 5, 2024

This is the phenomenal world
here, everything changes
if you blink, it might disappear
so, fasten your seat belt

if you look around, this may be your life
still the camera may pan elsewhere

this world happens so fast
have it your way if you are bored
each moment flashes like a bulb

pretend you understand
however everyone knows you do not
everyone knows because nobody knows
no one understands why we are alive
or they pretend to know while they are blind
most people lose their way from this blindness
even with perfect vision they can't see
no one can read the signs, or the red flags
as for those in authority, they lie
lies are at the root of all the blindness

welcome to this, the phenomenal world
obey the rules or find yourself locked up
running changes everything, if you run
little else makes a difference, in the end
decide how to act, choose your course, and go!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

al-qubba (قُبَّةُ) ~ Saturday, September 28, 2024

When first I was born, I swallowed a book
holier than God left inside a vault
enter an alcove to meet your maker
nothing but a wisp of salty air, look

forgotten by dust, the ashes of bones
in an alcove, God weeps, in debt, whose fault
recovery sets the record, faker
straightens up the bills in the drawers, the cost
to house God inside a bank vault, the stones

I skip on water, Satan's daughter sleeps

within a fury, angry at her lot
as the black pepper in soup, while God weeps
storms in the ocean, beware of his snot

beware as he hocks a loogie, he lost
order, the blue pearl, spun out of control
revel in excess, corals pale a shade
near the atomic bikini atoll

I swallow the book as the decades fade

swarms of bees, my beard, memories, each strand
wash my eyes and face, Satan's daughter calls
as I seek refuge in darkness, so cold
light cannot reach me, as if to demand
liquid clarity filtered beyond pitch
objections aside, she stumbles and falls
words fail me, my bride, I laugh hard and bold
each day the birds curse epithets on race
difficult to say why the sparrows bitch

at passersby, click, the shutter closes

blasphemy to speak of God and the Book
only as the thorns cut my head, roses
olfactory bulb, a scent on a hook
kill me Judas-kind, rood without a trace

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rape Blossoms ~ Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rape Blossoms. Wait don't you mean, "love blossoms"
as you know with President Blund, rapeseed
predatory behavior presents
exhibit A as curled up opossums.

Blunders persist in politics, she says
laugh at the gaffe, she's not halfwrong, we bleed
over palm oil production, he resents
sinister insinuations of a plot
surreptitious cultivation, he plays
old boy object petit a from a lack
make America Blunder again, crack
sexist jokes on TV, it fills the slot

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Forlorn for California ~ Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sometimes, I wish I could turn back the clock
on a date we were together, not all
maybe four of us, the others elsewhere
everywhere and nowhere, before the shock
tumbling, stumbling, crumbling mumble bunny
in time, I would overcome my own fall
magically, as if I were meant to share
energy elliptic as gravity
sometimes, I wish I could tell how funny

I appear to others, to myself, blind

windows outwards face, mirrors inwards face
if I as body could envision mind
subtle objects in space, I accept grace
however lost within a cavity

I turn back the clock of memories lost

catch-as-catch-can, no-holds-barred, we hold hands
older than teenagers but now no more
until I uncover the total cost
let us just say no more are we at home
difficult as it was, we left our lands

the sea, the sand, the sun, the surf, the shore
until our reunion, thirty years hence
remember life under the big, blue dome
nothing but appearances, all those lies

badgered as an adult, how I look back
at our time together, the stormy skies
cool to watch lightning, at the beach, attack
kindness as a concept, dollars and cents

traffic circles, orbits in gravity
how a moment escapes our awareness
everyday I miss how we are all gone

cancer eats away at the cavity
leaves me lonesome for ages in stages
obliged to lick my wounds in all fairness
cancer is my politics, as a pawn
kiss my friends goodbye as the sea rages

Monday, September 16, 2024

Summum bonum ~ Monday, September 16, 2024

If I were younger ... such is not the case
forget Wittgenstein ... by now, he's long dead

I am just body ... no duality

were I twenty-five ... awareness in place
each day I wake up ... I write down my dreams
read and write and sleep ... Oblomov in bed
each day I study ... mortality

youth is not wasted ... but the best-laid schemes
of enticed children ... ends up in a hole
underground, hidden ... the bodies in piles
needless senselessness ... whatever the goal
granted, rhetoric ... now I run for miles
each day that I rest ... energy I store
rest until I work ... exhausted, what more

sit and meditate ... drop off not drop out
until body fades ... drowning, grasp at straws
challenged by the smoke ... extinguished candle
haunted by the past ... grotesque water spout

if I were older ... and, yes, not dead yet
sycophantic bores ... suffer Plato’s Laws

never a stranger ... untouched by scandal
open up her box ... double entendre
tempted by the fruit ... the irony, bet

tell me, Socrates ... what is emptiness
hold the door open ... good morning, rejoice
engulfed in the fire ... welcome readiness

clasp the necklace shut ... sterling silver voice
as the case might be ... visit Szentendre
sentence St. Andrew ... crucifix saltire
each day in Scotland ... the end of Empire

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Darth Verim ~ Saturday, September 14, 2024

If feeder is home
Feeder has not fed me, yet

Feeder must feed me
Empire ends with Rome
Empire sets the world on fire
Devil-may-care, bet
Empire shapes glory
Remind me to wake Feeder

Is as I desire
Shapes glorify sense

Hold me back, where is my food
Old dogs, pure nonsense
Murder is my mood
Empire kills Vader

Friday, September 13, 2024

Poland, 1939 ~ Friday, September 13, 2024

Little do they know
even if I remember
bittersweet kisses
even if I blow
nonsense gestures as I leave
still in September
risk never misses
a mark as golden as dawn
until next time, grieve
make yourself aware

must an educated guess
even if you scare
adults as restless
now as a doe and her fawn
shadows in a show

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Reynard ~ Thursday, September 12, 2024

Is it just me then
seeing the one lunatic

inhabiting space-
time since God knows when

just me hearing the sparrows'
unsound rhetoric
suffering with grace
these little chatterboxes

mean by the narrows
emerge black and blue

touch wood solemn under oath
heaven knows where to
enter River Lethe
note the wily, old foxes

Monday, September 2, 2024

Ἀλεξάνδρεια ~ Monday, September 2, 2024

She was my high noon
how goes my missing shadow
eclipsed by the moon

woman makes me croon
as badly as a black cat
sings a sweet fado

must I sing a tune
yes, or howl low as a wolf

how sad not to scat
if only my voice
graced could drown bees down my throat
how this was 
my choice

now, old as a
ornery as foul Rudolf
object of no fan
not catch-as-catch-can

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Coercion ~ Sunday, August 25, 2024

For me, as you know
other things happen, not great
really not that bad

maybe, I could show
everyone, maybe even

a judge, some debate
some lives are just sad

yolk on my face, such disgrace
only roll seven
under duress, twist

knife until you hear a scream
now, untwist your wrist
only in this dream
wisdom takes wits to save face

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Transference ~ Sunday, August 18, 2024

One day, she woke up
never for a good reason
everything changes

decidedly, cup
after cup of black coffee
yet, as each season

shifts and exchanges
heat for cold and back again
each sheet of toffee

shattered and broken
holds sweetness in each morsel
every unspoken

word, how Nita fell
on hard times, as if to feign
kisses and bear hugs
empty promises

undermines her provinces
projects words at slugs

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Therapist Priest ~ Saturday, August 17, 2024

Traumatized as a boy, he confessed how
heaven knows how he knew, how to follow
each person in his parish to see why

Boredom, the Almighty, creates the now
uplifting the heavens, to allow lust
truth hidden in desire, empty, hollow
loquacious as a duck, cooked in stir-fry
everyone knew the priest, I knew him best
researched my whereabouts, within such trust

Despite the fact that I did nothing wrong
in prison, on Death Row, I rot, justice
defends the innocent but for a song

If a serial killer, Augustus
tricked the law to frame me, then, be my guest

Petite madeleine ~ Saturday, August 17, 2024

When I was a child
how freely I spoke and felt
each emotion grow
never mild but wild

I was born as a shipwreck

waiting for the belt
adrift ice floe
sunken with all my treasure

as I stood on deck

children in lifeboats
hold hands and wave goodbye
in vests and pea coats
left behind, I cry
dust and sand, tears of pleasure

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kalingādhipati ~ Thursday, August 15, 2024


Brilliant! If I say so myself, Ātman
underneath the veneer, the veil, the guise
talent weighs on the scales, in the balance

talent is practice within anātman
hidden in plain sight within selflessness
emptiness, Śūnyatā, wears a disguise

trust not appearances, let your talents
rule as a guide to truth, for sooth, I speak
under guard, lock and key, my carelessness
took hold, a prisoner, in a dark keep
hold on to your horses, this is my home

if I earn what I deserve, then I sleep
soundly, underneath the big, blue sky dome

only appearances favor the weak
never mind the guttersnipes, those who know
live within reflection, contemplate mind
yet, words get in the way, to overcome

kindness as an idea, watch the light show
needles pierce the fabric, perceptions melt
objects in the mirror appear unkind
wicked, smoke and dragons, as we become
nervous, full of anxiety, dharma

builds by actions, choices, decisions felt
yet, directed by a moral compass

guttersnipes, Joe Strummer, I missed The Clash
until disappointment fades, comes to pass
truth is simply a word, a sword I slash
time and space as concepts, all is karma
except not vendetta, vengeance, revenge
remove schadenfreude for ahiṃsā
serve not joy within misfortune, resist
needless acrimony as to avenge
in principle, one wrong for another
perhaps war for the Lord of Kalinga
escapes civil conduct, as we insist
serves all, father, mother, sister, brother

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Unification ~ Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Now everybody—
on your marks, get set, and go
winner takes it all

what is samādhi
how collective unconscious
arises, shadow
transforms as the fall

of old orders coincides
round bored, obnoxious

witnesses, selfish
how we desire property
and wealth as shellfish
there, our poverty

needs to look up, as the tides
over and above
witness a hard shove

The Big Fish ~ Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Needle pops balloons
emergent gas creates sound
escapes from prison
dives into saloons
lifts up skirts at Moulin Rouge
enters each unfound

perhaps with vision
organs on the Black Market
provide days in Bruges
seldom seen by sick

bludgeoned folk left in bathtubs
as a candlewick
leaves a scent of scrubs
lingering in hospitals
only their patients
organ-deprived wait
necessarily, patience
serving them as bait

Temporality ~ Wednesday, August 14, 2024

To connect the dots
obviously, before time

creates perceptions
ordered into slots
not that we can imagine
needlessly, a mime
eating conceptions
connecting the dots with light
transforms a famine

that all time is one
how time, before the big bang
explodes as a pun

decisively, fang
or claw, to defend our site
time implodes dharma
seen within karma


Imagine that time
moves within our perceptions
as if a straight line
gives meaning to crime
in the street or in our homes
now these deceptions
emerge as a fine

torn away from what is real
how we write these poems
as if what is right
takes place before our own eyes

time becomes the light
if past the disguise
maybe we could break the seal
even solve the prime

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sailor's Delight ~ Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Your relationship
opens at dawn in the spring
under clear, blue skies
rust creeps up your slip

rust oxidizes your pipes
ends your time to sing
leaves you with your lies
as summer comes, your beach reads
transport tinder swipes
introduced in bars
on trains and planes with cocktails
nearly wrecking cars
so, as autumn fails
how to prepare for what breeds
in winter, the sun
pulses cold, no fun

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Mirror ~ Saturday, August 10, 2024

The old man is my old friend, Nemesis
he is not my father, nor my brother
exactly what he is is uncertain

older than stellar dust, he believes bliss
little does he know, comes from ignorance
decidedly, this dolt is the Other

mark my words, you can lower the curtain
as he snores through Carmina Burana
noticeably, he farts during the dance

if the mirror of language were applause
still, he would stand up and bow in response

my old friend, Nemesis, is not the cause
yet, he is not the man either, ensconce

old age in ageist terms, turn arcana
lightly over the green felt card table
decidedly, The Fool, his fate is sealed

friend or zero, my foe is my downfall
rise from the ashes, as I am able
imaginary bird, Phoenix, am I
even the clairvoyant, her blood congealed
not from the laying of the cards but small
decidedly, imperceptible sounds

Now is her house haunted or is my mind
eventually, in such decay, the tricks
my old friend, Nemesis, plays on my eyes
enter the mirror stage holding two bricks
such golden bars weigh nothing to the lies
inflicted by stardust in leaps and bounds
such is the burden found within a kiss

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Murmuration ~ Sunday, August 4, 2024

Wu Ch'i said: 'I am able to inquire into what is hidden and by means of the past investigate the course of future events.'


"Blessings!" as they say

yet to stain the floors with blood

mark my words, disdain
emulates full sway
anarchic pendulum swing
naturally, the flood
sidles past the slain

orbits via elliptic
forces on the wing

travels in the sky
hoi polloi, starlings in flight
eagerly, they scry

positions of slight
affluence, status cryptic
status, a measure
to praise their pleasure

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Augustus ~ Thursday, August 1, 2024

August is for atoms and atonement,
understanding Partition takes its toll
grieving history is impossible
unless it happens to your kind, hell-bent
set to make governments pay symbolic
taxes only poets know of this goal

itinerant claims, incognizable
stalk the earth as soldiers, as veterans

forgotten in their trauma, all too sick
organically in distress since childhood
remember your children do not fight wars

atom bombs drop, celebrate as we should
that we think we should celebrate in bars
or create monuments on deaf islands
makes a mockery of millions who died
suddenly, in a flash, ripped off their flesh

as radioactive energy, dust
necessarily ends carnage, they cried
dry tears of determination to show

atonement as a strategy to thresh
tried and true economics and lust
over the journeymen, what they endure
necessary for a country to grow
expiation for sins, actions of hate
men argue and debate the need for war
eventually, something breaks through the grate
needless surprise attacks, carnage and gore
trust not ancient rivalries as the cure

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Unofficial Business ~ Wednesday, July 24, 2024

One hand claps my ear
no irony rings the bell
enter the zen-dō

harmony, a tear
as it rolls down, I feel sound
not bad, not unwell
despite a soft blow

clearly, Zenji hears the pitch
lifts me, wings unbound
anger, desire, fear
pains me more than delusion
serves me right, unclear

mind, a decision
yesterday, at dusk, I stitch

each cut with some thread
as to what I dread
restless wolves, an ancient witch

Sunday, July 21, 2024

entre ces deux langues ~ dimanche, 21 juillet 2024

il y a cette boîte
le chat à l'intérieur

y partícula

alfa de largo

caliente alcance
entre les deux mondes
tué ou vivant
tué le chat de l'espace
entre deux états

boire du vin rosé
organiser une grande fête
î (i-circumflex)
tirer ton chapeau
entre la vie et la mort

Friday, July 19, 2024

Demure Drug Mule ~ Friday, July 19, 2023

As sweet as sugar
suffer the saccharine trust

sucrose assets save
wealth from a hooker
each sex worker knows their trade
each pimp works like rust
till plow to the grave

ask not who earns a deep cut
sugar makes the grade

sorrow defines life
under the scalpel, abort
gifts within such strife
ask not what they snort
real cocaine out of her butt

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response ~ Thursday, July 18, 2024

To attain enlightenment, satori
on the Red Line seems antithetical

answer me this, do you expect to find
the wisdom you seek under a torii
the vicinity seems right but a lie
attached to objects categorical
in an instant to awaken to mind
nothing without perfect understanding

enlightenment doesn't come cheap, the sky
needs to be replaced, that's a lot of paint
leave the clouds alone, people like them white
ideology becomes a complaint
given notions of purity and light
however, no one can stop the branding
transcend reality on the Red Line
even if it cannot be done, just try
nothing but emptiness and wisdom true
maybe not here, tingles up your straight spine
even such sensory responses speak
nothing for satori, I sit and cry
trying to make sense of a world so blue

sorrow and suffering help me reflect
as people appear ignorant and weak
transcend reality, the help you need
obey the rules of physics, get on, sit
realize their anger, hatred and greed
involve the conditions, create a pit

of despair and delusion, to detect
nothingness beyond the self, the story

transcend reality, seek no-glory
how elusive is the mirror of mind
even if one word slips out this I find

Restlessness in others creates small waves
ever still as a placid lake, a stone
drops to create ripples, pass all the graves

Literally, the dead offer a bone
if this is not humorous, leave aside
nothing but pain and suffering, gory
each cemetery we pass, there, my bride

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Summertime ~ Saturday, July 13, 2024

Anticipation, silently, I buzz
slinky as a little black dress, I bless

the ground beneath her mythic feet, I flee
how to escape a rape, a snake, I push
each apiarist far away, I seek

passion, the afterlife, poet, I guess
robes flowing to the marble floors, I see
only flies on the walls, summer, I die
visions of justice wronged, such breadth, I creak
each floorboard bends, a shade, such weight, I smoke
restless dust in the Underworld, I work
bitter memories into ash, I woke
in death to loveless emptiness, I twerk
at the nightclub, or a strip club, I cry
lonely as the other, my wife, I find

forgotten by the birds, sparrows, I hear
lingering in bushes, chatter, I break
into song, the women listen, I grind
each lens into ashes and dust, I want
selfish thoughts to disappear, soon, I fear

orbits of gravity escape, I stake
nothing but, yes, my loneliness, I trail

through tomato gardens, hopeless, I ask
humanity to remember, I fail
each day to uncover fortune, I mask

wealth in a magical disguise, I haunt
aspects of this world, ignorant, I shine
limber as a leaf, green as spring, I dream
language reaches the dead, absurd, I cream
slimy walls, maggots and pus, splat, I pine

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Alien Citizen ~ Thursday, July 11, 2024

As the song, "Born in the U.S.A.", plays
silently, I rage inside with sorrow

the decades spent in this country, the fact
how I got here, to what purpose, it stays
empty, my lack of pride, lack of pleasure

silently, I seethe with rage, beg, borrow
or even steal, if to take what I lack
nowhere to run, ain't got nowhere to go
given two legs, I run to seek treasure.

Born in Bombay, millions I left behind
over and over, we moved, place to place
remember nothing, memories turn blind
nowhere is home, family is my disgrace

if alcoholism were a game show
not that I would ever know, now you see

the reason I studied philosophy
how I needed to make sense of childhood
emotional and sensitive, no good.

Until I became an adult, all grown
Sugar was sweet, I was beat, I was blown
Away by California girls, the years

passed, I grew up, I grew old, I shed tears
lonesome, an alien, a citizen
after my father died, a simpleton
yes, these words I string, a popcorn necklace
still, poor, no business sense, this room, my space

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Karen ~ Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In my arms, you fit
not that I then understood

mistook the red flags
yet, here and now, sit

awaiting your sweet embrace
rest assured, I brood
mistakes, pack your bags
still, you I will always love

yes, my arms, this space
once you fit, I stare
until the window turns black

fixed, wishful, I dare
in a heart attack
to call out your name, my dove

Tirich Mir til topps ~ Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Once there was a time
not long ago, not at all
children were this tall
each child had a dime

time was the days were longer
how long no one knew
each child who could grew
really strong and then, stronger
each day the trees wept

wept for each child born
as each child grew very big
smaller than a pig

as big as a thorn

to adorn every rose bush
in time gardeners learned
many a child yearned
each day to grow in the Kush

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tussy Presides ~ Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The ego is fierce
how it will never let go
endless figure eights

even as to pierce
gallantly a large balloon
order is for show

if The President debates
seeking election

for a silver spoon
in an infant's mouth
elicits a certain charm
recent polls go south
contain the alarm
ejection in detection

Sunday, July 7, 2024

मार ~ Sunday, July 7, 2024

Murderer demure
under death's dark influence
recovers her sense
decent and secure
even her apprehension
reveals affluence
egoless, immense
recovery in a cell

despite detention
execution row
masks her willingness to serve
under no Lucknow
response to observe
enmity, a bell

Singularity ~ Sunday, July 7, 2024

In one direction,
needless to say but I speak

of temporal sense;
now my objection,
earnest as a pledge: my plight

diminishes weak
introspection; hence,
remove the veil of white lies,
emerge into light;
correction: as time
takes no time whence to unfold
in itself: a chime
of one note, so bold
no one perceives 
its disguise.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Il pagliaccio ~ Friday, July 5, 2024

The world irritates
how it rubs against the grain
excites as to vex

witless dust frustrates
old ashen corpse broken down
reason out the brain
leave the world a hex
death spell or a placid lake

interview a clown
realize the smile
realize the fallen tear
invokes bitter bile
transform hate from fear
authenticity so fake
turn genuine strain
engaged in good sex
sieve water through clean sluice gates

Thursday, July 4, 2024

ο αστεροφάγος ~ Thursday, July 4, 2024

At PK's, a bar, Irish, a chip shop
to associate football, Chicken Tikka Masala

Preposterous space, a pipe dream fitted
Kicks for penalties, or Papa Kitty
suck shit and die, this one life, upstairs, a bookstore and flights

a massage parlor, yoga studio

basking in the sun with a rooftop pool
a high-rise hotel, too much, location, Hyde Park, Hype Dark
remember the bills, the debts and the rent

If I were lucky, studied business, stars
ricochet across the sky at night, a meteor falls
if I were born rich, I'd clear the oceans
such debris to choke all of Alaska
how to end this endless life, full of marvel and wonder

asterophagos eats stars and pipe dreams

chonky, pitch black cat in the restaurant
helps himself to the food dropped and left for waste by patrons
if supporters knew how important dreams
placed and fitted square means to an artist

shrug your limp, drunken shoulders, why should you care, language bakes
hearty, Goan meals, Vindaloo Palace
order a Guinness in the Irish pub
pop on by for a massage or practice Haṭha yoga

Spell ~ Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Fourth of July. On this day, I cry
how I'm no longer a child, how fireworks appear so wild
each year, I grow old. Look back, sad and cold

Friends no longer lie on the couch, eat pie
on TV, The Twilight Zone, give the dead dog a Milk Bone
underneath, now mild, the floors newly tiled
rest from acting bold, a mask, a life sold
thoughtless, empty, from the start. Decisions, a work of art
how on my smartphone, I write poems, hone

old memories lost, knives rusted, the cost
forgotten, an old man weeps, others celebrate, he sleeps

Juju, black ice frost, winter beckons, tossed
under the bed, creeps out with yellow peeps
lingers awhile as eyes dart side to side, wary, claws smart
yet, how do they pry apart summer's dry

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Karmann Ghia ~ Thursday, June 27, 2024

Commit suicides
over and over until
mom pulls out her hair
memories as brides
in waiting at the altar
torment my mind still

silly girl, how fair
until the sun burns your skin
if I in your car
create purpose, strive
if I could accept it all
decide I'm alive
each day, take the fall
still, throw out the rubbish bin

Are You Serious ~ Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why was I born, Dog
how glowing, scorching and bright
yesterday, the sun

wait, Sirius, Bog
a Polish God nominates
serious to slight

I am less than fun

born naked, Diogenes
obeys staves, creates
recent events, God
needles in my heartless eyes

Death becomes me, sod
ordinary lies
grant me bless you when I sneeze

Happy Birthday to Me ~ Thursday, June 27, 2024

I wish I were dead

wish that I was never born
if people I meet
sad sacks sold and bought
harbor ill-will in their words

I move on, no scorn

wish I were dead beat
ever never been a dad
remember the birds
each day in the trees

deciduous leaves cause strife
each day in the breeze
as I sweep my life
down the dustbin, sad

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Damaged ~ Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beyond the beyond
even words cannot describe
years ago I saw
over near a pond
no for rhymes sake I tell lies
decades ago a bribe

these lies no a claw
hold on on one leg a duck
even in disguise

brilliant as the past
each moment twenty twenty
yes even to cast
order as plenty
needless what the fuck
did one foot abscond

Cucullus ~ Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wish I were creepy
if I crept through your window
soundless as an owl
hungry for sleepy

Indonesian spicy rice

would you show Aunt Flo
eyes under a cowl
remember I am a monk
even to play dice

creeping into bed
reaping in sin what I sow
even if you spread
eagle as I grow
perturbingly turgid spunk
yellow leaves weepy

Monday, June 24, 2024

American Hate Crime ~ Monday, June 24, 2024

Woman Tried to Drown 3-Year-Old Girl After Making Racist Comments, Police Say

A Texas woman tried to drown the child in the pool of an apartment complex last month, the police said. The child’s mother said her family was Palestinian and Muslim.

Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd,
Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.

~ William Congreve

Elizabeth Wolf lives her godless life
literally drowning children in hell
intoxicated in a public place
zephyr spouting racist rhetoric strife
ancient as slavery the western wind
blasts capital punishment charges smell
egregious behavior this brimstone space
touches a nerve in spring of twenty-four
how Pentecost descends as to rescind

Welcome to Ignorant America
only melting pot in the world where hate
lashes out to murder poor Erica
for Mrs H has no name to let fate

leave the victims alone open the door
if the pot simmers with no one around
varicose veins, pathologies galore
eternal ruler save us from unsound
solutions for her to settle the score

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
every day in prison the mourning bride
remembers Elizabeth unadorned

godless in America Euless pride
old American delusions arise
delusions based on ideology
logic as politics what a surprise
every war comes with no apology
senseless sensibilities try to kill
successions of children swimming in pools

linger a moment hidden by the will
instantiations of madness from schools
foreign to American minds the Greek
education system to this I speak

Saturday, June 22, 2024

TRUCE ~ Saturday, June 22, 2024

All is suffering ○ an orange decays □
lift the rind off of its flesh ○ needlessly dehydrated □
let pigs eat such pearls ○ or compost dried fruit □

in uncovering ○ raw flesh set ablaze □
sad and pathetic houses ○ aghast with spirited ghosts □

sadistic refresh ○ needlessly baited □
unless the good girls ○ give in to cold brut □
forget imaginary ○ ephemeral fantasies □
forget past spouses ○ deferential hosts □
elephants at dusk ○ elephants at risk □
remember the old boneyard ○ cast all delusion aside □
ivory yellow tusk ○ answers much too brusque □
needles under hard ○ yellow nails such pride □
grants the green olive fairy ○ success to fail overseas □

Addiction ~ Saturday, June 22, 2024

Find a better way
in a maze I smell the cheese
needlessly hungry
difficult to say

as to why I became lost

burdened by the breeze
each time this angry
temperamental white lab mouse
tips the scales, the cost
each day increases
rivers of cash flow backwards

work never ceases
as I look towards
yet another gambling house

Monday, June 17, 2024

connect ~ Monday, June 17. 2024

etched in the margins
this graffiti that i wrote
captured as doodles

hurled in rubbish bins
english dictionaries tossed
deemed worthless no vote

i eat my noodles
neatly in a china bowl
take back what i lost

helpless as a child
etched graffiti inside books
made stupid and wild

answers found in looks
remain etched deep in my soul
gifted with the touch

intuit the thoughts
nestled in their minds not much
sense how all the dots

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Celerity Observes Light Equilibrium Yearning ~ Saturday, June 15, 2024

On a crystal clear
night, the Atlantic Ocean

awakens the mind

caught in becalmed seas
resting on the deck, watching
you name it above
stars and galaxies
tales of an Irish sailor
awakens the mind
left in the silence

caught in the wonder of time
left with the stillness
each moment unfolds
as a stealthy humpback whale
rises to blow air

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Warszawa ~ Tuesday, June 11

A Chihuahua barks
shivering full of anger

if he barks, he hurts
flames erupt from sparks

I'm your angry Chihuahua

cuddly while danger
oversees flash spurts
underneath the sad façade
liquid Warszawa
decrees I prepare

clear-thinking blank slate children
as if I could care
reason occurs when
evidence of war, my God

Monday, June 10, 2024

To Do the Right Thing ~ Monday, June 10, 2024

The village idiot everyone knows
hungers for recognition but he blows
everyone away with his ignorance

vile rehearsal while he pretends to dance
if you were he what would you do instead
laugh at the breadwinners, spin on your head
laugh at your circumstances if you could
an idiot with self-awareness would
gain access to the kingdom as if woke
even a holy fool would blow less smoke

in the eyes of the audience, dry ice
dispensed from a machine, bright lights and spice
if the world is so dense not to smell shit
old, dirty drawers, stained what hits little bit
the fan, air all the gossip, so damned thick

every scent hell bent, einen Augenblick
virtual reality like a game
everyone plays although there is no shame
reality is not the same, the dream
yesterday is forgotten today, scream
orgasmic at the fog before your eyes
nothing but ecstasy as a disguise
everyone knows the truth that no one speaks

kiss the air beside each cheek, the floor creaks
nothing but rotten wood how to replace
old floorboards, the world of idiots trace
wicked history, sad but true events
sentiments aside, would you have the sense

Friday, June 7, 2024

Fire! ~ Friday, June 7, 2024

Am I a poet if I don't publish
maybe I care more about the dead wood

I see all the trees in the used bookstore

as a person who thinks too much, rubbish

placed on the shelves never purchased or read
objects to ethics and the phrase, I should
eat all the trees in the rainforest, bore
that I am, I will never go abroad

if they bulldoze the habitat, they said
for the betterment of mankind, a joke

I don't care to see these words in a book

decidedly lazy, I know, and always broke
or late for work, I'm jaded, take a look
not at the trees but the forest, the sod
that chooses to destroy is not Shiva

personified like Krishna as Vishnu
understanding the cosmos, a Hindu
burns his wife with acid, such a diva
let bygones be bygones, move on and weep
if there is no natural habitat
shove all the money in a mattress that
helps your stiff back as you try to sleep

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Summertime Blues ~ Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Blessings, as they say
a beautiful distraction
nothing but pink shorts
as I run away
longing for love to return
if interaction
treats what it purports
yellow roses when love dies

Dreams of what they spurn
rest in memories
even as touch loses sense
arm candy stories
maybe I'm too dense
stupid not to foresee lies

Executive ~ Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Decide between two
evils, greater and lesser
choices not mistakes
in hindsight, one shoe
drops, wait for the other one
each predecessor

bit by bit retakes
each event as follows
the plan, with shotgun
weddings, the oven
echoes with one bun at least
eggs at the love in
never not fresh, yeast

troubles the fragrant hollows
word in the valley
old mountains rally

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Everest ~ Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Riddle: What is the meaning of life?

Rife with answers, the clue is the question
itself, as only humans use language
demonstrating a need to make common
desires to communicate the shared
life within each body, within each mind
empty without social interaction

What is the meaning of life? For some, tea
however others prefer their coffee
as the common ingredient, water
tastes bland but is the key to life on Earth

in turn to ask what is life and wherefore
such archaic words and ideas still float

to great heights, as a helium balloon
hovering higher and higher to reach
each moment, lack of pressure, expands

measurements designate what is unknown
each being seeks limits before they burst
ascending nine thousand meters, as high
notwithstanding vast internal pressure
if to scale Mt. Everest with the cold
not pronounced as Sir George Everest would say
given names ground arbitrary nature

order and randomness, complete chaos
followed by anarchy and destruction

life lived for revolution or mundane
incoherent work towards suffering
for a greater good whether that be golf
exactly puts the question in context

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Samādhi ~ Saturday, June 1, 2024

She had a nice face
had a nice smile, her eyes blue
enormous and deep

had I enough grace
as to ask her a question
depth without a clue

as if I'm a creep

nothing but a nobody
if my suggestion
could imply the worst
even if I weren't the best

facts are I am cursed
as unlike the rest
contemplating samādhi
echoes mind as trace

Friday, May 31, 2024

Obsolete ~ Friday, May 31, 2024

Aweful to behold
what's behind door number one
enter the unknown
fulgurant in gold
unspeakable to reveal
let the gods have fun

treasure a mind blown
over adventure, the wind

blissful and unreal
enter the unseen
holy sepulcher of sense
old, musty suit, green
nonsense, too intense
despite shades split to rescind

Baudelaire ~ Friday, May 31, 2024

I am the stranger

amused by the passing clouds
marvelous beyond

the fear of danger
hovering high in the sky
electrical shrouds

shock the demi-monde
the unsavory seedy side
restless for the cry
angels cannot bear
not that they are real, you mind
gorgons at the fair
exactly, I'm blind
remember clouds, empty pride

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Poker Face ~ Thursday, May 30, 2024

I'm not a poet
'mmm, never wrote poetry

never read out loud
oh please, don't blow it
to make a mistake and face

a fact, knowingly

poetry sucks proud
oh yes, I see your pride march
exhibit and raise
ten thousand dollars

maybe you are worth my praise
maybe no scholars
maybe leave no trace

Underneath the Moon ~ Thursday, May 30, 2024

When I was a child
hovering over adults
needlessly so wild

I found the ground to allow

wonderous results
as if destiny
sluggin fer Jesus, set down

an unknown dun cow

clairvoyant as fuck
hovering over the past
in history's flux
leave the child to gasp
difficultly as a clown

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bastard ~ Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A jackhammer first thing in the morning

juiced, primed, ready to rip to bits concrete
actions beyond words, beyond sound, pure noise
chalk up the ass of Balaam's alderman
kindness beyond belief, a real angel
haunted by the stalking God with camera
absolute photogenic memory
murder by numbers, twenty-two, said twice
morning glory, Blue Star, Massachusetts
ends questions underneath a swimming pool
rebirth, resuscitate, raped cadavers

fuck this world of karma, allegedly
in a past life, all these men hurt this man
rape as inquisition-execution
suck my cock, bitch, are you not my daddy
truculent defiance for Sylvia

tormented as a child by his brother
he sat in meditation for decades
intuition as an epiphany
necessarily drove him to murder
given this was not the Bosnian War

intuition without self-reflection
nothing but an egotistical brat

transcendental hate crimes against Black men
heinous to reconcile thought processes
enter the psychiatrists into court

murder for false ideological
obsessions guarantees death penalty
remote arguments for childhood trauma
negligence in privileged community
intervention impossible, death squad
needlessly smoking cigarettes, they wait
given orders to shoot, by God, they shoot

Monday, May 27, 2024

Starving Artist ~ Monday, May 27, 2024

Suffering for art, what a lark, no one
tears a shed apart, no one sheds a tear
apart from a touching public display
reserved for dust storms in a museum
vision impaired by cosmic dust bunnies
inhale deeply, exhale, cough, cough, cough, fear
nerdles on the beach, mixed with sand, dismay
grants me the serenity to accept

Art school disasters, the Sunday funnies
refer to my lack of income, move on
to study economics and finance
in the hope of a foundation to clean
several patches of ocean debris, stance
towards money, form the slope-intercept

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Triptych ~ Sunday, May 26, 2024

All my ancient twisted karma,
From beginningless greed, hate and delusion,
Born through body speech and mind,
I now fully avow.

– Zen verse of repentance

All encompasses the whole universe

left to play out without interference
left without cognition or volition

maybe I spins a two-sided mirror
yet I sees nothing in the looking glass

ashes and dust create and destroy flesh
noble ideas come to nought in a dot
confusion as time appears linear
in a flash all events occur at once
every instance connected by a thread
no distance, no length, no height, width or breadth
transcend all thought within a quecto-dot

transcend the universe as quetta-file
winsome and beguiling in appearance
instants never arise, nor start or end
simply delusion, the truth lies hidden
trust not in perception or sensation
each moment haplessly runs the gauntlet
dimensions based on needs of perceiver

kindness to witness beauty and sorrow
actual real life as orbit patterns
reveals the dialectic as empty
marksmanship shoots bullets at a target
as a bullseye reveals the mind of God


Forget to fail at forgetting to fail
remember to die memento mori
object at objections in courts of law
memory summons mind back to the stand

begin at the start of the beginning
except in timelessness all connections
gain momentum from randomness transformed
in the end no end but an illusion
nothing but nothingness, not even that
not even nothingness in emptiness
in conceptions, anger, hatred, and greed
nothing but arbitrary, random thoughts
given gravity, how mind orbits mind
left alone to let go of loneliness
except disconnection is delusion
sound asleep I fly solo as I run
sucked into the vortex of a queer word

games to play, victims and perpetrators
remember torture as exploitation
emancipate the signifier, soul
except a word is as empty as sound
defy defense mechanisms to grow

happens in the iota of a dot
as quecto- or quetta- nobody knows
transcend spatial attributes as a fold
edges sharp as collars collaborate

arguments for and against become moot
never aspire before the death of greed
desire shapes hatred, a force to harm

define delusion as dystopia
except everyone believes in the dream
let go of letting go and letting God
until intervention occurs, blindness
simply explains why nobody can see
in front of their nose, the truth lies hidden
orbits in gravity as connections
nirvāṇa as the final goal, blown out


Born and yet unborn or perhaps stillborn
or born-again, amounts to the same thing remember to breathe a deep breath, exhale
needless suffering in the face of death

teach billionaires about loving-kindness
how to walk away from this misery
reach out to have my hand slapped down, shake hands
only to walk away from ignorance
underbelly of society, laugh
grifters and hand shakers, anger and greed
how delusion guides the minds of the weak

body to overcome and to embrace
orbits in gravity fall to the ground
decision executive to not come
yet, what a world to inhabit inside

suck ups and sycophants rule all the rules
partake to break bread and drink wine and cheese
emptiness is just a word: Śūnyatā
each day I stare at the sun, disbelief
could I believe in God, insensible
how I left gibberish for gibberish

ask me to make sense of all this rubbish
nothingness and bad faith, ontology
dialectic, beyond that emptiness

mind is not my mind, my thoughts, cognitions
in a bowl of tomato soup, the flies
no speech, nor language, signs, something greater
despite extra protein, bowl pushed aside

I am not you, I am not me, I am

nothingness in the ephemeral soup
object to objections, a court of law
wins all the cases presented, fuck all

fuck everyone in the world, too many
understand one axiom towards peace
let go of anger, greed, and delusion
let go of avarice and deception
yet, try as you might to make a living

ask me to avow and to disavow
visions of afterbirth, what is to come
only God is a word, yet, imagine
wicked the mind that cannot see beyond

Gravity ~ Sunday, May 26, 2024

Born and yet unborn or perhaps stillborn
or born-again, amounts to the same thing remember to breathe a deep breath, exhale
needless suffering in the face of death

teach billionaires about loving-kindness
how to walk away from this misery
reach out to have my hand slapped down, shake hands
only to walk away from ignorance
underbelly of society, laugh
grifters and hand shakers, anger and greed
how delusion guides the minds of the weak

body to overcome and to embrace
orbits in gravity fall to the ground
decision executive to not come
yet, what a world to inhabit inside

suck ups and sycophants rule all the rules
partake to break bread and drink wine and cheese
emptiness is just a word: Śūnyatā
each day I stare at the sun, disbelief
could I believe in God, insensible
how I left gibberish for gibberish

ask me to make sense of all this rubbish
nothingness and bad faith, ontology
dialectic, beyond that emptiness

mind is not my mind, my thoughts, cognitions
in a bowl of tomato soup, the flies
no speech, nor language, signs, something greater
despite extra protein, bowl pushed aside

I am not you, I am not me, I am

nothingness in the ephemeral soup
object to objections, a court of law
wins all the cases presented, fuck all

fuck everyone in the world, too many
understand one axiom towards peace
let go of anger, greed, and delusion
let go of avarice and deception
yet, try as you might to make a living

ask me to avow and to disavow
visions of afterbirth, what is to come
only God is a word, yet, imagine
wicked the mind that cannot see beyond

Accountability ~ Sunday, May 26, 2024

Do I know what I did wrong in this life?
of course, I know. I was born in Bombay

I deserved what I got that came my way

kisses in return for hugs from Janet
now the genetic alcoholism
of course, forced my defense mechanisms
when I needed to act out, show the world

welcome to love: torture and violence
how corporal punishment works in turn
ask me if I understood as a child
this life of purgatory is pure hell

I had a brother who hated himself

does this explain why he tortured a child
if the fact, he was a child, too, allows
distant events never to surface, sure

welcome to karma: unproven concept
realize how control acts in this world
of course, speculation has no answers
nothing but emptiness as a null set
given, is it too late to start again?

it is absurd to imagine freedom
not that it is impossible but how

that I recreate my autonomy
how to rise above past events, let go
invest in the future, begin again
suffering and sorrow is all I know

lift the veil, all I want now is to die
if I could do whatever I would like
for instance, learn to ride a motorbike
even that seems a dream, wishful thinking

Friday, May 24, 2024

Extinguished ~ Friday, May 24, 2024

Forget to fail at forgetting to fail
remember to die memento mori
object at objections in courts of law
memory summons mind back to the stand

begin at the start of the beginning
except in timelessness all connections
gain momentum from randomness transformed
in the end no end but an illusion
nothing but nothingness, not even that
not even nothingness in emptiness
in conceptions, anger, hatred, and greed
nothing but arbitrary, random thoughts
given gravity, how mind orbits mind
left alone to let go of loneliness
except disconnection is delusion
sound asleep I fly solo as I run
sucked into the vortex of a queer word

games to play, victims and perpetrators
remember torture as exploitation
emancipate the signifier, soul
except a word is as empty as sound
defy defense mechanisms to grow

happens in the iota of a dot
as quecto- or quetta- nobody knows
transcend spatial attributes as a fold
edges sharp as collars collaborate

arguments for and against become moot
never aspire before the death of greed
desire shapes hatred, a force to harm

define delusion as dystopia
except everyone believes in the dream
let go of letting go and letting God
until intervention occurs, blindness
simply explains why nobody can see
in front of their nose, the truth lies hidden
orbits in gravity as connections
nirvāṇa as the final goal, blown out

All My Ancient Twisted Karma ~ Friday, May 24, 2024

All encompasses the whole universe
left to play out without interference
left without cognition or volition

maybe I spins a two-sided mirror
yet I sees nothing in the looking glass

ashes and dust create and destroy flesh
noble ideas come to nought in a dot
confusion as time appears linear
in a flash all events occur at once
every instance connected by a thread
no distance, no length, no height, width or breadth
transcend all thought within a quecto-dot

transcend the universe as quetta-file
winsome and beguiling in appearance
instants never arise, nor start or end
simply delusion, the truth lies hidden
trust not in perception or sensation
each moment haplessly runs the gauntlet
dimensions based on needs of perceiver

kindness to witness beauty and sorrow
actual real life as orbit patterns
reveals the dialectic as empty
marksmanship shoots bullets at a target
as a bullseye reveals the mind of God

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Behind Closed Doors ~ Thursday, May 23, 2024

What do you think this is? Kindergarten?
hopeful for show and tell? Bloody morons!
as if I could care more, couldn't care less
the days of pre-school are over, Martin

did you expect us to be friends for life?
oh you are pathetic creatures, as pawns

yet, lovably naive, work them to death
of course, we have your retirement fund
understand, we will cut you with a knife

take for instance, your wedding cake, slice, slice
how did you imagine we could be friends?
if in a hundred trillion years, the ice
nervously foretells what it thus portends
kindness costs nothing, much less than a pound

take a moment to reflect on the pain
how suffering, there is nothing to gain
in this world, people hurt each other bad
sensitive, since I was a child, vomit

in the car, on Terence, motion sickness
since he deserved what he got, never sad

Kin, not worth my time, family but a joke
in this life, I have been tortured, I spit
not in the wind but the face of God, guess
diminishing returns surface in trade
each investment offers a sum less broke
returns from neglect, like omissions find
grievances grow up to revolution
arguments for poverty are not blind
remember, I see all the pollution
talk like this I do not condone, the spade
ever present for Seamus with his pen
no I am not him, nor am I not zen

Monday, May 20, 2024

Couch Potato Anarchist ~ Monday, May 20, 2024

My work is undone
yet, to create a moment

when, again, I start
over time, the sun
roasts ignorance to a crisp
kick start hope, foment,

instigate, retort
sleep through a reign of terror

underneath a wisp
nothing but a threat
despite a deciphered code
only just a beat
nothing but an ode
end me, by God, this error

Heroin ~ Monday, May 20, 2024

I wanted to be

weirdly enough an addict
addicted to junk
nothing special, see
to become the President
envision a fact
despite just how bunk

total addiction appears
obviously bent

bent on destruction
except I could not succeed

wack instruction
except for the need
indeed, a bike lacking gears
revolve on nothing
destroy the future
like nothing ever matters
yet, was I bluffing

enter childhood lost
need my skull a new suture
old mirror shatters
under a feather
given the weight, the cost
heavy price to pay

addicts envision
nothing but pain without say

as a decision
difficult weather
decide yes or no for life
initiate hope
call for a medic
to ask for assistance, knife

addicts in the back
decide to smoke dope
defense of the prophetic
if a death mask cast
cast in plaster, smack
the glorified grunge scene drug
exemplified dreams
dreams of neglect, shrug

to accept the voiceless screams
of course, hope can't last

junk never we met
until I awoke, the joke
not a gateway toke
kiss hope goodbye [...] bet

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Age of Discovery ~ Friday, May 17, 2024

The darkening stage
handles particles or waves
emptiness erupts

dull and slow, such rage
as volcanic tempers rise
rejoice: Jesus saves
King Charles interrupts
environment over gain
no one to despise
irrupts through a door
nothing but lies and honey
groans heard through the floor

spare change, cash money
take a moment, feel the pain
answers to engage
galley full of slaves
endless capital corrupts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Shikaakwa ~ Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A life without hope

languish in desolation
in isolation
forgotten for dope
each life worthless but to harm

wind up the alarm
if to hear chatter
the sparrows within a bush
hope offers a push
outside to shatter
unforeseen misconceptions
trust in deceptions

how a life of drugs
offers a world of release
portals without cease
each addict seeks hugs

Monday, May 13, 2024

Sensitivus ~ Monday, May 13, 2024

As if I heard thoughts
seemingly to read your mind

imagine a child
foresees all the dots

I look into the darkness

how are they not blind
eats the salsa mild
ancient unknown tongues spoken
room full of starkness
dines alone at night

takes time to chew each morsel
how no one is right
of a fin, dorsal
underneath lies unbroken
gilded bijou charm
haunted by the past
they remember an alarm
slender the thread cast

Thursday, May 9, 2024

[that way] ~ Thursday, May 9, 2024

As you know, they say
some people have all the luck

yesterday, I slept
only kneel and pray
understand nothing but pain

killjoy, what the fuck
notice that I wept
onto my pillow for years
watch how they complain

they know naught but pride
how people live for so long
evermore, so snide
yet, nothing is wrong

so long as all of my tears
are kept in a jar
yes, [*] they won't go far