Friday, November 24, 2017

Juju ~ Friday, 24 November 2017

Identity the key to unlock the deadbolt to my grief-stricken heart damage control opens doors with a fingerprint or a retinal scan enter my domicile it isn't much more than a hovel a pigsty note all the books in piles the mail the dirty clothes waiting for me to start to do laundry or clean the cat litter for weeks on end the endless mess is everywhere and spring cleaning nowhere to be found like a working fan to blow the dust around in the heat of summer a cat calls out his cry yellow plaintive lonely he has no other friends he drives the girls crazy

Unique as a black cat looking for attention off Lake Shore Drive I guess nobody else wanted to care for the hungry stray too skinny to leave in the care of nature outdoors on the beachfront along the Lakefront Trail quick to cross the bike path Little Juju Kitty caught my eye tugged my sleeve unlike other moments when I'm running the path I stopped to catch some tail ecstasy in his eyes as I carried him home he grew fat and lazy

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