Friday, November 17, 2017

Young Hare ~ Friday, 17 November 2017

In the zendo before meditation I hear the phrase dropping away body and mind and I reply inside my head not two not one and sit in silence and focus on my breath and posture words rattle in my head deception at each turn like a hall of mirrors inside my head I play entrancing games to keep me awake language hides behind a long black cape magic feeds illusions makes words larger than life more important than food 

in the same place I sit in a pew and listen to jazz vibraphonists my girlfriend by my side later on I mention a perception to wit perhaps the energy and memories of jazz will remain as I said asking not from query but from zazen practice right there atop that stage language hides a rabbit inside a black top hat children with mouths agape ask not out of wonder or surprise but to learn an crafty attitude 

a graceful antelope leaps about in my head as I sit in honest contemplation of mind and body as not two not one beyond language understanding beyond concepts categories definitions meanings multiple shifting thoughts springing inside my head lions leap from a cage engage in swift pursuit of a red antelope whom they seek advantage not two not one not mind not body not language focus on my breathing

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