Saturday, November 4, 2017

☆ Pardon ~ Saturday, 4 November 2017

Without a doubt it was entirely my fault I am to blame for not acting sooner for not showing remorse for not showing up before death took my father away where flames consumed his corpse to leave ashes and bones enter my world of shame where everything I do is wrong like getting caught reconnecting with friends my father told me not to contact nor to meet yes Ricky lit a fire Andy and Louis ran I stayed to put it out 

Excuses aside thin watery excuses deserve a good thrashing xenophobia in Southern California made me say shibboleth countless times to fit in as a foreign-born son who felt both sticks and stones under circumstances outside my own control my father beat me good sixty minutes later I lay crying in bed never could I entreat either of my parents to forgive and forget wrongs accrued without doubt 

Life in America was anything but milk and honey this flashing into reality the phenomenal world lifting away the veil quarrels with brown squirrels never advisable taught me with whom to fight under no condition never argue with mom she endured like redwood in the national parks of Sequoia and Kings Canyon where to travail deliberate hard work would deliver liquid to quench fires of delight

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