Saturday, November 25, 2017

Superfluous ~ Saturday, 25 November 2017

If this is the meaning of life I'm not surprised as reproductive cells darting in directions without an intention our brief motions decline exactly with our age ourselves remain the same unchanged in our habits not even in a group does a transformation in us cause any bells to ring the equation on each side expresses a chemical balance in no way unequal like an identical proposition defines truth as certainty no one cannot ascertain redundant as rabbits yawning at the chasm between this life and death breeding without a care 

Catastrophes occur yet we appear unchanged chemically imbalanced reason does not allow us to see the tightrope as dangerous unsafe in this instance to cross we must decide to act the disaster below somehow must be dealt with by someone in command who does not feel the chafe involved when a certain pressure is applied with the heat from afterglow seeing the world aflame she must stand a pillar of strength fully aware

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