Last night I died just like you in my sleep
Although I died from pneumonia
Still the fact remains I died the same night
The very same night that you died
Nobody knew we would die together
If they did someone would have done something
Glad to know no one intervened
However obvious the fact remains
That I died and you died without a plan
I could not have killed you not in my sleep
Did I mention I died of pneumonia
I could barely breathe with these inflamed lungs
Enter the delirium state
Did I mention I called the hospital
Just as I was falling asleep
Until they arrived with an ambulance
Still the fact remains I died just last night
Timing is everything with clear vision
Lapses in certainty
In arrivals and departures
Kings and queens at the gates
Enter my delirium to tell me
Yes you did call 911 in your dreams
Obviously it wasn't effective
Until the ambulance arrives just sleep
Insist you did everything that you could
Nobody needed to die just last night
Mercy comes in the form of an angel
Yes my delirium caused me to dream
Sleep can be calm or fever pitch
Like heaven or hell as we imagine
Enter the gates at the airport
Enter my illogical dreams
Perhaps I didn't die what if I did
Goodbye Cruel World ~ Sunday, 31 December 2017
Just before New Year's Eve
I flushed a small horse-fly
down the porcelain drain
Unwittingly I spoiled
the guest-host relation
with disconcerting pride
Swift with shock and awe-struck
I watched the certain death
of a pest born to lose
Time runs out with sudden
unpleasant occasion
sensations in the brain
Bewilder my senses
I cannot flee or run
away or fly past nets
Ever losing balance
the tides shifting swirling
with a maelstrom effect
Focus if I focus
my ommatidia
I may not feel so drunk
Overboard I've fallen
into the salty sea
drowned in a whirlpool tide
Recurrence eternal
my death the same my life
exact I cannot choose
Event A Event B
or even Event C
it's all the same to me
Nothing ever changes
I've seen it all before
this life full of regrets
Enter the empty bowl
only to refill once
again as I expect
Wonders never amaze
or cease to fire synapse
after synapse once sunk
Your battleship since caught
in the crosshairs to shoot
a torpedo propelled
Exactly through the hull
a bullet through my skull
a horse-fly drunk with death
Ascertain this fiction
metaphysics delight
in knowledge of theory
Rewards of afterlife
unseen and uncertain
the curtain since dispelled
See my original
face beyond the veneer
of false hope my last breath
Iris ~ Saturday, 25 November 2017
7:13 AM ~ Arlo flips the channels through PBS to see Sewing with Nancy. Remembering the obituary of her he saw yesterday, he exclaims, "She's dead!" But, out loud to himself; since no one else is at home. (Nan staying with her sister Mia at her place for a Prince memorial celebratory event with a woman friend Nan met online). And he imagines the strange possibility that his best friend from childhood, his mom dies at that moment of pancreatic cancer which Arlo had just learned about yesterday. As if someone could be in touch with another person so far away as to know when they die before learning about it from the family announcing her passing themselves. Either way, he's heartbroken to hear of Iris being sick for a year or so. He's not upset with his friend, Judd. He probably had Arlo's best interests at heart. He is an unusually emotional man. But one who is insensitive to the needs of his own family, and may dance upon the metaphorical graves of his parents once his own mother passes away. No need to get sentimental on her account. Too difficult to do so anyways. So sad how perceived abuse skews perceptions in the mind of the abused but not the perception of the abusers.
Looney Tunes ~ Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Tempers flare at age ten when I was arrested put in a holding cell entirely alone except for my best friend who lit a small brush fire maybe I should have run like my other two friends who bolted when police put us in the back seat of a squad car and drove to the entrance of hell otherwise known as wrath that would descend like hail pummeling me with fists righteous with rage and feet kicking my ass from one room to the next his ire absolute relentless his displeasure bursting from his ears like dry ice little did I know then how memories remain hidden beneath the skin
Paterfamilias pushes the envelope for assault without risk opens the temporal portal into terror this son worse than the first restless for attention negating his chances to fit in with others together his family formed bonds against the boy unconscious unrehearsed accustomed as they were to tears they were not moved by the little brother life under my parent's roof was not my own to share their love like blood flows thin
Talaq ~ Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Case closed no discussion to pursue no further inquiry or time spent on investigation on blind speculation on wild accusation mother brother father you threw the book at me no longer will we speak mutual disregard useful as a tactic with letter of intent on creating ground rules to ignore each other and move on with our lives not unlike a divorce your Roman Catholic faith will never condone
never will you accept apologies for past mistakes during childhood only you keep my deeds for future reference after dad's cremation reality shatters the mirror of denial removing the mystique made apparent by loss the death of the family patriarch leaves a hole a vacuum to abhor nature consolidate power in separate hives life with you was never normal never loving alcoholics disown
family members who act as individuals children misunderstood as eccentric artists often held to account for past misdemeanors maybe there is no line clearly demarcating adulthood at eighteen I don't care how the state defines when our legal obligations start clean lifting the veil of lies secrecy deception I resolve as my goal yellow with Dutch courage dad went orange with rage remove red at cleaners
Runaway ~ Monday, 19 February 2018
Tristan trusting no one
took to the road and left
town let down by family
Rocked by party people
papa held a bottle
of feni in his hand
Unconcerned about work
the next day his children
hidden away upstairs
Sleeping despite the noise
mama hands shot glasses
to the school faculty
Tristan noticed at school
the next day hungover
teachers too drunk to teach
Ignorant to the needs
of children the adults
watched the surf feet in sand
No one cared what happened
that day at school they knew
their teachers had affairs
Groping for the light switch
to pull in his bedroom
he decided to steal
Nathan's motorcycle
riding along the coast
to toast girls at the beach
Only he didn't know
when or if to go back
home as a runaway
Biker without parents
who could give him their love
full respect and support
Only he didn't know
where the road would lead him
he didn't have a say
Didn't care when to stop
to settle down take root
in the redwoods to sort
Yesteryear in his head
the fresh air in the north
gave his dream it's appeal