Monday, March 19, 2018

Religion ~ Monday, 19 March 2018

I squeezed every last ounce
of sleep from my pillow
but still felt as restless

To wake as to remain
asleep had to peel off
layers of dream to rise

Reach for the alarm clock
to break it into bits
smash it apart open

Intelligent brown eyes
to the light of daybreak
sleep at dawn wake to piss

Eternal release push
push struggle peel off flesh
scrape yesterday off face

Dry the past years of ears
cut off from the strange fruit
brutal to dream in red

Test my reserves at work
burning the candle both ends
confronts my stamina

Open the door to greet
Sunday see no hear no
speak no evil church lies

Wish that I never went
indoctrination stinks
worse than pink pussy zen

Articles of faith writhe
between sinews and bone
wrench muscles full of blood

Kiss the hand bite to bleed
lick to feed such the need
to smash apart the vase

Elegance with panache
time to squash empty gourds
dried out useless shells bred

As attack dogs to slurp
at bowls wet with horse meat
moist Maoist vagina

Trapped in a cultural
devolution endless
revolt against empire

Determination breeds
dogs to claw to pieces
brutal aggression hate

As if ugliness wakes
with me to fall asleep
a perpetual mood

Wins as character mind
and body drop away
birth dissolves in the pyre

Noble in name only
this rose reeks to smell sweet
enter the gateless gate

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