Monday, July 30, 2018

Twitch ~ Monday, 30 July 2018

Pain sends the bite of signals black
that bruises on the skin
and turns to love without mercy
and cannot think with gin

And Sugar from the bar calls out
so warm between her thighs
that seeks to crush beneath her foot
the glass of marriage lies

I felt a chill in that pulse beat
as music to my ears
long ago such acknowledgement
sent red flags for my fears

Never again will i ignore
those signals from the sky
heaven sends a spirit to warn
of demons who may try

☆ Ethnicity ~ Monday, 30 July 2018

I was born in Bombay, India to parents who came from both Goa and Nairobi, Kenya. Our ethnicity is Goan but my problem begins with this background. Are we of Indian descent, if so, which group? Do we have Portuguese genes in our DNA? What does it mean to say I'm of Goan descent. Before 1500, what was our religion? And why does this matter? So many strange questions. Why should anyone care? Will any of this help make better vindaloo? Or explain why I grew up in America but feel no kinship with American people? Am I American? Or, am I a Goan? Or did I land on earth from another planet and forgot where I came from and why I am here? Or maybe this is hell?

Declaration ~ Monday, 30 July 2018

Merciless Indian Savages shows the world
exactly how a phrase can destroy a nation
remember description describes from hand to pen
curiously the mind of the author who speaks
intentionally with incendiary words
let us remain aware of the plight the natives
egregiously suffered at the hands of statesmen
setting into effect a death warrant to force
savages to observe Manifest Destiny

Indigenous people protect their way of life
native before the false pretenders to the throne
decided property matters more than their lives
ignorance on this scale plays out but in reverse
as Americans push out any immigrants
neglecting to mention their descent from migrants

Savages simply means from the woods but implies
awkward uncivilized people set to protect
viciously with hostile aggressive offensive
attacks to kill all men who created equal
guise their words and actions to hide their intentions
ending the history of natives on their land

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Groovy ~ Saturday, 28 July 2018

Vruvvi, the bumblebee, flew across the country
to taste the salty sea, to enjoy liberty,
and two weeks on the coast, so she could boast
of cheese on toast and roast leg of lamb,
better than Arab spam, gyros for forgotten heroes
on pita, with tomato basil soup made by Rita,
because she makes the grade and takes the cake,
for Vruvvi to journey forever and a day
to witness history in the making, raking
in the dough by manifesting prosperity.

Vruvvi visualizes silver and gold, shivers
at the sight of a fat stack of bills, thrills
at her bed covered with Benjamins, wins
the prize for sugarcoated lies, her thighs
tremble as a bumblebee to meet Mumble
Bunny behind the old oak tree where they tie
a yellow ribbon in remembrance of Bon Jean
who died after the war of syphilis, he spent
his free time visiting the shores of Qingdao
to screw dozens of whores behind the brewery.

Darkness ~ Saturday, 28 July 2018

Thomas pokes his finger into the wound of Christ
his inability to suspend disbelief
entertains the critic sitting in an armchair

Marking notes in his book as he watches a film
ever so all alone in this huge theater
remembering his pain he sits Indian style
chairs in this theater allow a massive man
in his fifties to sit comfortably with pain
leaving his legs somewhat numb the sciatic nerve
enervating a pulse shooting up to his brain
somehow he ignores noise from within his body
slowly letting his mind focus on the details

Images pass in frames to quick to catch the light
nearly twenty-four times per second between frames
delighting in neither the story nor the plot
in a paroxysm of merciless false wit
another harsh review enters the newspapers
needlessly destroying interest speaking his mind

Anthem ~ Saturday, 28 July 2018

Fight for the right to live as other people do
on our own terms without systemic oppression
undermining our rights to live freely to act
reasonably at times run when we see danger
shout down the enemy for they possess weapons
carry a lethal force to kill without remorse
openly the police murder as they see fit
rely not on justice to avenge your children
every person must rise up in our unity

ask yourself if you turn a blind eye to others
nobody will notice your lack of attendance
demonstrate to what end why protest against death

simply turn off the news walk away no worries
even this too shall pass but neglect hangs around
vindictive yet hidden under layers of dust
even God does nothing to end the suffering
nothing but wash his hands of hatred and bloodshed

yesterday I climbed up all the way to the top
everywhere I could see only heaven and earth
at basecamp I looked up to imagine this view
really there is nothing to compare this vision
seeing the world below from this height gives insight

as we seek perspective to understand this life
given certain contexts certain parameters
only humans unlock the meaning of struggle

on the streets in cities in every neighborhood
until we end this war there can never be peace
remember those who die in vain when no one cares

faith in our collective future as one people
as one nation to build a safer republic
that our own descendants will look back and honor
hard decisions to stand our ground against terror
even police tactics induce a state of fear
reasonable people seek to change their values
seek to change attitudes hardened over decades

best to take time to make amends for past mistakes
responsibility requires accountable
ordinary people as worthy citizens
under the crimson flag of the revolution
gathered in assembly to tackle the problems
haunting our great nation graveyards full of lost souls
troubled by the troubles arising from police

fortunately not all police practice hatred
on principle their pride based on a loyalty
reliant on a chain of command to offset
taking responsible action for their choices
however inhumane the company they keep

only each officer knows their own misfortune
no one may judge others without firm evidence

taken into account the court is not to blame
human limitations cannot see past the veil
involved in criminal activity lawyers
shake down each innocent defendant of their crimes

criminals enter court innocent as they face
otherwise certain terms of incarceration
no one sentenced to death ever saw the gallows
to match their heinous crimes or rotting in prison
in the act of murder as befitting their acts
nothing stands in their way to plan a perfect crime
each master seals their fate by the trace left behind
neither cookie crumbs nor sesame seeds spit out
tell their story at trial only the trail they blazed

ask any officer if they feel endangered

no one knows better than their spouse or family
even if emotions they hide in their presence
works their way out sideways like a clumsy jailbreak

naturally no one sees themselves enemies
against the fraternal order of the police
taken the fact the state and all of its systems
in order to maintain control of its its peoples
only exists because we give it the license
not only to protect and serve its citizens

concerned parties believe forces against the law
on orders of gangsters feel the need to destroy
not only the police the organization
created by the state endowed by the people
entitled to use force to apprehend or stop
individual acts of violence or crime
virtually above the law in enforcement
evil as it may sound since corruption pursues
deceived agents of law once they cross the blue line

indeed the citizens create the protocols
new rookie officers learn on the city streets

left to patrol children and adults equally
if they themselves forget to obey certain rules
by nature of their job it becomes accepted
even when someone dies unless the lethal force
restraining a victim is deemed as excessive
to spectators of crime or as unjustified
yellow-bellied murder punishable by law

Friday, July 27, 2018

Circles ~ 27 July 2018

Comatose tomatoes dribble as dreamers dose
off in the asylum where other nightshades sleep
march indefinitely towards the wedge of cheese
absent-minded in rest as they talk while awake
terrible to listen to screams high-pitched explode
on the scene as I hide away under the sheets
shitting myself stupid as night breaks into day
enter the breakfast hall where the drinker of bleach

Trusts his fumigation technique intoxifies
ordinary madmen to quarrel with squirrels
messengers of spirit howl as to disembowel
attempted suicide victims perpetrators
too inclined to survive to succeed in failure
overlook their mistakes to inundate others
egregious with perfume this sickness unto death
stay demented or leave in a heartbeat I left

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Desert ~ Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Nineteen-eighty begins as any other year,
on January 1st, Tuesday, nothing happens.

Until the 20th, when the Steelers defeat
the Rams, as expected by Vegas Insiders,
in Super Bowl XIV at Rose Bowl Stadium.

One year later, Reagan took the oath of office,
sworn in as President of the United States.

Two months later, in March, an assassination
attempt fails and Reagan recovers by the grace
of God, in his own mind, to serve a greater role.

My family had just moved. I started junior high
late in nineteen eighty, or nineteen eighty-one.

An eleven year old boy, born in India,
stood out from the other children, mostly white kids,
privileged and entitled to certain benefits,
simply by their parents also having fair skin.

I enjoyed watching them burn and their skin peel off
at the beach in summer, although their misery
paled in comparison to blacks in our hometown.

Huntington Beach melts flesh from bone as a desert
climate would anywhere, when ignored by locals
lovely English gardens and swimming pools arrive.

Black families chose to live in this community,
south of Los Angeles, in an attempt to fit
in and assimilate, along with the influx
of Asian families from Turkey to Japan,
but mostly from Iran and war-torn Vietnam.

But outside of LA, here in Orange County,
black families were less concentrated, outside
the state-sponsored public housing projects in Watts
and other areas with poverty and gangs.

Black children got a chance here in Huntington Beach
away from endemic drug use, unemployment,
and violent hate crimes, less seen in our hometown.

Being of neither black nor white descent left me
in the minority with other non-native
children of immigrant parents who settled here.

The next ten years would be my last to live so close
to the ocean, the beach, and its quirky culture
of anything we can get away with doing
in public or private becomes American
by our default status of being cutting edge.

Southern California is a trip on acid
whether or not you take a hit of LSD.

LSD today means Lake Shore Drive, Chicago,
not lysergic acid diethylamide, nope.

"Say nope to dope and ugh to drugs," a commercial
with Freddy, a dummy, and his ventriloquist,
Sheriff's Sgt. Aaron Williams saying the words
didn't keep our interest, nor did Nancy Reagan,
her anti-drug catchphrase campaign to "Just Say No"
became our whole reason to escape the real world,
our sole raison d'être was to oppose Reagan,
both Nancy and Ronald, both Hollywood actors
turned anti-communist conservative leaders
for the right-wing pundits to glorify their words,
Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall, now a meme
of high eighties culture, political events
would devolve with Gulf War Operations Desert
Shield and Desert Storm back in the early nineties.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Border Patrol ~ Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Midnight hiding in the timid might of das Ding an sich
in the thing-in-itself thin mint cookies hint to my mind
dim with fatigue hit upside the head by dint of liquor
nitwits like myself lacking one digit on each hand hit
into the nature of noise and language as spirit the id
gin-soaked reclines in contemplation of suicide to die
however requires strength of will or a sense of timing
trapped between a pillow and those dreams to follow

Espresso presses the soul to repose amongst roses
sores appear from distractions whilst eating the lips
pose a problem on the meaning and reasons for pain
rope in the form of a noose never resolves this issue
engaging with eros and thanatos as love sees death
solve riddles a Sphinx poses to spores of prose poets
seers prophets posers and the press toss pesos out
on the street before they take part in a shooting spree

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Divested ~ Saturday, 21 July 2018

It makes no sense at all and makes no difference
to me I see no point in my experience

maybe after four years the government will fall
all this fuss over Trump makes me laugh at you all
kiss Obama goodbye wait two years to mess up
elections at midterm sip from the poisoned cup
slip up in two more years expect four years of Trump

nothing more funny than to watch us kiss the rump
of the donkey as each Democrat plays the game

shout at the devil blue in the face taste the shame
evident from neglect to bear witness to views
not of our own liking walk a mile in their shoes
see just how our beliefs differ from those people
electing to accept life under the steeple

as the only choice faith in God military
troops and the national anthem no more scary

as we know than belief in free love sex and drugs
liberals embraced back in the day before thugs
loaded up city streets with heroin or crack

ask yourself if backlash from the right like a whack
noticeably painful hard upside the head
difficult to respond to hungry ghosts unfed

many years by left wing politics and the tricks
art demands to remain in power to throw bricks
kills the buzz in a house made of glass transparent
elections may win votes for a candidate sent
straight from a pit of hell who more better to sell

no more war agendas to families with troops
on battlefields waiting to come home but the hoops

difficult to jump through to survive on the whole
in lands sick of seeing our soldiers with one goal
find every enemy combatant to defend
foreign interests in oil and resources to send
endless supplies under our command for power
reigns true when wickedness hides within a tower
enter our policy while upon foreign soil
needless to say we kill before we clean and boil
chicken found on the streets the broken and abused
enter society traumatized burned out used

Friday, July 20, 2018

Vignettes ~ Friday, 20 July 2018

Opts to read the paper instead of watching news
presented on TV by self-taught spin doctors
to read between the lines to interpret subtext
sits comfortably well on a bench in the park

Post a poem online just to see if someone
on this vast spinning sphere cares to face emptiness
sitting comfortably sound in meditation
taking in the weather a cool breeze the warm sun

Pots in a cupboard fall noisily in the dark
of night in the kitchen a prowler tries to make
timeless dishes from France this Parisian prowler
sings in French and curses his luck at getting caught

Spot check search for prison fugitives way out west
presents the old problem of getting there on time
only time is absent in the present moment
take a look at your watch the second hand stops still

Stop passersby to ask for the time as you smoke
those fat cigars in hand blowing smoke rings perfect
on a dime a car breaks before hitting a child
pretending not to cry from the trauma he met

Tops spin in true balance until they stop to drop
on sidewalks from a height ten stories above ground
pitching themselves over the edge the windowsill
slides each down speedily meeting their destruction

Critique ~ Friday, 20 July 2018

At the far end
of a tunnel
the light you see
is just a train

take it for what
it is a train
however long
seems eternal
endless nothing
lasts forever

forever is
eternal hell
ask the devil
himself how time
real in itself
is illusion

engage in thought
never thinking
for a moment
damnation is
this life itself

only accept
positive views
for what is real
matter matters

as do black lives
if we agree

then murder harms
the populace
under no fault
of the police
no one will know
why people die
no one will know
why police kill
who fights to breathe
lack oxygen
from a chokehold

take life in stride
you are alive
however not
really for long
even a train
may last longer

light at the end
of the tunnel
in fact may be
something you see
granted a train
is not heaven
however death
may be a box
tucked deep in earth
beyond the lies

yet as you see
orders the mind
with delusions
unknown to real
everyday tasks

say what you want
believe in lies
everything is
within the real
even false hope
and sheer terror

indeed heaven
and hell are tropes
such metaphors
for the unknown

justify pain
and suffering
blinds us from death
still chances are
change will come
the afterlife
may not be false

as no one knows
what the outcome

to life entails
we ask ourselves
real life or lies
fiction or fact
answer yourself
your own question
if the meaning
of life is some
noble venture
or just a game

Infinitesimal ~ Friday, 20 July 2018

Death comes to those who wait to meet a busy God
even if you should climb every step to the top
a line to get inside an extremely small room
this tiny office space contains every single
human soul ever born on the face of the earth

challenged to reach the top of the tallest building
only with one stairwell and no elevators
may seem a futile game with an ancient wizard
eternal beyond time outside the universe
silent as a deaf mute infant who cannot hear

to answer the prayers offered by humankind
only the spirit acts as messenger for God

tell me why you believe or choose to otherwise
haunt your former dwelling because you cannot face
our only meaningful pursuit after this life
see both dark energy and dark matter with eyes
even scientists dream to use to see deep space

where God resides within a dead star a black hole
home to every lost soul searching for the meaning
of life beyond language beyond our existence

we imagine this space where God asks a dead soul
after it made its way patiently to the top
in a moment breathless with anticipation
to describe exactly what it had expected

to happen while alive so God could adjust time
on a grand scale to fix the most minor problem

most souls look into God baffled by a maelstrom
even to dare answer with total honesty
ever to change a thing only one hungry ghost
took matters into her own hands and swallowed God

a beam of light burst forth from the dead star to earth

basking in victory she was born to be queen
under the Union Jack to reign supreme over
sovereign nations who bow before her majesty
yet God did not appear on earth or disappear

God remained in darkness and silence for all time
only because his work was already finished
done in a mere six days this being the seventh

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Collaborators ~ Thursday, 19 July 2018

ask and you shall receive as the evangelist
states are the words of Christ ignored in our own day

are we obliged to pay anyone who asks for cash

take the homeless woman who sits on the sidewalk
as my own example of a poor art student
never aroused interest from administrators
tell me who really cares to cure world poverty
as a global disease where human parasites
live off the working class but not capitalists
in their own charity they receive incentives
zilch on paying taxes for their business ventures
in their own corruption of capitalist growth
never would they allow the poor to gain control
gain ownership privilege entitlements kickbacks

designed to destroy lives the human meat grinder
invites stupidity recklessness and foolish
simpleminded actions in our adolescence
praised by the spin of film and news journalism
let alone the ethics and criminal justice
as professors promote the unholy doctrine
yellow as their slouch spines to save the status quo

only a god can save our lost humanity
for decency goodness and honor oblige few

the entertainment world acts as an industry
honed like a Bowie knife for a fight at the sandbar
even historians write to preserve values

unknown to humankind is the meaning of life
no one could possibly understand its meaning
since words get in the way of hearing the silence
as for Samuel Beckett he kept mum a closed trap
in an invitation for others to seek out
determining factors why language is useless

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Bhavacakra ~ Wednesday, 18 July 2018

In the prime of my life I went completely mad
no one could help me find a way out of the pain

Time unravels tangles with persistent effort
however much the drugs in high school affected
each little shift of mind towards the great unknown

Parents cause more damage by their willful neglect
remembering childhood rarely involves the fun
intense moments burned deep into my lost psyche
maybe I cannot hold myself to full account
even when I don't blame my parents for neglect

Of course education and genetic background
find no one left to blame except choices I made

Mistakes held against me well into adulthood
you see the criminal who chose life over crime

Left with my sadistic brother and my childhood
indeed could have been worse if I were an orphan
found alone in a crib without a single touch
every moment a challenge even simply walking

I try not to complain but here I am again

Weak with stupidity a fool among misfits
enter school smart but shy a son of immigrants
nobody knew my dad was an alcoholic
to face this as a child may have made my choices

Concerning acting out stealing cash lighting fires
ordinary kid stuff instead of lifelong wrongs
murderers atone for for lighter punishment
punish children victims but not perpetrators
left inside to mete out their own harsh punishments
exercise parental rights in the seventies
to control their children corporal punishment
even sadistic threats to cut off either hand
left me as a young man too young to runaway
yet I tried at least twice to flee insanity

Madness is contagious in an environment
asking too much to fit in to society
damned if I ever choose to live this life again

Saṃsāra ~ Wednesday, 18 July 2018

We are all born to rot in our little prisons
even if some are more literal than others

as each day passes by we pass another day
reasonably fast or slow as time has its way
engaged in wringing out the bar rag of our souls

as we wake day or night so begins the task time
left off yesterday or earlier today
left us to take up our cross our burden this bag

born in this skin and bone sack the rattle bag creaks
old people know this well everyone who gets old
remains susceptible to suffer life in pain
no one escapes the truth no matter how blind drunk

they choose to get to pass the time to hide away
on their own in denial of the pain they must face

reason proves a useful tool but of no avail
once we see on eggshells we walk around others
to pussyfoot in fear we may upset their mood

inside my own prison I take my family
never leaving without them with whom to argue

on my way home from work at night I remember
unkind moments either mother father brother
reached out to do harm against me in my youth

leave it to our own minds to wait until ready
in the moment you least expect it panic strikes
take tigers by their tails ashes ashes we fall
to the ground all of us drowned by the pain hidden
lifeless as a statue of an old sabertooth
even prehistoric humans faced this riddle

passing each day hidden away inside a cave
resting sleeping waiting for a moment of calm
in their wicked gardens danger lurks with each step
still we enjoy their world so completely transformed
on the outside we walk in civilization
no one is free until we all are free as one
still only one needs must wake for us all to rise

Gas ~ Wednesday, 18 July 2018

I fart and the world smells fresh with the stink of rot

fresh as a moldly rose cut down and disabused
as an object of joy by forces of nature
relax here comes the flood to make beauty a blot
to assess for damage as water levels rise

assurance insurance companies cover flood
nevermore greater cause for concern in matters
decided by agents pressed by banks to assess

the term catastrophe as news media hype
hell or high water clause set into every lease
evicts tenants from homes when a mortgage is due

wonders never cease here in terms of government
organizational contracts to destroy homes
relatively untouched by the hurricane's reach
left to die without help from search and rescue crews
death seems more dignified than neglect or abuse

set into play by lack of state law enforcement
murder looting shooting theft kidnapping battery
enter the fallen world the realm of burnt angels
left to fly without wings torched by demonic heat
left to try without love for the souls lost in storms
so frightful editors work overtime to screen

freelance footage of scenes others choose not to see
release the rescue dogs to find overrun morgues
earning nothing to burn corpses all these bodies
seemingly alive once by neighbors just last week
however without pulse people become deceased

welcome the length of life from one week to one year
if you survive longer you may get to enjoy
this moment and the next the gift of the present
humble people accept the terms of these limits

the rest cry out in pain in immense misery
heaven rests in their minds as an uncertain realm
eventually time runs out for some but pain

still weighs within the souls of the living like scales
tried in absentia for spending not enough time
in the presence of good friends making fun of death
never knowing for sure when the moment arrives
kissing your ass goodbye when time comes to a halt

of course time is simply an illusion magic
from still images left in a tin in a drawer

remind me of these words when everyone I know
oversteps the top step in the dark to stumble
thoughtlessly into dust and I will cry in pain