Opts to read the paper instead of watching news
presented on TV by self-taught spin doctors
to read between the lines to interpret subtext
sits comfortably well on a bench in the park
Post a poem online just to see if someone
on this vast spinning sphere cares to face emptiness
sitting comfortably sound in meditation
taking in the weather a cool breeze the warm sun
Pots in a cupboard fall noisily in the dark
of night in the kitchen a prowler tries to make
timeless dishes from France this Parisian prowler
sings in French and curses his luck at getting caught
Spot check search for prison fugitives way out west
presents the old problem of getting there on time
only time is absent in the present moment
take a look at your watch the second hand stops still
Stop passersby to ask for the time as you smoke
those fat cigars in hand blowing smoke rings perfect
on a dime a car breaks before hitting a child
pretending not to cry from the trauma he met
Tops spin in true balance until they stop to drop
on sidewalks from a height ten stories above ground
pitching themselves over the edge the windowsill
slides each down speedily meeting their destruction
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