Saturday, July 28, 2018

Anthem ~ Saturday, 28 July 2018

Fight for the right to live as other people do
on our own terms without systemic oppression
undermining our rights to live freely to act
reasonably at times run when we see danger
shout down the enemy for they possess weapons
carry a lethal force to kill without remorse
openly the police murder as they see fit
rely not on justice to avenge your children
every person must rise up in our unity

ask yourself if you turn a blind eye to others
nobody will notice your lack of attendance
demonstrate to what end why protest against death

simply turn off the news walk away no worries
even this too shall pass but neglect hangs around
vindictive yet hidden under layers of dust
even God does nothing to end the suffering
nothing but wash his hands of hatred and bloodshed

yesterday I climbed up all the way to the top
everywhere I could see only heaven and earth
at basecamp I looked up to imagine this view
really there is nothing to compare this vision
seeing the world below from this height gives insight

as we seek perspective to understand this life
given certain contexts certain parameters
only humans unlock the meaning of struggle

on the streets in cities in every neighborhood
until we end this war there can never be peace
remember those who die in vain when no one cares

faith in our collective future as one people
as one nation to build a safer republic
that our own descendants will look back and honor
hard decisions to stand our ground against terror
even police tactics induce a state of fear
reasonable people seek to change their values
seek to change attitudes hardened over decades

best to take time to make amends for past mistakes
responsibility requires accountable
ordinary people as worthy citizens
under the crimson flag of the revolution
gathered in assembly to tackle the problems
haunting our great nation graveyards full of lost souls
troubled by the troubles arising from police

fortunately not all police practice hatred
on principle their pride based on a loyalty
reliant on a chain of command to offset
taking responsible action for their choices
however inhumane the company they keep

only each officer knows their own misfortune
no one may judge others without firm evidence

taken into account the court is not to blame
human limitations cannot see past the veil
involved in criminal activity lawyers
shake down each innocent defendant of their crimes

criminals enter court innocent as they face
otherwise certain terms of incarceration
no one sentenced to death ever saw the gallows
to match their heinous crimes or rotting in prison
in the act of murder as befitting their acts
nothing stands in their way to plan a perfect crime
each master seals their fate by the trace left behind
neither cookie crumbs nor sesame seeds spit out
tell their story at trial only the trail they blazed

ask any officer if they feel endangered

no one knows better than their spouse or family
even if emotions they hide in their presence
works their way out sideways like a clumsy jailbreak

naturally no one sees themselves enemies
against the fraternal order of the police
taken the fact the state and all of its systems
in order to maintain control of its its peoples
only exists because we give it the license
not only to protect and serve its citizens

concerned parties believe forces against the law
on orders of gangsters feel the need to destroy
not only the police the organization
created by the state endowed by the people
entitled to use force to apprehend or stop
individual acts of violence or crime
virtually above the law in enforcement
evil as it may sound since corruption pursues
deceived agents of law once they cross the blue line

indeed the citizens create the protocols
new rookie officers learn on the city streets

left to patrol children and adults equally
if they themselves forget to obey certain rules
by nature of their job it becomes accepted
even when someone dies unless the lethal force
restraining a victim is deemed as excessive
to spectators of crime or as unjustified
yellow-bellied murder punishable by law

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