The left-handed scissors remain disconsolate
however much we try to pay them attention
even though neither of us are ambidextrous
left-handed scissors are for left-handed people
everybody knows this but the scissors don't care
feeling abandoned by a previous owner
this pair we found crying inside a locked desk drawer
humans can be so cruel to treat common objects
as if inanimate means without memories
no one expects the things they rely on to have
deep meaningful feelings for the people who take
even the slightest note of appreciation
depressed the scissors hides away in the dark drawer
singled out as a pair she would never forget
currently they reside in our home unhappy
in the desk the owners left for my private use
since I already had a good pair of scissors
something in me became ambivalent to care
only at night my wife would hear a squeaking sound
resembling a baby or a lost cat crying
so I went to inspect only to find silence
remaining adamant she heard a noise I searched
everywhere to figure out what I could not hear
maybe I was going deaf or my wife could hear
a frequency that was not in my hearing range
in fact we invited the neighbors to our house
not telling them of our ulterior motives
demented as it seems in hindsight our neighbor
in fact knew our problem before they came over
see the original owner of the scissors
came from Bavaria as a gifted tailor
only his boss gave him a pair of cutting shears
nice ones from Italy that he used everyday
sadly the other pair of left-handed scissors
only were ever used by children to play games
like on TV of crime scene investigations
after the children grew up and went to college
the only other time this pair of scissors felt
even the slightest touch was when my mother died
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