Monday, October 22, 2018

Nostalgia ~ Monday, 22 October 2018

Remember when, back in the day 
we were teenage adolescents 
at the stereo turntable 
not caring about our parents 
dreaming of zeros, punk stardom 
and whatever the fuck that meant 

Blameless for our own dumb mistakes 
under the thumb of no one knows 
taken for a long ride as days 
and nights became a preference 
resting when we were much too drunk 
even to care who found us where 

Never budged an inch for others 
yet took full advantage of friends 
and lovers who were fly by night  
nobodies, we couldn't care less 
zebras at the zoo, or the clowns 
at the circus, there for a meal

Killers in our suburban hell
invited themselves to take life 
by the horns to steal your sister 
under what rock could you now hide
yesterday never returns home 
even while they serve their sentence 

Kiss or kill, we never thought twice 
if we were misguided lovers 
given a chance to make a change 
answer me, would you change a thing 
little did we know about how 
influence plays in consequence 

Brother, your mother was like mine 
you know I learned a lot from her 
understanding and her kindness 
my own parents made it too hard 
by their standards for me to learn 
and I suffered the wooden spoon 

Given the chance to see myself 
again with wisdom and knowledge 
begin all over in high school 
if I could spend a day with you 
remembering all the good times 
only what must I sacrifice 

Under the magic of my pen 
gaining speed as death dries the ink 
as I approach turning fifty 
nothing else matters but friendship 
despite the fact to catch a break 
and make a call seems so awkward 

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