Friday, October 26, 2018

Whimper ~ Friday, 26 October 2018

Struggle to remember, we are only stardust 
take a note from the page at hand, the big picture, 
as you walk down the street, reveals we are nothing, 
rise above the ego you wear on your sleeve, post 
demented responses on Facebook, and then hide 
under your grade school desk, acting big and mature, 
still if you could wake up to the fact that we bring 
thoughts and volition down to earth with gravity [...]

Mind the gap in learning, not all knowledge confides 
eternal truth in class, but if money were sweet
men and women would hope to win the lottery,
only cynicism lets their hearts skip a beat,
resting, but a moment, before clogged arteries,
yellow with plaque, crush them with great solemnity. 

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