If you are creative and imaginative, you may start to wonder about the mind of God.
Fiction, of course, begins with possibility, the chance to see within ultimate consciousness.
Yet, this mind is fiction, since we cannot prove that it exists beyond words, language, logic and thought.
Ordinary people do not ponder ideas of this sort since they lack in practical values.
Understanding the mind of God, to take the leap of faith beyond humans to all events happening
at once, a perspective of each experience from every mind since time began, to motes of dust.
Reasonable people don't have time for this shit, it's complete gibberish, mumbo-jumbo nonsense.
Even as everything is interconnected, all points being equal, beyond judgment, simple.
Creation, maintenance, and total destruction happen in an instant, all time occurs at once.
Remind yourself about your ego and its needs at this point, your hunger to understand it all.
Even if you could sense for a millisecond this unfathomable mindset, you are still just
a brain inside your head, attached to your body, functioning here and now to whatever purpose.
Take a moment to breathe, and remember this breath is over twelve billion years old, gases persist
in a game of balance, chemical reactions, back and forth, from one state to another, as time
ventures to go beyond the possibilities offered in one system to multiple systems.
Even here connections between systems are whole, totality beyond our imagination.
And this is just the tip, not even just the tip, not even just a drop, a quark in the iceberg.
Nothing is beyond God, God is beyond all thought, beyond comprehension, beyond words, language, names.
Despite our vain attempts to describe God, we lack awareness to fathom just how deep this mind is.
Indeed, all past attempts are humorous fictions involving relations between mankind and God.
Meaningless acts of men, women and our children, create a projective understanding of God,
a selfish, self-centered description of mankind in the image of God, a distorted mirror.
Granted humans long past had little sense to see how limited their minds were in their time and place.
If your brain is starting to meltdown or explode, imagine how God sees this moment inside you.
Nothing compares to this, the vastness beyond time, infinitesimal and infinite at once.
As this experiment in language games and thought plays itself out, we see all binaries collapse.
The real beyond the veil of illusion is found beyond the universe, beyond all conception.
If we let go of mind, the ego disappears, the self melts like ice cubes, into water and air.
Venture but a moment to accept we are dust particles configured into atoms and cells.
Even if the spirit overcomes the body after death, we endure within the mind of God.
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