Thursday, October 3, 2019

Annual ~ Thursday, 3 October 2019

Why am I always broke in October, 
homeless in November, help me sister, 
yes, it's cold on the streets in December, 

ask me why I forgot to pay the rent, 
maybe I don't like to take cold showers, 

I don't think anyone cares about why, 

as January and February 
leave me hidden under a viaduct, 
wonders never cease when I hit it big, 
as March turns to April, I find two bucks, 
yep, under a rock with a note, "Good luck!" 
superstitious, I play Mega Millions, 

bam! I hit it big, win the lottery, 
real sweet in June, travel around the world, 
on my birthday in July, I get drunk, 
kiss a cop and spend the night behind bars, 
even after two weeks in confinement 

in August, they set me free, a jailbird, 
nobody knows how hot it is inside. 

Only I had some cash to grease the wheel, 
cooped up in that cell with all the howling 
those wolves make, trapped, 
                  never to see the world 
outside their cell, prison is hell, but time 
builds character, if nothing else, set free, 
everyone is my friend in September, 
robbed of it all, I'm broke in October. 

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