Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vruvvi ~ Sunday, 27 October 2019

Life is short. Make the best with what you have. This moment will never happen again. Magic occurs when things fall into place. If we try to force magic to happen we control nothing but our discontent. Happiness and unhappiness are both simply passing phases, ephemeral, fleeting as emotions and memories, without content to ground reality. When we choose to make the right decisions, to embrace reality as it is, to let go of control, just let things be, magic occurs and time becomes immense, not our personal time, but time itself, the many facets of the diamond mind. Be good to yourselves, kind to each other. Love, support and trust builds relationships, care, compassion and consideration make communication open and free. To disregard this message, to ignore the spirit of freedom and liberty, hard won through struggles with adversity, is to accept your own experience, and let the wisdom of others convey the truth you cannot as yet understand. Life is short. We don't get a second chance. Make this moment work, live in this moment. The past and future are only figments of our imagination, the present, this moment, is the gift we give away. Embrace her, then let her go, a strong hug. We live for these fleeting moments, make peace. 

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