Thursday, October 24, 2019

Undocumented ~ Thursday, 24 October 2019

The desert neglects to advise people 
how important it is to drink water, 
even the cacti know how to hydrate, 

left to their own devices, immigrants, 
on condition of anonymity, 
neglect to observe the border crossing, 
enter the desert without a compass, 

as if hoping for a miracle, ghosts 
neglect to inform them they are now ghouls, 
damned to walk the desert until their bones 

leave the level plane of desiccated 
earth, sand hard-packed, pressed 
      into massive sheets, 
volume density based on saline mass, 
even long before Christ died on the Cross, 
left forsaken by his own disciples, 

sand is a bounteous commodity 
as much as water is one limited 
not so much by the heat, but the axis 
determined every twenty thousand years, 
seems time evaporates on a grand scale, 

still, the immigrants and their families 
take into account that within a week 
reasonable activity will cause 
eventual, inevitable death, 
trusting in God and the Holy Spirit, 
chances are they will die, Heaven can wait, 
humans disappear among the cacti, 

foreigners seek the American Dream, 
adversity builds character, water 
restores humanity against systems 

ancient as Ozymandias himself, 
wasting away, the desert dismantles 
archaic, obsolete forms, a statue 
yields to no one, broken, crushed into sand. 


Acrostic Format Derived From: 

"Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley 

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

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