Saturday, July 11, 2020

Destabilization ~ Saturday, July 11, 2020

Twisted wisteria, the cafeteria an auditorium, 
wicked candelabrum branches aborescent, adolescent children 
ill-trained to tame lions, ions disperse charges, enlarges the picture, 
strictures drawn tight, our fight for freedom as wisdom, liberty as bitter 
twitterpated bambi, silly bambini, we were such bambinos 
entering casinos, betting our lives on wives, husbands, each to their own, 
down-home and fully grown, the task of adulthood unmasked, we understood, 

wasted years of progress repress the memories, the histories of youth, 
in truth, we tasted tears, salty as the ocean, emotions grew into 
sinister games we played, we'd raid the girl's playhouse, no spouse to wives unwed, 
tread carefully, bullies scare us until they scare themselves into prison, 
enter rhizomatic, diplomatic thinking, winking at the camera, 
rootstalks versus branches, multiplicities thrive beyond duality, 
in the city, we run along the Lakefront Trail, alongside Lakeshore Drive, 
alive to the vision of inclusion, we lost the war against all fear. 

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